Why don't the blood types of the child and parents match? What blood type will the child have? If the parents have group 3

Knowing even the simplest genetics from the school curriculum, in most cases we can determine the color of eyes, hair and the inheritance of certain diseases of our unborn child. This science also helps us determine his possible blood type. How to find out the blood type and Rh factor of a child from his parents, we will look at in the article.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Karl Landsteiner proved the presence of specific adhesive proteins in the blood - antibodies and antigens. Agglutinogens A and B were discovered by the scientist on erythrocytes, and agglutinins α and β in plasma. Due to the presence or absence of these proteins, Landsteiner and Jansky created a classification of blood groups that is still used today. The system is called AB0, according to which blood is divided into four groups. It was later found that adhesive proteins occur in different variations. In addition, in the blood of 85% of people there is an antigen, the Rh factor (Rh+), which is also inherited.

How to determine a child’s blood type by parents: Mendel’s law in the table

Blood groups are inherited, and Gregor Mendel's laws help determine their possible variants. They are determined by gene I, namely a series of multiple factors (alleles) of this gene Iᴬ, Iᴮ, iᴼ.

  • The first two alleles are codominant in relation to each other (only when they are present together, blood group 4 is formed - AB) and both are dominant (suppress the second allele) in relation to the third.
  • When both dominant factors are absent in the blood, genotype 00 is formed - this is group I.
  • If factors A and 0 (AA, A0) occur, the person will have blood group II.
  • In the presence of allelic genes B and 0, group III is formed.

Two allelic genes are responsible for the transmission of traits. During meiosis (the type of division that produces sex cells), these characteristics are separated. Only one of them will be transmitted through the reproductive cell from parent to offspring. The child will receive the allelic gene paired with it from the second parent. Based on the laws of genetics, it is possible to trace their probable combinations in offspring with known blood groups of the parents.

Mendel's table

Parents' blood types Possible blood type of the child (probability, %)
I+I I (100%) - - -
I+II I (50%) II (50%) - -
I+III I (50%) - III(50%) -
I+IV - II (50%) III (50%) -
II+ II I (25%) II (75%) - -
II + III I (25%) II (25%) III (25%) IV (25%)
II +IV - II (50%) III (25%) IV (25%)
III+III I (25%) - III (75%) -
III + IV - II (25%) III (50%) IV (25%)
IV + IV - II (25%) III (25%) IV (50%)

How to determine the child's blood type from the parents using the Mendel table?

  • You can be sure of the birth of a child with a certain blood type only if both parents have group I. In all other combinations, there are from two to four inheritance options.
  • If parents have groups I (00) and II (AA, A0), then there will also be only two options for inheritance. The baby can be born with the following alleys - A0 or 00, i.e. with the first or second blood groups, like the man and woman who conceived him.
  • In the case where the mother and father have groups I and III, they will have a baby with the same group as one of them.
  • The combination of parental blood groups II and III gives the most options. They can give birth to children with any blood type.
  • If the mother and father have IV groups, children can be born with all but the first blood groups. IV (AB) and IV (AB) = AA, BB, AB.

Why can the blood type of parents and child be different?

If this happens, do not rush to immediately accuse your wife of cheating and look askance at your neighbor. Let's look at genetics again. Since this trait is determined not by one allelic gene, but by two, each of which is inherited independently of each other, parents and children may have different blood groups. For example, if one of the parents has I (00), and the other has IV (AB) group, then the child can receive from them the following combinations of genes - A0 - the second group and B0 - the third group. The possibility of having a child with the blood type of one of the parents is completely excluded in this case.

How to determine the Rh factor of a child based on its parents?

Relatively recently it became known that the Rh factor includes many antigens. But the most active of them is the D antigen, which determines the presence of the Rh protein. Its suppressed (recessive) allele (d) in the genotype means the absence of this factor in red blood cells.

  • If the blood of both parents is Rh negative (dd), then the child will also lack this antigen. In other cases, you can find out about the possible inheritance of this trait by conducting genetic testing of the parents, the fetus, or by tracing its manifestations in the family of generations of ancestors.
  • Even if both parents are heterozygous for this trait (Dd), that is, they are Rh positive, but carry recessive alleles, then there is a 25% chance of having a child with Rh negative blood. And in the case when there is only one of the four dominant genes Dd and dd, then the possibility of having a Rh-positive baby becomes even less.

