Why do you dream about a hip? Why do you dream about hips, hips?

  • Primary elements - wood, earth, water.
  • Elements - wind, humidity, cold.
  • Emotions - fear, doubt, anger, desire: everything is yin-yang.
  • Yin organs - spleen, kidneys, liver.
  • Yang organs - bladder, gall bladder, genitals.
  • Explanation and Interpretation
  • The hips reflect the state of the pelvis, the functions of the genital organs and hormonal processes. All disturbances/deviations from the normal functioning of the above organs (inflammatory processes) change the condition of the subcutaneous tissue, mobility and thermoregulation in the thigh area. The consequences of this: thinness/fullness of the hips, good/bad (cellulite) skin, smoothness/firmness/flabbiness. Seeing full thighs in a dream means yin; thin - yang Seeing old, flabby, thin thighs with bad skin (your own or someone else’s) means exhaustion by immoderate emotions of anger, fear, doubt and desire of all relevant organs. Emotions - yang energy - have already entered the body and become its material part - yin. This is an imbalance in the flow of qi energy (energy transformations are of poor quality). The external consequence is the predominance of one of the elements: the element of dryness - sagging skin; consequences of cold - cellulite. The consequences are internal: decreased tone of sexual desire, menstrual irregularities, impotence, urology, and so on, all this in reality will lead to disturbances in psychological relationships with persons of the opposite sex. Sleep is unfavorable. Pay attention to your health and correct attitude towards the blessings of the world. Seeing strong, healthy thighs is an erotic symbol of activity and strength. This is the anticipation of new sensations, searching and finding a partner, improving relationships. Among the internal qualities, healthy hips symbolize joy, determination, openness, but also excessive arrogance. The dream is favorable.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations and assess your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about the Thigh in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Thigh

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream and what does the Thigh mean?

This dream symbol has quite deep roots. At first glance this may seem strange, but its interpretation is based on astrological symbolism. Each part of the human body is ruled by a specific planet or zodiac sign. The planet Jupiter corresponds to the hips - one of the most favorable planets in the sky; with a good location in the horoscope, it brings happiness, success, fame and wealth. If you dreamed that you saw your own thigh, smooth and white, then such a dream promises you great luck and pleasure in reality. If you dreamed that you were wounded in the thigh, in real life expect some kind of attack against you. If your thighs seem thin in a dream, then such a dream can be a signal of losses, including financial ones. If you dreamed that you were stroking or someone was stroking your thighs, then this means that something will happen in your life that will flatter your pride, this is how this dream in which you dream about the Thigh is interpreted.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about Thigh in a dream?

Seeing that the thigh has enlarged in a dream means danger awaiting a loved one, most likely it is a disease; to see your smooth and white thigh is luck in life, a test of pleasure; a wound in the thigh is a warning of danger, illness. A girl admires her thighs in a dream - readiness for love pleasures, which, however, can have sad consequences. If a young woman dreams of her thighs being thin, this means illness, this is how the dream book interprets the dream you had, read on if you want to know what the Thigh is about in your dreams.

Modern dream book

Why do you dream about Thigh according to the dream book?

If you dreamed about your own thigh at night, and it was smooth and white, then unprecedented luck and all kinds of pleasures await you. A wounded thigh seen in a dream can be a harbinger of some kind of illness or betrayal. A girl who admires her thighs in a dream is quite ready for love adventures. She should be more careful not to get into trouble! If her hips seem too thin, she needs to be wary of illness. But full hips dream of peace and pleasure.

Grandma's old dream book

Why does a sleeping person dream about Thigh?

The thigh has enlarged (in a dream) - a danger awaiting a loved one, most likely an illness.

Why do you dream about Hips? Seeing the hips means good health; seeing a broken hip means death.

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing buckets filled with milk in a dream is a sign of brilliant success or being in pleasant company. An empty bucket portends hunger or a bad harvest. For a young woman who dreams that she is carrying a bucket, such a dream foretells family joys. The coal scuttle will appear...

