What would happen if all people suddenly disappeared. What would happen to the planet if all of humanity suddenly disappeared? When humanity disappears

Questions, questions, questions. How many questions? If you asked for an argument, you will receive it. And I don’t ask you to take my word for it. I just set the vector. Search engine input window to help.

And there you will see the opinions of the same people (what a surprise). Everything is ultimately an interpretation. If someone or something tells you what things “really” look like outside of our minds, it will be their interpretation. Who/what will become the measure of truth? God?) Matter, energy, being - again questions for people Svidomo who have the right to talk about such things (for example, Superstring Theory - to the question of energy and the general structure of being. The theory of everything, if you want).

Science is the only thing that can claim objectivity, being not the opinion of anyone in particular, but a generalized, continuously supplemented system, which is the reason for the withering away of archaic views of the world (three whales and a turtle).

Why is our universe so beautiful, complex and orderly? (what is order? and what should a “disordered” universe look like?) There is only one term - the Anthropic principle. This is a logic problem, nothing more. So here's an analogy: if you flip a coin ten times in a row, the probability of getting heads ten times in a row is (1/2)10 = 1/1024. That is, out of 1024 series of tossing a coin 10 times in a row (10,240 tosses), on average, you will, on average, only once achieve a result in which the coin lands on one side up all ten times in a row. This is a strict consequence of the theory of probability, but after the coin has landed on heads ten times in a row, there is no and cannot be any point in asking why it happened this way and not otherwise. You can track and describe the trajectory of the chaotic movement of a coin in flight as much as you like - there is no pattern in the appearance of heads or tails.

If, for example, a single electric charge of elementary particles were to be slightly higher than the observed value, the force of mutual electrostatic repulsion of positively charged protons would not allow the formation of the nuclei of the chemical elements we observe today, of which the Universe is composed. If the unit electric charge were a little lower, the electrons would not be able to gain a foothold in orbits around the nucleus. In both cases, things would never have come to the origin of life in the Universe.

In fact, all the fundamental constants, taken together, have a very narrow range of acceptable values ​​within which the Universe in the form in which it appears to us and provides the conditions for the origin of life could arise and develop stably. The question “why does the Universe work the way it does?” is replaced by the question “Why is the Universe structured in such a way that intelligent beings arose in it, wondering about the reasons for the observed structure of the Universe?” That is, the very fact that a question arises regarding the nature of fundamental forces and laws already implies that intelligent forms of life have developed in the Universe. If, relatively speaking, constants (such as the constant of universal gravitation) differed from those observed, the Universe would have evolved differently, life in it simply might not have developed, as a result of which questions about the root causes of the emergence of the Universe would not have arisen, as such . In this context, it is possible (theoretically) for the existence of literally countless other universes with different sets of fundamental constants, but the very emergence of forms of intelligent life is possible only in universes similar to ours - that is, stable enough for intelligent life forms to develop in them. Perhaps for our one “orderly” Universe, there are myriads of other “disordered” or universes that existed only for a moment.

While ordinary people are trying to guess what could cause the entire human race to become extinct, scientists have long been thinking about the question of saving humanity. The death of humanity is inevitable, because ten phenomena are already known that will erase the human presence on Earth. It is possible that humanity will be able to cope with one disaster, but after a while a second one will come. Both the Earth itself and space become sources of potential threats. But, most likely, humanity will kill itself, can this be avoided? Let's think about it.

The disappearance of resources is the result of overpopulation.

In the last 10-13 years, the population on the planet has grown by 1 billion people; the UN predicts that in a hundred years the number of inhabitants of planet Earth will reach 9-12 billion. Already by 2025, 2 billion people, which is a third of the world's population at the moment, will constantly need fresh water.