Knowing your own blood type and the sign of its Rh factor does not always provide comprehensive information about the possibility of transmitting characteristics to children. With the development of genetics, it became possible to learn about the future of the offspring even before their conception or birth. Only with the help of genetic analysis can many undesirable results, such as hereditary diseases, be avoided.

Thanks to modern science, today it is possible to predict the character, state of the nervous and immune systems of the unborn child only by the blood type of the parents. The blood type, calculated by comparing the Rhesus and blood groups of the parents, tells about many characteristics of the unborn child - about the color of his eyes, hair, predisposition to certain diseases, even about gender.

The Austrian geneticist Karl Landsteiner divided human blood into 4 groups based on the structure of red blood cells, finding out that special substances in it - antigens A and B, are found in various combinations. Based on this information, Landsteiner compiled the definitions of blood group:

I(0) blood group - without antigens A and B;
II(A) - antigen A;
III(AB) - antigen B;
IV(AB) - antigens A and B.

What blood type a child will have is shown by Mendel’s pattern, a scientist who proved inheritance by all kinds of blood parameters, primarily by group.

The blood type never changes - having received one antigen from mom and dad at conception, respectively, the child begins to develop in the womb according to genetics. Thanks to this science, people began to prevent many problems with the fetus, in particular, to predict defects and complications.

Gene relationships

Even at conception, genes are transmitted to the child from the parents, containing information about the presence of antigens and the pole of the Rh factor.

For example, blood group without antigens - the first - is inherited from parents who both have the 1st group.

The second group is compatible with the first; the child will have either the first or 2nd blood group (AA or A0).

The third group is obtained in a similar way - BB or B0.

The fourth is the rarest; either antigen A or B is transmitted to the child.

All these facts are confirmed, but still a theory, so the exact results for the group can only be determined with the help of laboratory tests. Today, with a high percentage of probability of coincidence, inquisitive parents or doubtful obstetricians managing the pregnancy, the group of the unborn child is calculated according to approximately the same scheme as given in the following table.

Table of inheritance of a child's blood type depending on the blood groups of the father and mother

Parents / Child’s blood type as a percentage
0+0 / 0 (100%)
0+A / 0 (50%) A (50%)
0+V / 0 (50%) V (50%)
0+AB / A (50%) B (50%)
A+A / 0 (25%) A (75%)
A+B / 0 (25%) A (25%) B (25%) AB (25%)
A+AB / A (50%) B (25%) AB (25%)
B+B / 0 (25%) B (75%)
B+AB / A (25%) B (50%) AB (25%)
AB+AB / A (25%) B (25%) AB (50%)

Rh factor

The Rh factor, which determines blood types, was discovered in 1940 by Karl Landsteiner and Alexander Wiener. This was 40 years after the discovery of 4 groups - the AB0 system. Over the past half century, geneticists have learned much more about the processes responsible for the type of Rh factor. Rh blood factor may be the most genetically complex of all blood type systems, as it includes 45 different antigens on the surface of red cells that are controlled by two closely linked genes on the chromosome.

The definition of Rh+ or Rh- is a simplification. There are many variations of the Rh blood type depending on which 45 Rh antigens are present. The most important of these antigens for mother and fetus is the Rh conflict. When a person is identified as Rh+ or Rh-, it is usually in reference to the D antigen. In other words, an individual is Rh+ or RhD-.

Child inheritance table of Rh factor

Protein as a substance predominates in the red blood cells of most people (85%), which are capable of inducing intense antigenic reactions. A person who has a protein substance in the blood is with a positive Rh factor. A person who does not have the protein substance is Rh negative. Under ordinary circumstances, the presence or absence of the Rh factor has no bearing on life or health, except when positive and negative forms are mixed. The Rh factor was first identified in the blood of macaques in 1940.

The Rh factor is a protein inherited from parents on the surfaces of blood cells. Rh positive is the most common blood type. Having an Rh negative blood type is not a disease and does not usually affect your health. However, it may affect pregnancy. Pregnancy requires special care if the mother is Rh negative and the baby's father is Rh positive.

Rhesus blood conflict between mother and child

The Rh factor of blood, a dominant trait, is also related to genetics, because the mismatch of its poles leads to a conflict that is detrimental to the baby and the expectant mother.