What does the dream mean - Thigh

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing your smooth and white thigh in a dream means extraordinary luck and all kinds of pleasures. If you see a wounded (crippled) thigh in a dream, you should be wary of illness and betrayal. If a girl admires her thighs in a dream, this means she is ready for...

How to interpret the dream “Thigh”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing your thigh smooth and white in a dream means extraordinary luck and all kinds of pleasures. A wounded thigh predicts illness and betrayal. If a girl admires her hips, then the dream promises her love adventures. This dream warns her of the need to be more careful...

Had a dream "Thigh"

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You dream of a smooth thigh - good luck and all kinds of pleasures, a wounded or crippled thigh. Seeing your thighs strong and beautiful is a harbinger of good health and improved well-being for the sick.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Thigh?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing your smooth and white thigh in a dream means extraordinary luck and all kinds of pleasures. If you see a wounded (crippled) thigh in a dream, you should be wary of illness and betrayal. If a girl admires her thighs in a dream, this means her readiness...

If you see “Thigh” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Smooth, white female thighs are a dream of extraordinary luck and pleasure. Wounded (crippled) or excessively thin thighs in a dream warn you against illness and betrayal. A girl who admires her thighs in a dream craves love adventures that can turn into trouble.

Dreaming of “Thigh (naked)” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The person you trust most may betray you. Wounds and scars on the thigh are betrayal by people who least arouse your suspicions. How to improve the meaning of sleep? In a pre-sleep state, cover your bare thigh with some kind of cloth or put on...

I have a dream about the Thigh

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To have a big one means the loss of a loved one or her illness.

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Thigh, hips

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing your smooth, beautiful thigh in a dream is a great success and a lot of pleasure. If a girl admires her thighs in a dream, this may mean readiness for love adventures with subsequent disappointment in love. For a man to dream about very wide hips...

If you dream about the Thigh, what is it for?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing your smooth and white thigh in a dream means extraordinary luck and all kinds of pleasures. Seeing a wounded (crippled) thigh in a dream. You must be wary of illness and betrayal. If a girl admires her thighs in a dream, this means her readiness...

Why does the Thigh appear in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing naked female thighs in a dream means rare luck and all sorts of pleasures. If these are her own thighs, which look smooth and white, then for a girl this means she is ready for love affairs, but in order to avoid troubles she should be careful...

Thigh (Seen in a dream)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A dream in which you see your thigh smooth and white means that fate has an incredible chance in store for you. A wounded hip portends illness. For a young woman, a dream in which she admires the beauty of her thighs means that she risks becoming entangled in her...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Thigh?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If in a dream you see your thigh smooth and white, it means that pleasure and good fortune await you in life. A girl who dreams that she is admiring her thighs strives for love adventures and feels the need for a new relationship. However, she...

Thigh - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Healthy, beautiful - a reflection of readiness for easy advancement in life, as well as the presence of support in this. Damaged or immobilized - the need to clarify one’s internal, mental problems that interfere with advancement in life. The upper third is a reflection of the manifestation of sexuality, as well as its suppression. Lower third...

Dream Interpretation Online - Thigh

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you saw your own thigh in a dream, smooth and white, then unprecedented luck and all sorts of pleasures await you. A wounded thigh seen may be a harbinger of some kind of illness or betrayal. A girl who admires her thighs in a dream is quite ready for love...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Thigh?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If in a dream you cannot take your eyes off your stunning thighs, you are in danger of confusion in your own love affairs. If you have narrow hips, then you will most likely not avoid completely unnecessary troubles and illnesses. If in a dream you...

Why do you dream of sewing up a wound in a dream according to the dream book?

When you see a dream in which you put a stitch on another person, show kindness and compassion, when someone asks for it, let him receive it.

If you stitched up your wound, you will have to go through a period of troubles, which you will overcome with dignity, albeit with some losses. You can solve it without outside help.


Video: Why do you dream of sewing up a wound?