Cities will constantly grow, and the area of ​​land for agriculture will decrease. The problem of food supply will remain the same, and famine is expected. But humanity will not escape with hunger and thirst alone; many minerals that are necessary to maintain the blessings of life will be exhausted. When there is a shortage of resources, then war begins. Some forecasts say that the disappearance of irreplaceable natural resources will lead to depopulation. About half a million or a million people will remain on Earth. Civilization will be an agrarian-hunting phase from which it will not emerge because there will be no more minerals.

How to prevent this?

To begin with, it is worth limiting the constant growth of the population, then using technologies that will allow mining minerals on asteroids, as well as using sea water. Build farms vertically and in cities, constantly recycle waste, use more highly productive agricultural products, and also reduce the cost of artificial meat production as much as possible.

Pollinator extinction

It is not even necessary for the population to grow in numbers for food to become insufficient. It will be enough that the bees disappear. One third of all agricultural production depends solely on pollinators. No bees - no soybeans, sunflowers, buckwheat, cabbage, onions, tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, lemons, nuts, coffee and several dozen other cultivated plants.

The number of bees is declining every year, for example, in America about 30% of bee families die out every year, and in Europe - 20%. Of course, new bees appear, but the extinction process is faster than the recovery process. For the first time, news of the mass extinction of bees appeared in the 90s, and in 2006, colony collapse syndrome was described in the United States. The bees left the hive, leaving the queen behind.

Humanity has not yet lost all pollinators, but over the past 50 years, the production of bee colonies has decreased by 2 times. If the trend continues, humanity may be left without beneficial insects and lose a huge share of crops. With such a prospect, it won’t take long for it to become extinct.

How to save bees?

First you need to find the reason why the named syndrome occurs. Possible sources of the problem may include: pesticides, Varroa mites, new unexplored diseases, or a combination of these and other factors.

Scientists at Harvard University suggest that neonicotinoids may be the cause of family destruction. These are drugs designed to kill insect pests. Scientists conducted an experiment; in winter, the syndrome began to appear in the experimental family of bees, and in the control group, all the hives were intact.

Of course, you can find a replacement for the honey bee, such as using wasps or solitary bees. In the United States, they are already breeding a solitary garden bee, which can be used as a “backup” pollinator. The new species of bee will not suffer from the syndrome because it does not create colonies; one such bee can pollinate 50 times more plants than a regular honey bee. Scientists presented the results of calculations, in which it was written that a female solitary garden bee lands on flowers about 6,000 times in one season. Today, farmed orchard bees pollinate about a hundred hectares of almonds in California.

Chinese gardeners have found a radical solution; in years when many bee colonies die out, the Chinese engage in manual pollination of plants using special brushes. For China, this solution is acceptable, but for countries with few human resources, it is not.

Medicine has done its job - natural selection has practically no effect on humans. Just a couple of centuries ago, epidemics wiped out the unadapted population. Now humanity has antibiotics and advanced diagnostics along with surgery. Poor health is no longer an obstacle to reproduction.

Now there is an accumulation of genetic defects; people with a large number of mutations usually have weak immunity and low life expectancy. Genetic defects appear in every new generation; without natural selection, a person may find himself on the verge of genetic degeneration and extinction.

How to deal with this?

The news is far from good, and it is very difficult to accurately determine the scale of this problem. To create an action plan, you need data, but you don’t have it. Although there is still good news, Alexander Markov, a biologist, says that selection has not stopped, it has simply become less noticeable. In a large human population, a weak negative mutation will be rejected, it will not be able to achieve one hundred percent purity. The sheer size of the population on Earth protects humans from mildly harmful mutations and their spread.

Global warming is very scary; the melting of glaciers will lead to sea levels rising by 65 meters. People will have to forget about London, the Atlantic coast of the USA, Venice, Holland and Denmark, Astrakhan, St. Petersburg and many other cities.

According to the interactive map NationalGeographic, which was developed on the basis of a model presented by the US National Center for Environmental Information, as well as the General Directorate for Climate Change in the European Union, then we expect fires and the spread of tropical diseases. It turns out that the unflooded part of humanity will die from disease and hunger. While all this does not sound very plausible, there is reason to think deeply. The European Space Agency presented a report that stated that the ice of Antarctica is melting 15% faster than expected.