If the mother has Rh-, and the child, which unfortunately happens, has the opposite Rh - Rh+, there is a high probability of miscarriage. Usually manifests itself as an inheritance from one of the parents.

Rh conflict occurs only when the fathers are positive and the child and mother are Rh negative. So, the Rh+ father can have either the DD or Dd genotype, there are 2 possible combinations with different risks. Regardless of the genotype of the father, if he is Rh+ and the mother is Rh-, doctors assume in advance that there will be an incompatibility problem and begin to act accordingly.

This means that only Rh+ children (DD) are likely to be born with medical complications. When both the mother and her fetus are Rh (DD), the birth should be normal.

If a woman becomes pregnant for the first time and is Rh-, then there is no problem of incompatibility for her Rh-positive fetus. However, second and subsequent births can have life-threatening consequences for Rh+ children. The risk increases with each pregnancy. To understand why firstborns tend to have the safest births and why laterborns are at risk, you need to know some of the functions of the placenta.

Placenta and blood circulation

This is the organ that attaches the fetus to the wall of the uterus using the umbilical cord. The mother's nutrients and antibodies are regularly transferred across the placental borders to the fetus, but her red blood cells are not. Antigens do not appear in the mother's blood during the first pregnancy if she has not previously been in contact with Rh + blood.

Thus, her antibodies do not “stick together” with the red blood cells of her Rh+ fetus. Placental ruptures occur at birth, so that fetal blood enters the mother's circulatory system, stimulating intensive production of antibodies to antigen Rh-positive blood. Just one drop of the fruit actively stimulates the production of large quantities of antibodies.

When the next pregnancy occurs, the transfer of antibodies from the mother's circulatory system again occurs through the placental boundaries of the fetus. Antigens, antibodies, which she now produces in reaction with the blood of the fetus - with a positive Rh factor, as a result of which many of its red cells burst or stick together.

A newborn may have life-threatening anemia due to lack of oxygen in the blood. The child also usually suffers from jaundice, fever, and has an enlarged liver and spleen. This condition is called erythroblastosis fetalis.

The standard treatment for such severe cases is massive transfusions of Rh-negative blood to the children while simultaneously draining the existing circulatory system to eliminate the flow of positive antibodies from the mother. This is usually done for newborn babies, but can be done before birth.

Serums for transfusion

Blood groups and their compatibility were originally used in research to invent a serum to introduce a blood antibody sample. If the serum agglutinates red cells, then Rh is positive; if this is not the case, it is negative. Despite the actual genetic complexities, inheritance of this trait can generally be predicted using a simple conceptual model in which there are two alleles, D and d. Individuals who are homozygous for dominant DD or heterozygous for Dd are Rh positive. Those who are homozygous recessive DD are Rh negative (meaning they lack key antigens).

Clinically, the Rh factor pole, like ABO factors, can lead to serious medical complications. The biggest problem with group and rhesus is not so much the incompatibility for transfusion (although that can happen) but the risk to the mother and her developing baby in the womb. Rh incompatibility occurs when a mother is negative and her child is positive.

Maternal antibodies can cross the placenta and destroy fetal blood cells. The risk increases with each pregnancy. For Europeans, this problem accounts for 13% of their newborns being potentially at risk. With preventative treatment, this number can be reduced to less than 1% of patients receiving bad news. Nevertheless, Rh incompatibility remains the leading cause of problems with risks for the development of the fetus and newborn, and the continuation of pregnancy.

Interpretation of transfusion

Because the baby's own Rh+ red blood cells will be replaced with negative ones, the mother's antigens and antibodies do not require additional red blood cells. Later, Rh- blood will be replaced naturally, as the child’s body gradually produces its own Rh+ red blood cells.

Erythroblastosis can be prevented in high-risk women (i.e., group-negative women with a positive spouse or a blood-compatible spouse) by administering serum containing antibody antigens from maternal red blood cells at 28 weeks of pregnancy and for 72 hours thereafter. confirmation of the child’s positive blood type.

This should be done for the first and all subsequent pregnancies. The injected antibodies quickly “glue together” any baby's red blood cells as soon as they enter the mother's body, thus preventing her from forming her own antibodies.

Serums provide only a passive form of immunization and quickly leave the mother's blood. Thus, it does not produce any permanent antibodies. This treatment can be 99% effective in preventing erythroblastosis and also for women after miscarriage, recovery from ectopic pregnancy or induced abortion.