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Did you dream of sewing up a Wound, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of sewing up a Wound in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    Today I dreamed: that my friend made deep wounds on my hands, although I didn’t see how he did it myself, but I knew that he did it. I saw these wounds already stitched up. I asked him why he did it and why, he didn’t answer and simply said that he didn’t understand how he did it.
    Please interpret this dream.

    I dream as if my stomach was ripped open, and a tunnel was made from pulled skin under my navel (the kind they usually make in the ears). and now I’m suffering, it’s stretching more and more, I really want to take it off, and then my boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend comes (although we have big problems, so we can say that we’ve already broken up), I show her my stomach, she takes it threads with a needle and begins to sew it up for me so that it grows together.

    The child needs help, I bring him to the nearest hospital, and there they anatomize someone, there is no blood visible. I hand the baby over, they open his mouth, and his tongue is sewn up and there is a knot of threads along the edges of his tongue. They give the child away and say that nothing can be done. .The dream is terrible, black and white, an eerie feeling.

    I dreamed that in my dream my hand was very badly wounded, but I didn’t dream about how I was wounded... then I began to sew up this wound, then I asked my sister to sew it up for me, then again I sewed it up myself, but here it is the whole dream

    I dreamed that I had a huge cut, the blood was not flowing, but as if it was just there, but not brown, but scarlet. The wound goes from the ear to the chest. I take it and SEW IT UP myself with a NEEDLE, just as one usually sews fabric. At the same time, I look at myself in the mirror. I don’t feel much pain, I just hear the characteristic creak of a needle.

    My girlfriend and I went to my work, we had sex there, and then we met one of my unpleasant acquaintances who offered to buy drugs. I called someone and they told me that I could come and pick it up. The guys drove ahead in the car, and the girl and I met them afterwards. As we approached the car, a large travel trailer pulled into the parking lot. I assumed that it was the police and we started to run away. But riot police just jumped out from everywhere. I covered the girl with myself and we lay until everything calmed down. Then I suddenly came to my senses after fainting and saw a guy with a syringe needle. I start to push him away and ask him if he is a doctor or a drug addict. He says that the doctor is fine and he needs to stitch up my wounds. And I have 2 wounds on my leg, one larger and the other smaller. like cuts. he sews them up and the girl and I go home. I'm just jumping on one leg. I go to bed with her... and wake up.

    I dreamed of military operations! In which I received minor wounds! But my good friend received a wound in the heart area, and I stitched it up! Then she felt better, and she hugged me and rejoiced

    I dream that I am sewing up my stomach with a simple thread and a needle from the left from the navel to the ribs, it hurts and there is already a small hole left and I see ribs and a piece of liver in it, but I no longer have the strength to sew and I am trying to finish myself off. there was little blood and I don’t remember exactly how strange I was. I had a dream on Tuesday.

    A straight wound appeared on my stomach, as if my stomach had burst and blood began to flow from there, there was more and more blood and it felt like I was dying, I asked my family to call an ambulance. While the ambulance was on its way, my wound, which was unrealistically large, healed on its own and there wasn’t even a scar left.

    The hospital is sewing up my head, before that they gave me local anesthesia and there was a man next to me, and they said for him that you have a scratch, and he has a treponation. And that I need to be immobile for a month.

    I was fighting with someone in my apartment near the mirror and dressing table, I cut myself (apparently on the enemy), I saw a deep cut, said that I needed to sew it, the enemy brought a first aid kit, and I started stitching it up near the mirror, although by that time it seemed shallow. my wife was always nearby

    I stitched up the wounds on my legs with a needle, the holes and flesh were clearly visible, I don’t remember if there were wounds on other parts of the body. It was very painful, I couldn’t walk, I sat down, rested and stitched it up again. My mother was nearby, she seemed to be supporting me or just watching, I don’t remember….