How to prevent global warming?

Reports from a monitoring station located in Mauna Loa, Hawaii, show that the concentration of CO 2 in the atmosphere is constantly increasing. 400 ml per 1 cubic meter. air – this figure is determined in 2015. Reports are also coming from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration that there are currently 120 ppm more greenhouse gases than in pre-industrial times. It is important that their number almost doubled after the 80s.

Two degrees for the average temperature of the Earth is a disaster. This does not mean that our planet will become any warmer. One continent will suffer from frosts, the other from abnormal heat. Scientists believe that a catastrophe can be avoided; for this it is necessary, starting this year, to emit no more than 1200 billion tons of CO 2 into the atmosphere. While that figure is difficult to achieve, it's worth keeping in mind methane, a byproduct of animal agriculture. Dr. Kirk Smith, a professor of global environmental health at the University of California, Berkeley, says that 1 ton of methane currently being released into the atmosphere contributes more to warming than 1 ton of CO2. 2.

There are 2 options for salvation: the first is to reduce methane and CO 2 emissions, the second is to abandon industrial livestock farming. To stop warming from continuing, we need to start now, because emissions will only increase until 2025. Reducing emissions means giving up economic growth; this, of course, is not very realistic. It’s probably worth moving away from the seas and growing drought-resistant crops.

Self-destruction with nuclear weapons

The outbreak of a nuclear war is most likely the most realistic option for the end of the world. Nine states now have nuclear weapons; the risk has doubled since the Cold War. Preliminary calculations show that a child born now has a 10% chance of dying from a nuclear weapon.

What should we do?

When struck by a nuclear bomb, not the entire population dies; for example, the Japanese Tsutomu Yamaguchi was able to live to be 90 years old, and he was in both Hiroshima and Nagasaki. A person can save himself, the main thing is to hide in time.

The explosion is not as terrible as its consequences: the effects of radiation and the onset of nuclear winter. Alan Robock, Richard Turco, and Owen B. Toon produced calculations that showed that if the United States attacked China and Russia, 2,200 atomic bombs would be used. The total explosion will release 86 million tons of soot into the atmosphere, enough to trigger the onset of the Ice Age.

Is a person able to survive in such conditions? Unknown. Humanity should strive for complete disarmament; nuclear states have been working on this for many years, but so far without success. So it's better to know where the nearest shelter is.

Many leading scientists suggest that we are currently on the verge of the 6th mass extinction event in the last 500 million years of our planet's history. Since 1500, more than 320 land vertebrates have gone extinct, and populations of other species have declined by an average of 25%. Perhaps the person will be next? We decided to collect the most pessimistic forecasts of experts and find out how long we have allotted to exist here, taking into account the fact that we will not change our habits.

Food crisis


Large animals - representatives of the so-called megafauna (elephants, rhinoceroses, bears and other species) have the highest mortality rates. This trend corresponds to previous processes of extinction on our planet, but if in the past they were associated with natural disasters, now it is due to the fault of man, due to his excessive exploitation of the planet's resources and the destruction of animal habitats.

Scientists emphasize that large animals on the planet play a vital role in various ecosystems, and their disappearance will negatively affect the health of the Earth, including the health of humans themselves. For example, the absence of large predators can lead to an increase in the population of rodents, which can begin to spread diseases, while their spread will accelerate exponentially.

Experts also see an alarming trend in the disappearance of invertebrates. If the human population has doubled in the last 35 years, the number of invertebrates (bugs, butterflies, spiders and worms) decreased by 45%. And insects are known to play an important role in nutrient cycling and pollinate 75% of the world's food crops.