Without the use of serums, a woman who is Rh negative is likely to receive large amounts of positive antibodies each time she becomes pregnant if she comes into contact with an Rh positive person. Thus, the risk of life-threatening erythroblastosis increases with each subsequent pregnancy.

Signs of conflict with AB0

Anti-Rh+ antibodies may be obtained from an individual with Rh- blood as a result of a transfusion mismatch. When this happens, the likelihood of producing antibodies throughout life increases. Serums can prevent this.

Mother-fetal incompatibility can lead to a match with the ABO blood group system. However, symptoms are usually not that severe. This occurs when the mother and her baby are B or AB. Symptoms in newborn babies are jaundice, mild anemia, and elevated bilirubin levels. These problems in the newborn can usually be successfully treated without blood transfusion.

Parents of an unborn child usually tend to try to predict the gender of their desired child, who they will be like, and some individual features of appearance, such as hair or eye color. Of course, it will not be possible to obtain a complete portrait of the baby before his birth. But thanks to research by geneticists on the likelihood of borrowing, it is possible to actually calculate some characteristics of the unborn baby, namely, find out the child’s blood type and his Rhesus. The science of genetics studies the inheritance of blood groups in humans. A table created on the basis of the theory of inheritance will be useful in determining which blood type can be passed on to a child from his parents.

System of dividing blood into groups

What does blood type depend on? Not so long ago, at the turn of the 20th century, geneticists received information that, depending on the presence of certain individual antigenic (protein) properties of red blood cells, blood is divided into four groups. At first, only three types of blood substance were discovered - these are 1, 2 and 3, then another type was added - blood group 4.

Classification of four categories of blood flow composition:

  • The first is designated 0 (I).
  • The second is marked A (II).
  • The third is marked B (III).
  • The fourth is marked AB (IV).

The marking corresponds to the absence (0) or presence of agglutinogens in the bloodstream (A, B). Such a system received the corresponding name AVO. The first blood group has no antigens at all. The second has one antigen A, the third has B. The fourth has two antigens A and B. Agglutinogens are proteins of the immune system located on the surface of red blood cells. When a pathogenic microorganism enters the human body, they immediately begin to produce antibodies, which combine with the pathogens and block their ability to move. It is possible to find out your blood type and Rh factor in a diagnostic laboratory by taking a test.

The study is not difficult and does not require special preparation.

The Rh factor can be positive or negative, that is, its absence. Rhesus positive is more common in about 80% of the world's inhabitants. Less common are people who do not have Rh, this status is called Rh negative; this pattern is observed in less than 20% of people. In humans, the lack of Rh does not affect the condition of the body in any way. Rh negative is of great importance during pregnancy. Because often the mother’s blood components do not coincide with the child’s blood flow, which is why a Rh conflict occurs, leading to adverse consequences.

Concept of inheritance of blood type by a child from parents

How to determine a child’s blood type according to the borrowing theory of biologist Gregor Mendel, who was the first to discover such a pattern. To find out what blood type a child will have, you need to delve a little deeper into genetic laws. Based on the AB0 system, genetic scientists have presented evidence that the formation of blood fluid in a child, and therefore the inheritance of blood type, are identical in nature. The future father and mother pass on to their child genes that contain information regarding the presence or absence of agglutinogens A or B. And the positive or negative Rh factor is also transmitted through genes.

How blood type is inherited in children will become clear by looking at the percentages in the table. For the convenience of future parents, an online calculator has been developed, using which it is easy to calculate the child’s blood type. It is enough to enter the individual blood flow data of the future father and mother, and the test will show the expected blood type of the future baby in a matter of seconds.

The pattern can be seen in the blood group inheritance table:

Father and mother What category of blood flow can a child have?
according to parents' blood type
(probability is indicated in % expression)
I and I I in 100% of cases
I and II I at 50% II by 50%
I and III I at 50% III by 50%
I and IV II by 50% III by 50%
II and II I at 25% II at 75%
II and III I at 25% II by 25% III by 25% IV by 25%
II and IV II by 50% III by 25% IV by 25%
III and III I at 25% III at 75%
III and IV I at 25% III by 50% IV by 25%
IV and IV II by 25% III by 25% IV at 50%

The order of inheritance of the Rh factor by children

Approximately on the same principle as the blood type of a child from his parents, there is a table that helps determine how the Rh factor is transmitted. If the parents do not have the Rh factor, then the baby is born with a negative factor. In the case of different parental Rh factors, the following pattern can be observed.