    I dreamed that I had a large wound on my foot and I was sewing it up myself. Once I just sewed it up with one seam, and then when I rubbed it, it came apart again, and then I sewed it up properly, with all the laundry, in two layers of seams, and everything was fine)

    Hello, I dream every night of the man I like, today I dreamed that I tore my leg with a wire and covered everything with blood, and the man I like took a needle and thread and sewed it up for me.

    Good morning. Did you have a dream in which I had a wound on my arm? about 0.5 cm deep, 10 cm long and I stitched it up, the wound was without blood. Why could this be? I had a dream from Wednesday to Thursday.

    Hello! I dreamed that one famous woman was sewing up my hand with white nylon threads and a needle, and there was no wound on my hand. It was she who saved me from the witchcraft cast on me.

    I did it myself, I had a caesarean section, then I started stitching myself up, sewing a red jacket on myself, then the doctor came and took the embryo from me, he was 2 weeks old, there were no genital organs, they put me in a room and when I went out into the corridor I saw an accident in which the man died and his hand was lying next to the window and when they went into the room they told me that the child had died

    I dreamed about it. that we are going to go to the sea, but on the way it turns out. that my stomach was cut across, but there was no blood, just a cut and that’s it. The organs are also not visible. Along the way I sew it up with threads, I hardly feel any pain, then at the hospital they finish stitching it up for me. And the family is waiting. At all. the dream was detailed. but I remember this vividly. I often dream about the sea. ocean, quiet, just no waves. The day before I dreamed of a tractor climbing a mountain.

    in a dream I was attacked. They inflicted knife wounds - they cut exactly along the length of the front legs and arms, the neck on the right and left. there was little blood, almost no blood at all. Then they stitched up my wounds, it hardly hurt. they dragged on.

    I dreamed that I was sitting on the sofa and my entire stomach was cut open and there was no blood, I lifted the skin on my stomach and saw that I had all sorts of intestines there and all that, the thing is that I don’t feel good when I lifted the skin, then I ask When my mother sewed it up for me, she started sewing it up for me and I kept feeling that I was ticklish, my mother sewed up my stomach, so I also wanted to show the scar to my friend.

    A dream about how a doctor stitched up a small wound on my left shoulder blade, while it was very painful for me, I was indignant at why it should be stitched up because it was small, there was no blood at all, I didn’t see blood in the dream. The doctor stitched the wound with a medical needle (crescent).

    I dreamed that without anesthesia they were stitching up a small wound on my stomach: on the right side under the breast at the level of the navel... I then looked at it as it was stitched up and showed it to my man... there was no blood and the stitch was small in size, literally 3-4 centimeters

    I was wounded by bullets and they got stuck, one in my stomach and the other in my cheek. It came out of the belly on its own, and the old healer pulled it out of the cheek and sewed it up with thread. I didn’t feel any pain, but I felt like they were pulling out a bullet and filling it with thread. After all this grandmother said that I was pregnant, the gestation period was very short.

    I don’t remember what day I had the dream
    the dream was colorful
    essence: wound, I don’t know what origin, option 2: knife or bullet
    the wound is unreal
    wound on me
    I was born in February
    part of the body - side, right, abdominal area
    what the wound looks like - there was no blood, they stitched up the wound, I could see the threads in my body, I remember from the feeling from the dream that I was in pain
    wound without pus or anything else