About 90% of ocean predators have disappeared due to human activity, and many species, such as tuna, are in danger. This happens for the following reason: the more rare a certain type of fish becomes, the higher its price tag grows and the more desirable prey it turns out to be. This incentive creates a serious imbalance, and as a result we risk losing many species, including those on which we depend heavily.

Hot Venus scenario

APPROXIMATE FORECAST: in 500 million years

The amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere is constantly growing. This is due to the active use of fossil fuels as fuel; in addition, up to a third of total anthropogenic CO2 emissions are the result of deforestation. Since the mid-19th century, the gas content has increased by about 1.7% per year, and current levels of CO2 in the atmosphere are the highest in the last 800 thousand years and possibly in the last 20 million years. As a greenhouse gas, CO2 in the air affects the heat exchange between the planet and the surrounding space.

Because of this, climate scientists Tyler Robinson and Colin Goldblatt predict that the planet's temperature could one day reach a point at which the world will only get hotter, regardless of further carbon emissions. We can observe this effect on Venus, a planet similar to Earth in many respects, but its atmosphere consists almost entirely of carbon dioxide, and as a result, the surface of the planet is heated to 475 ° C. If there once was an ocean on Venus, it has completely evaporated, and the atmosphere is so hot that no precipitation is possible. Venus has passed the point called the “greenhouse explosion.”

Monsoon cycle failure


As our planet warms, the fine-tuned mechanisms of summer wet winds in Asia, Africa and South America may weaken. As a result, areas critical to agriculture, where almost half of the human population lives, may be left without rain. The journal Geophysical Research Letters writes that even a small deviation from their normal parameters can lead to big consequences. Agriculture, the amount of drinking water available and hydroelectricity production could be seriously affected by the delayed onset of the monsoon and decreased rainfall. Due to a disruption in the monsoon cycle, the Sahara Desert can turn into a tropical forest, and the Amazon forests, on the contrary, into an arid steppe. Ice in Greenland and Antarctica could melt sooner than expected, triggering a sudden and severe rise in sea levels. Many other climate factors as a whole will also change at once, causing a domino effect.

Ebola virus


Every year new viruses cause concern, they are dangerous and can lead to a real disaster. We came close to this in 2009, when the bird flu pandemic took humanity by surprise; but then we were lucky - the virus turned out to be quite mild. It was found that the disease mutated in birds and then borrowed genetic material from other viruses until it became a human virus. Bird flu had a very dangerous combination of virulence and ability to spread quickly. This year, the media is talking about a new threat - Ebola, which is rapidly spreading across West Africa and has already claimed 3,000 lives.

Of course, the Ebola virus in its current form is not the end of the world, and in fact it is not as dangerous as they say. First of all, due to the fact that you can become infected with this virus only through close contact with the bodily fluids (blood, vomit, sweat) of the carrier; and unlike the same flu, Ebola is not transmitted by airborne droplets. You cannot get sick from the Ebola virus through an insect bite, like malaria, for example.

However, there is a real risk that the virus may mutate and begin to be transmitted through airborne droplets. According to virologist Dr. Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research at the University of Minnesota, if the virus mutates, it could pass from person to person through the air, and then the threat of spreading the fever around the world will increase many times over.



Advances in molecular biology and genetics have opened up treatment options for humanity that were previously difficult to even imagine. But they are also creating potentially new ways to develop biological weapons. The same viruses mentioned above can be assembled like a constructor in a laboratory and just as easily distributed among people. There are many ways to modify a virus in the laboratory to make it, for example, resistant to vaccines and vaccinations. By introducing the appropriate genes into the virus, it is possible to reduce people's immunity and intellectual abilities, and cause mental illnesses: autism, drowsiness, inertia, paralysis, aggression. A flu-like virus is an ideal weapon, since it does not cause complications, and a person can carry the disease “on his feet,” increasing the scale of damage.