Rh factor of a certain heredity in a child:

The Rh factor is a protein, or otherwise an antigen, located on the surface layer of red blood cells. This blood flow indicator is designated Rh. Depending on whether the rhesus is positive or negative, it is marked with minus or plus signs: Rh (+), Rh (−).

If this antigen is absent in the bloodstream of the parents, then no matter what type of blood mass a new life is born with, the Rh factor will be negative. The reverse variant with both positive Rhesus is not capable of being transmitted as in the previous case. Here there may be a small percentage of exceptions to the rules, that is, the absence of erythrocyte lipoproteins in a newborn. When parents have different Rh factors, as a rule, both will be passed on to the child, that is, either positive or negative.

Real examples of children inheriting blood types from their parents

What blood type will the baby be born with? This is one of the frequently asked questions from parents. The table clearly shows how to find out the blood type of an unborn child. To make it clearer, we can consider this theory using specific examples.

If parents of blood flow group 1 had a negative Rh factor - a rather rare coincidence of parameters - then their children will be born with exactly the same indicators. The blood groups of the parents are diametrically opposite, that is, the father is fourth negative, and the mother is first positive. Such a spread of indicators will contribute to the newborn inheriting one of the options of a whole spectrum of possible blood flow values ​​(II A0, III B0 and other options).

In any case, the blood types of the child and parents in this family will never match.

What blood types are inherited in a child, for example, when the father’s third is positive, and the mother’s second is negative? With this type of blood combination as described, even if the parents are swapped, the child can inherit any of the four categories and both Rh factors. This is the most universal combination of blood flow indicators.

By calculating the blood flow data of one of the parents, it is possible to predict the appearance, character traits and other data of the unborn child. Although the child, most likely, when born, will present a lot of surprises regarding the expected appearance and other characteristic features. Be that as it may, it must be borne in mind that calculations using a table or online calculator have a high degree of probability. But such calculations cannot give an absolute guarantee. Despite the fact that genetics has been well studied, nature has its own laws, which are sometimes difficult to explain. Therefore, the final answer will be received about what the child’s blood type should be only after his birth.

In contact with

Inheritance of blood type and Rh factor by a child is carried out in accordance with genetic laws. During breastfeeding, anti-Rh antibodies are destroyed in the baby's stomach.

When planning a pregnancy or when a pregnant woman goes to an antenatal clinic for observation, one of the main tests is determination of group and Rh factor blood future parents. This is necessary for many reasons, one of which is the prevention of complications associated with incompatibility of the blood of the mother and fetus.

What are blood groups

The difference in the blood of different people lies in different combinations of specific protein complexes or in the absence of some of them. The classification of blood groups is carried out in accordance with the main polysaccharide-amino acid complexes built into the erythrocyte membrane. They are antigens, that is, foreign to another organism. In response to them, ready-made antibodies are produced or already available that neutralize (destroy) the antigen.

If group antigens are located in erythrocytes, then antibodies are located in serum. When red blood cells with one blood group enter the plasma of a person with another group, they stick together and are destroyed by antibodies, which in mild cases manifests itself as so-called hemolytic (hemolysis - destruction) anemia or jaundice, and in severe cases - death of the body.

Normally, each person’s blood contains both antigens (agglutinogens) and antibodies (agglutinins), but not to their own agglutinogens. Conventionally, antigens are designated “A”, which correspond to antibodies “α” and “B” (antibodies - “β”). Thus, in accordance with this, four blood groups are determined, programmed in the genetic code of each person and designated by the AB0 system (0 - absence of antigens).

Inheritance of blood groups

According to the laws of genetics, the separation of chromosomes with the genetic set of one of the parents and their combination with the genetic set of the other in the offspring can give various combinations, on which the blood type of the fetus will depend. The probability of these combinations in the unborn child as a percentage is displayed in blood group inheritance table:

Blood groups
mother and father
I gr. baby
II gr. baby
III gr. baby
IV gr. baby

I ; I
0 0 0
50 50 0 0
50 0 50 0
I ; IV
0 50 50 0
25 75 0 0
25 25 25 25
0 50 25 25
25 0 75 0
0 25 50 25
0 25 25 50

There are extremely rare exceptions when a child is determined to have a blood type that should not be there. This is called the Bombay phenomenon. It means the suppression of agglutinogens in the body of one of the parents, and his blood manifests itself as the properties of other groups. In this case, the suppressed gene is passed on to the child and manifests itself in him.