    Hello, now I’ll tell you everything in detail
    First, my class and I went on some kind of excursion
    But I got on the wrong bus (with a different class) and when we arrived my friend was crying (she thought I was lost)
    After which there was a playground there, and we walked after which Anya threw a stone at Lisa
    (Now I’ll tell you in more detail who they are.. Anya and Lisa are twins.. we were friends with them from kindergarten and at school until the 4th grade.. then they betrayed me and I “broke” a whole 10 years of friendship.. now, we study at the same school, but they are in “A” and I am in “B”)
    And Liza... decided to throw it at me (thinking that Anya threw it because of me (I don’t know what kind of nonsense this is)) and hit me in the leg (below the knee), honestly... I don’t remember which leg (although I don’t think it was important) .
    After which.. I wasn’t in much pain.. but I decided to put on a performance to take revenge on Lisa.. I fell and screamed, a cool hand came up to me. And she decided to take me to the doctor
    Then.. somehow magically I had a big wound.. and the doctor said it needed to be stitched up (by the way.. I forgot to say.. there were two doctors (a man and a girl. The man was somehow familiar to me.. I saw him somewhere.. exactly. When I was in the camp, he worked there as a doctor. And yet, it was not just a doctor’s office... but you know... on the playground there is usually a slide with all sorts of cool things and the doctors were under the slide (I don’t think it’s that kind importance.. but I describe everything in the smallest detail)) I immediately became hysterical and shouted “Don’t” but they calmed me down in every possible way.. in the end they injected me with a sedative.. I woke up and became hysterical again... the dream ended, but I woke up crying, hysterical and all cracked... sorry if there are spelling mistakes somewhere
    Katya, 13 years old

    It all started when I saw a picture that both wrists and the left chest were sewn up, as if with a black thread, there was a guy next to me, he began to sew up my wounds, because the flesh would not have grown together, he tore the threads and I saw deep wounds in some, even pieces of meat were torn off without blood he laid me down and sewed up my wounds, but it was an old woman who caused this harm

    I had a dream from Monday to Tuesday. It’s as if my feet were frozen, chopped, and at the same time sewn up, and I don’t feel any pain at all. Strange. This is the first time I have had such a dream. Please explain it to me. Thank you.

    Hello! My name is Evgenia. I dream that there is a battle going on, in which young people are participating, as in historical films, with spears... And I was there nearby, when this battle ended, my whole family and I ended up in some kind of residential building (not a 5-story building, but our own a small house), it had everything as it should: a sofa, windows, a table, a TV, a computer. In general, everything is like in ordinary houses. And then a terrible thunder sounds once, I run away, hiding behind my mother (I don’t remember exactly who or my grandmother). After that, I’m already in one of the rooms of the house where there is an operating table (similar to it, but not much) and there is a girl Dasha standing there (in real life she is a nurse in a clinic in my city) and says to me, I don’t remember exactly: let’s get it . Me: what to get? She: fragments that are under your right collarbone and also on your left shoulder (it seems). I realized that it was from that battle that fragments remained in me, I was scared, I started crying and asking: don’t, please! Dasha has a scalpel in her hand, she holds me with her hand and begins to cut under my right collarbone the place where I have a splinter, I didn’t feel anything, no pain, I just saw that blood was pouring out, red blood. There was very little of it. And then I myself take out a fragment - some kind of healthy metal one. And he cuts more wounds, but I don’t remember what exactly, he takes out the fragments. Then he says: Let's go. Me: where? She: We need to stitch up the wound. Me: sew up?? (alarmed, scared, afraid) no, please, do they do anesthesia there? She: I don’t think so, it doesn’t hurt! And I don’t agree, but it needs to be sewn up. Then my mother comes in and says: we had some kind of conspiracy so that she (that is, I) would not be afraid. Dasha: yes, there are. One of them made a conspiracy and it was as if I was in a dream (that is, I’m already in a dream, and in a dream I’m again in a dream. Something like this) I’m walking, there’s only a pink background around me, but I understand that they’re leading me to hospital for stitches. It’s already slowly letting go and I see we are supposedly in a hospital (but it doesn’t really look like a hospital). And already in some room, they take a needle and thread and begin. I shout: no, I have to, it will hurt me! They: no, everything will be fine. Dasha makes the first stitch, and it doesn’t hurt me very much, it just tingles (I’m standing) and here instead of Dasha, my grandmother is with me, and I watch how she sews up on me, but on my body there is not skin, but fabric and she sews up the fabric. But I understand that this is my body, and everything continues to tingle. In general, they sewed it up and then I find myself in the yard where I’m sitting with my boyfriend Nikita (he’s currently gone to study in Moscow, I’m in Ukraine). We’re sitting on a bench (the bench at the entrance is just two benches) talking about something, like In my opinion, he asked me: did it hurt? me: yes he: my poor thing. And he has a motorcycle (without a sidecar) it won’t start and so he pushes it, I’m waiting for him (and his friends are sitting on that bench) he drives around the yard, I don’t understand where he is and I see he’s already on a big motorcycle with a sidecar in which they’re sitting my former classmates are Sasha and someone else, and with him, that is, behind, is a girl from a parallel class, Yulia, who in real life annoys me. And he left with them, I was left offended and went to the bench where they were sitting. My former classmate Valera, our mutual friends: Danil, Vadik, Danil, are already sitting there. And I say to Valera: what kind of nonsense? why did he leave and leave me? He: I don’t know. And I woke up