Many scientists are struggling to understand another complex biochemical process - apoptosis, programmed cell death. One of the main functions of apoptosis is the destruction of defective (damaged, mutant, infected) cells; Having learned to control apoptosis, a person will receive another powerful weapon. The essence of apoptosis is simple: if a certain virus enters a cell, it recognizes it and, with the help of special genes, releases apoptotic bodies, after which the cell “commits suicide.” In this way, you can destroy both diseased cells and completely healthy ones.

Cyber ​​weapons


Cyber ​​weapons can also lead to the end of the world. And this is not the imagination of writers: leading experts, including Evgeny Kaspersky, have spoken about this threat more than once. As confirmation, it is worth recalling the high-profile story associated with the Stuxnet computer worm, which physically destroyed the infrastructure of systems. The New York Times shed light on the program's origins. As it turned out, it was developed jointly by the intelligence services of the United States and Israel to infect the computer system of Iran's nuclear program. The project was so successful that the Iranian nuclear program, according to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, was set back several years.

The Stuxnet computer virus, which attacked Iranian nuclear facilities, also infected the computer network of a Russian reactor, which was not even connected to the Internet - it was introduced using an external media. According to a person working at a Russian nuclear facility, the virus even damaged the system. About this story, Evgeny Kaspersky stated the following: “What we saw is just the beginning, and I believe that this could really lead to the end of the world. I'm afraid".

Technological singularity


Computers are becoming faster and more powerful every day. However, according to many scientists, this may lead to a moment when technological progress will become so fast and complex that it will be beyond the control of man and inaccessible to his understanding. There are opinions that when humanity creates artificial intelligence and self-reproducing machines, there will be an integration of humans with computers or a significant leap-like increase in the capabilities of the human brain due to biotechnology. It is also possible that robots will see humans as imperfect and ineffective beings who only hinder progress, and will try to eradicate us.

When will this happen? Proponents of the theory call the time period from 2020 to 2070. It’s unfortunate, if humanity creates artificial intelligence, then it will get the “relay baton”.

Global cataclysms, epidemics of terrible diseases, incessant wars... all this brings humanity to the point that sooner or later it may die. Having worked through this scenario in more detail, we can imagine events in which the entire population of the Earth will die out at the same time. What will the planet be like after the last representative of the human race disappears from it? Let's get a look.


Within hours of our disappearance, lights around the world will begin to go out as most power plants run on a constant supply of fossil fuels. If people don't fuel them, they will stop.

After 48 hours, low energy consumption will be noted and the nuclear power plant will automatically enter a safe mode.

Wind turbines will be able to continue operating until the lubricant runs out, but solar panels will sooner or later stop functioning due to the accumulation of dust on them.

Almost all areas except those recharging from hydroelectric dams will have power outages.

2-3 days after people disappear, most of the metro will be flooded, because there will be no one to operate the pump system.


After 10 days, pets locked at home will begin to die of hunger and thirst. Billions of chickens, cows and other livestock will die.

Some animals will be able to escape into the wild and there they will have to fight for survival.

Ornamental animals, such as cats and dogs, will not be able to survive without people and will die first.

Large dog breeds will begin to form packs, hunting small dogs or other animals. In a few weeks there will be no small dog breeds left. Many dogs that survive will interbreed with wolves.

But many animals will be happy to see people disappear. For example, the large animals of the oceans, such as whales, will flourish and their numbers will go through the roof.


About a month after our disappearance, the water that cools all the equipment will disappear from nuclear power plants. This will cause explosions and accidents.

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12-07-2017, 14:06

We are frightened almost every day by the threat of the destruction of humanity. But researchers from the British Stanford University simply shocked with their statement. They said that the mass extinction of our civilization will begin in 2037, that is, in two decades. Is it possible to avoid such a global tragedy? When will people actually go extinct and will it happen?

Massive disaster from the past

It turns out that there have already been disasters on Earth in the past. For example, 65 million years ago, a large asteroid, whose diameter was from five to ten kilometers, had already crashed into our planet. He “flew” into the “cradle of life” at tremendous speed (30 thousand km/h). As a result of this collision, all the giant reptiles known as dinosaurs became extinct.