Due to the fact that antigens “A” and “B” are large molecules, they are not able to penetrate the placental barrier. During the normal course of pregnancy, different blood groups of the mother and fetus do not manifest themselves in any way. During birth, some of the mother's antibodies and antigens, due to placental abruption, can penetrate into the baby's blood, as a result of which the child develops hemolytic jaundice in the first days after birth. More often it is unexpressed and passes quickly, but in severe cases it can be dangerous and require intensive treatment.

Rh factor inheritance

The Rh factor is a lipoprotein that is present on the membrane of red blood cells in 85% of people. Its presence is indicated by "Rh+". The absence of this factor in 15% of people is designated as “Rh-”. Inheritance is carried out according to the following principle:

  1. If both parents have the Rh factor, the child also inherits the Rh factor of blood.
  2. In cases where it is absent from the parents, it is (usually) absent from the child.
  3. If one parent is Rh+ and the other is Rh negative, then the probability of inheritance is 50%.
  4. There are cases of inheritance after several generations, when a child may be born with the absence of the Rh factor even if both parents have it.

If the mother's blood is Rh negative and the child inherits the Rh positive gene, then the mother's blood produces antibodies. Arises Rhesus conflict, as a result of which spontaneous abortions may occur and severe hemolytic disease of the newborn may develop. This usually happens with repeated births, since antibodies are produced slowly during the first birth. And although the blood circulation of the fetus and mother are separate, in case of various infections and the pathological course of repeated pregnancy, existing antibodies easily penetrate into the blood of the fetus. To prevent their formation, a woman during her first birth is given anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin during the first three days.

Rhesus conflict does not arise:

  • in the absence of the Rh factor in both parents;
  • if the mother has Rh+ blood;The rhesus of the father and the fetus in this case does not matter;
  • If the mother has Rh- blood and the father has Rh+ blood, the child inherits the genes of Rh-negative blood.

There is still no consensus regarding breastfeeding with Rhesus conflict. Antibodies disappear from breast milk during the first 2 weeks, after which feeding is possible. But it is now believed that they are destroyed in the child’s digestive tract, despite its imperfections. Therefore, in maternity hospitals, breastfeeding is increasingly allowed from the first days.

According to historical information, blood group 3 was previously called nomadic, since such plasma was first discovered in nomads. Probably for this reason, such blood is more adaptable compared to other types. Not everyone knows that blood type affects a person’s health and character, his preferences, and nutrition. Therefore, people who have this group should know all its features and what suits them and what does not.

The influence of blood on character and lifestyle

Holders of the third positive blood group delight everyone with their easy-going and open character. They quickly find a common language with other people, make new acquaintances and do not lose confidence and optimism even in very difficult situations. They have a strong sense of justice and stand up not only for their relatives, but also for strangers.

People with such blood were greatly influenced by their historical origins from nomads, who are always in search of something new and make unexpected decisions, easily adapt to different conditions around them, such people have no constancy.

People with positive blood type 3 are suitable for creative professions, which is explained by their restless nature.

Men are characterized by such qualities as wit, charm, and assertiveness. The peculiarity of women is inconstancy, they are flighty and charming, they always have many fans. Most carriers of the third blood group have no health problems, but few suffer from dysfunction of the endocrine glands. Common pathologies are diabetes and multiple sclerosis. In many cases, people with this type of blood experience poor concentration and constant fatigue.

Features during pregnancy

The pregnancy period in the 3rd positive group usually proceeds without any complications, and there are also no pathologies. In rare cases, incompatibility between the mother and the unborn child or newly-made spouses may occur. If the first problem occurs, it can be solved at 28 weeks of pregnancy. If there is incompatibility in a young couple, then various solutions can be applied, from which you can choose the one that is most suitable.

First of all, these could be:

It is important to note the aspect that with different blood types of parents, the third group will be the strongest. Therefore, the newborn baby will wear a different group from dad or mom, which will not be the third. During pregnancy, certain complications may arise if the Rh blood factors of both parents do not match, for example, one is Rh negative, and the other parent is Rh positive. In this case, the woman carrying the child will be under strict medical supervision to ensure that complications do not arise (miscarriage or stillbirth).