    Hello, I dreamed that there were wounds on my stomach and I decided to look, when I opened it it began to tear more and there was dirt and white worms, and I immediately began to clean the wound and then I immediately ran to the hospital to see a surgeon and he sewed them up for me.
    Interpret this dream please.

    In a dream, my husband wounded my left hand, the wound was large, but some doctor sewed up my wound, and then I had to find my bag and I went to some dead end, I didn’t find it, but this doctor found my bag and gave it to me

    I dreamed that they shot... and hit me in the right hand... a shrapnel wound, lacerations (several all over my arm)... The doctor sewed them up tightly with a needle and thread... I felt everything... I didn’t feel pain, I felt that something They do this to the arm, they tighten the threads, the suture.. (apparently there was anesthesia..) Then I saw the arm sewn up in several places.. It wasn’t scary.. but it wasn’t usual.. I took it in a dream as a fact of life, that it was just necessary been through..

    I dreamed that I was in a field with my cousin, we were running around laughing and having fun, I ran home and saw a wound on my shoulder under the knee and on my buttock, I thought I cut myself somewhere, it’s not scary, I went on a walk with my sister, I looked at my leg, it became even bigger, I I’m running home, I tell my mom to call an ambulance and she tells me there’s nothing wrong with me, go for a walk, let me watch a movie, I finally shouted until people took me to the hospital, I look at my leg, the wound has gotten even bigger and most importantly there’s no blood, I’m screaming at the hospital, sew it up , I got stitches, I calmed down and saw how the wounds were healing on me

    Hello! I dreamed that I was sewing up a wound on my stomach myself. it was already sewn up, but the seams bothered me, they weren’t even, so I cut them and carefully sewed them up myself, first the inner ones, then the outer ones

    I fell into a large pool from a great height (I was intoxicated). It was at my house (allegedly), as if my parents had bought a large three-story house, the entire first floor was a swimming pool. I threw a party. When I woke up, I had a large wound along almost my entire body, and the neighbor’s doctor stitched up my wound. A little later the seams came apart and I don’t remember them being stitched again. The dream was unpleasant, in the dream I had a nervous breakdown, tears and fear. There was a lot more, but the wound was the most striking.

    Good afternoon I dreamed that I had a cut wound in two parts on my shin and thigh, but blood was not pouring out of it as it should with such a deep cut. I don't know where she came from. It appeared unexpectedly, as if it had been scratched, but I looked closer and realized that such a horror urgently needed to be stitched up. very vivid dream. I didn’t feel any pain, I was in a state of shock, not expecting this.

    Hello Tatiana! I saw in a dream how I was sewing up my left hand with black threads, but there were no wounds or blood on my hand, and I also did not feel pain in the dream. Why would all this be a dream? Thank you in advance.