These creatures lived on the planet for approximately one hundred million years. According to statistics derived by researchers, then about a third of all animal species disappeared from the face of the Earth. But this was not the first time that an asteroid “hit” it. Therefore, humanity needs to be careful and aware of examples from the past in order to be “armed” in the future.

Some scientists believe that mass disasters happen on Earth with a certain frequency. This may be due to the movement of the Sun through its system. Therefore, the analysis of such processes makes it possible to predict when a tragedy may happen to us.

Possible space threats to human life

Most often, the threat of the death of humanity is associated with the fall of massive space objects (asteroids, meteorites) to Earth. Such “bombings” are usually carried out by asteroids located in two areas: in the belt between Jupiter and Mars, as well as in the Kuiper belt and Oort cloud. The first of them is gradually decreasing, so the threat from it is significantly reduced.

The asteroid belt is smaller over time, and the rate of cratering is decreasing. In this regard, most researchers believe that the Earth is unlikely to receive serious bombardment, at least in the next few billion years. But if this happens, then the mass extinction of all life existing on our planet will be inevitable.

Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud

The most terrible threat lurks in the region beyond Neptune, in the outer solar system. There are a large number of ice and stone blocks there. They revolve around the star in rarefied orbits. But if the trajectory of their movement is disrupted, some debris may fall into the inner part of the system, and then they, in the form of a comet, can hit any planet, including the Earth.

The interaction of objects from the Kuiper belt occurs in a random order and does not depend on the processes occurring in the Solar system. True, there is a possibility that due to passage through the galactic disk or spiral, comet rain or a comet fall to Earth may occur. True, whether it will kill humanity or not is also another question.

Extinctions may be associated specifically with comet rain. In addition, once every 31 million years, the Sun, moving through the galaxy, passes through the same galactic plane. There is evidence that extinctions occurred with similar frequency. That is, all processes on Earth are connected with what is happening in the Universe. But sedimentary rocks prove that this theory is not entirely fair.

Over 500 million years, there were three mass extinctions every 140 million years and eight with a time period of 62 million years. That is, if the periodicity of the death of animals on Earth exists, then it is not 31 million years, but two or about four times more. Therefore, periods of extinctions are not associated with comet rain. Then with what?

Extinction of species on Earth

There have been five stages of extinction of living beings in history. Researchers are concerned about the fact that almost half of all animal species and billions of people have already ceased to exist. Such a huge rate of extinction of the creatures inhabiting our planet proves that the sixth period could begin, which will last 20-30 years. Although previously two species of animals became extinct per century, now this rate has increased.

A similar disappointing picture was drawn by scientists using an analysis of 27 thousand individuals of fauna. Recently, there has been not only the extinction of some animal species, but also a decline in the populations of others. If people do not protect and preserve nature, especially forests and water bodies, and do nothing, then within two decades a mass extinction of fauna, and later people, will begin.

Is it possible to avoid the destruction of humanity?

Researchers say yes. The whole situation is in the hands of people. Extinction statistics indicate the extinction of two to three vertebrate species per year (rank 2 per hundred years). Therefore, such a pace has alerted the scientific community, which is going to come up with new methods for saving all life on Earth. For this purpose, ecologists work to inform people about the importance of preserving nature on our planet; seminars and mass charity events are held. Projects have been developed to switch to environmentally friendly fuels, save the forests of Patagonia, “green” the Sahara, etc.

Employees of the “ubiquitous” NASA are worried about situations associated with asteroid attacks. They are afraid of repeating the scenario that happened millions of years ago and killed the dinosaurs. Now the agency is developing plans to change the trajectories of asteroids approaching Earth. Other options for creating methods to save humanity from the cosmic threat are also being considered. Let's hope that they will be effective, and our civilization will be able to live not for two decades, but for thousands more years.

Natalie Lee - RIA VistaNews Correspondent