    I dreamed that they were stitching up torn ligaments on my right shoulder, then they put a tight bandage on me. I didn’t see a bandage for better healing and I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to cope with everyday self-care myself and someone from the outside said that he would take care of me. It was a man

    I accidentally cut my right leg with a blade to the bone, around the leg. there was a lot of blood, my husband bandaged my leg, but the blood flowed... then the blood disappeared and some guy opened my wound and showed us that it was very deep, but there was no blood at all, he sewed up my wound

    I was sewing up an incised wound on my leg (right thigh almost from the knee to the very top), sewing it up with a neat stitch, but there wasn’t enough thread, there was no pain, blood or fear. Then I was in a very big hurry somewhere with my children, as if from someone wanted to run away, there was a feeling of anxiety. In a dream, my brother called out, said that he was already tired of waiting, put him in the car and we left, I don’t know where, but the feeling of anxiety passed

    I dreamed that my body was torn to shreds and was being stitched up. After the operation, for some reason, the liver that I was looking at remained. By that time I was already on my feet and feeling quite healthy. It was not of very good quality))). (That's probably why they didn't restore it). A strange dream. Isn't that right?!

    Hello, I dreamed that I was looking at my stomach and it was cut into stripes in a circle and a piece was falling off, as if I was at a doctor’s and he stitched me up and then the stitches came apart again, what does this mean?

    I dreamed that on the back side of my right leg, some guy was sewing up my leg where the knee was, I screamed, cried and called my mother. In the dream, my leg hurt so much that I even limped. Why explain this please))

    My husband had a dream. He saw a square on his leg, under the skin. He started picking at it. He picked it apart and pulled out a living square. A wound without blood was formed. Then I went over and sewed up the frame. Covered it with a bandage. He immediately took off the bandage, the wound and the stitch disappeared. As if it never happened.

    Good afternoon I dreamed that it was like there was a war and a hospital, but they admitted the military first. I have a laceration on my wrist. I go there and all the German doctors stitched up my wound and let me go. Then I see a pistol that I can load and unload myself. Then several times they looked at my wound; I also saw how it was healing; I took aim with the pistol several times, but never fired

    The dream begins with me lying on my stomach on something like a table, and then I experience severe pain when I turned my head back and saw that a healthy man was stitching a small area of ​​skin on my back, the thread of which he was sewing was very long, the needle was also large, centimeters 7-8. He also sewed a small patch of skin on the head. And then I just simply woke up.

    I dreamed that I was stitching up some man’s side after surgery. I try to make a beautiful stitch, but it turns out very slowly, I’m worried that the anesthesia will soon wear off and I won’t have time. Some nurse offers to help me and is about to start stitching on the other side. In my life I have nothing to do with medicine. Why did you dream about this?

    In a dream, my brother had a large open wound from his temple to his shoulder. He received it from some kind of machine, or more precisely from an apparatus. The wound was no longer bleeding. I sewed it up with a regular needle and black thread.

    In the dream, I had a deep wound on my back, 10-12 cm long, there was no blood, a man I knew stitched this wound up with a thread and a needle. At the same time, I didn’t feel much pain. Why such a dream??? Very worried

    I dreamed that a man inflicted wounds with a knife on the stomach from the lower right side. There is no blood. The ambulance arrived and stitched up my wound. Then again the same picture (same house, time, etc.) and somewhere in the subconscious I understand that I don’t need to go there. But I go there again and get stabbed in the stomach on the right side, but this time higher. This time there was no blood, but my aunt’s husband stitched up the wound. Moreover, I feel all this and look at the wounds, and they are sewn up with white threads and one of the threads is long.

    I don’t remember exactly what happened, but I was at school, and my friend had a deep wound on her temple and I began to stitch it up.
    My friend cried and said that she was in pain, and with shaking hands I stitched up her wound.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about hips in a dream?

Hips - A smooth thigh in a dream promises you good luck and all sorts of pleasures in reality, a wounded or crippled thigh is a warning dream: betrayal may await you where you least expect it. Seeing your thighs strong and beautiful is a harbinger of good health and improved well-being for the sick.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Hips in a dream?

Hips - Admiring beautiful hips in a dream means reproaches from your spouse. Looking at the fat thighs of animals in a dream means peace and pleasure. A dream in which a woman feels that her hips are too narrow promises illness and disappointment. Too wide and it may lose its reputation.

Seeing your smooth and white thigh in a dream means extraordinary luck and all kinds of pleasures. If you see a wounded (crippled) thigh in a dream, you should be wary of illness and betrayal. If a girl admires her thighs in a dream, this means she is ready for love adventures; but she should be more careful in her behavior in order to avoid trouble. In reality, she may be disappointed in love.

Intimate dream book

If you had a dream about a hip

Hips – You may be overly concerned about your health. Concern and nervousness are fully expressed in this dream. It is possible that the courses of treatment you completed on the advice of your doctor did not produce positive results. Don't despair - often things are not as bad as they seem at first glance. The diagnosis may be wrong, and the disease, the news of which shocked you, may not be as serious as it seemed.

Achieving health becomes the meaning of life for you, and it undoubtedly deserves careful attention to yourself. If your age requires you to do a lot, it doesn’t hurt to take up those sports that would not so much strengthen your muscles as give you a cheerful state of mind. Old age or poor health is not a reason for concern: even in this situation there are small and great joys, you just need to know how to use them. You should not get hung up on the opinions of others who insist that old age is not a joy, or who try to write you off from the arena of life, complaining about your poor health. Pulling yourself together and fighting for a place in the sun is what you really need. Then you will not have to unravel the hidden meaning of such dreams, and your sleep will be sound and invigorating, and when you wake up in the morning, you will feel a surge of new strength.

Statistics say that of all parts of the female body, men are most attracted to the legs and thighs, while women are interested in the eyes, noses and, oddly enough, buttocks. Therefore, most often men have such a dream, but a woman’s dream of hips should be interpreted in the same (above) way.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

What do Hips mean in a dream?

Hips - Admiring - disappointment in love (for a woman); to see your own - trust, loyalty (for a man); seeing very wide hips is a benefit (for a man).

The new and most complete dream book of 1918

Why do you dream about Hips?

Hips - Admire - disappointment in love (for women); seeing your own - trust, loyalty (for men); large ones - the illness of a loved one, this is how such a dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of hips from your dream

To see hips in a dream - Full and beautiful - happy marriage and children; winning; thin and unsightly - losses, lack, deception. To admire your own too much is for a woman a breakdown in her relationship with her loved one.

Maly Velesov dream book

What do hips mean in a dream?

Wide hips – Benefit (for men).

Women's dream book

Why does a woman dream about Hips, what is this dream about?

Hips – Smooth, white female hips are a dream of extraordinary luck and pleasure. Wounded (crippled) or excessively thin thighs in a dream warn you against illness and betrayal. A girl who admires her thighs in a dream craves love adventures that can turn into trouble.

Dream Book of Arnold Mindell

If you dream about Hips in a dream

Hips - In a dream you see as if you are looking at your own hips; you like them, they are white and smooth, and you stroke them - good luck awaits you in business, pleasure awaits you in leisure. Your thighs seem thin to you - a dream of illness.

If in a dream you see a girl’s thigh and admire it - slender and smooth - then in real life you will have an affair with a violent manifestation of feelings; You yourself will be surprised at how strong an adventurous streak turns out to be in you.

You see a wound on your thigh in a dream; or you see a crippled thigh - a stump - The dream suggests that you will have to feel the bitterness of betrayal; the most offensive thing will be that you always trusted the person who betrays you; you will realize that you have been walking on a razor's edge for a long time.

A girl sees her thighs in a dream and admires them - such a dream indicates that the girl is waiting for love (although, perhaps, she will not admit it even to herself) and is ready for it - ready not only spiritually, but also physiologically; it is possible that if she does not meet her love in the near future, she will feel bad - she will not clearly see her place in society, she will be like a chip carried away somewhere by a stream; such a girl may also have health problems; nature is strong: every flower turns to the sun, every girl turns to love.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Interpretation: Hips in a dream

Hips (naked) - The person you trust most may betray you. In a state of pre-sleep, cover your bare thigh with some kind of cloth, or put on pants (for a woman, a skirt).

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Hips - Seeing hips means good health; seeing a broken hip means death.