Before planning a pregnancy, you must take a test to determine the blood type and Rh factor of the future parents to determine compatibility. It is the results of the blood test of future parents that will help avoid the occurrence of sad situations during pregnancy, which will also preserve the health and life of the mother and the unborn child.

Health by blood type

The majority of the world's population, who have the third positive group, do not have any health problems in their lives. A minority of residents may encounter problems in the endocrine system. These people may develop diabetes or multiple sclerosis.

K. Landsteiner's discovery suggests that 85% of group 3 carriers have a positive Rh factor. The remaining 15% are Rh negative. Therefore, when blood is transfused from one person to another, the compatibility of the Rhesus of the donor and recipient is considered a prerequisite.

It is compatibility that all doctors pay attention to when they need 3 positive blood. If compatibility is low, then a precipitate may appear in the blood serum, leading to the destruction of blood cells - red blood cells. One of the worst cases of low compatibility can be the death of the patient.

It is important to note that the third Rh-positive group is compatible both with its own group and with other groups. Compatibility with other groups can be characterized as follows:

  • the positive third group can be combined with groups 1 and 3 with negative and positive rhesus;
  • compatibility with groups 3 and 4 (Rh positive in both cases);
  • the third with a negative Rh factor can be combined with groups 1 and 3 (Rh negative in both cases).

How to eat healthy

A person with this type of blood is not suitable for any special diet. There will be no particular difficulties with choosing food and establishing the correct diet. This blood type makes it possible to easily digest both foods of plant and animal origin. This aspect will allow you to follow either one diet or a completely different one.

You should know that there are also foods prohibited for consumption (wheat, peanuts, buckwheat). It is better for a person with positive group 3 to include in his diet: low-fat kefir or yogurt, beef liver, carrots, red fish, bananas and grapes, green tea. There is also an extensive list of foods that should not be consumed. These include: alcohol, coffee and black tea, tomatoes and tomato juice, ketchup and mayonnaise, pork, chicken and wheat bread, ice cream and other sweets. Knowing your blood type, it is important to properly monitor your health, eat and plan your pregnancy.

What blood type will the child have if both parents have blood type 3?

Mom and dad have blood type III, what blood type can a child have?

The child inherits the blood type from one of the parents. If both mom and dad have the third group, then the child will also have the third. With Rhesus the same tendency - it is inherited from one of the parents.

in your case there should be no incompatibility in the group.

It is necessary to study all possible combinations in the tables.

So, my husband and I have exactly the same situation - we both have the third blood group, and the eldest child has the first.

Moreover, judging by the tables

our result should be like this

These 6 percent happened)

The question is certainly interesting.

If both parents have a third blood group, then logically the children should also have a third blood group.

But in practice everything is somewhat different.

So, the child is very likely to have the third blood type, but there is also a small chance that the baby may also have the first blood group, so there is no need to be alarmed if the child’s blood type does not match and suddenly turns out to be the first and not the third, this is quite likely.

3rd positive group

On the entire planet, there are about 20% of the population with the 3rd blood group - Rh-positive. Like all other groups, it appeared as a result of mutation and human development. According to historical data, the 3rd blood group is called nomadic, since the first registered people with such plasma were called nomads. This led people to the fact that they were able to adapt well to new lands and habitats.

Thus, we can safely say that the character of this blood is quite adaptable among all other types. Initially, the third blood group appeared - Rh-positive, and a little later medical historians registered Rh-negative. It is also worth saying that the 3rd blood group is quite rare compared to the first and second. Therefore, in this case there are not always enough donors.


The most convenient and positive qualities of such people is the ability to adapt to different environmental conditions. This feature was formed among the very first and ancient people, since all the time it was necessary to adapt to a new place of residence, climate and, in general, living conditions.

The character of such people is flexible and balanced, which makes it possible to adequately respond to the situation in different and unpredictable situations. This is also reflected in good nutritional compatibility, that is, they are not picky about various dishes.

We can also say that the 3rd Rh-positive blood group characterizes people as calm, reasonable, balanced and quite wise in various decisions. They are endowed with a strong immune system, which sometimes sets them apart from the rest of the population. This most often occurs when drawing blood for recipients, when a healthy and strong donor is required.


The diet for people in group 3 is quite simple and it is not difficult to choose. This is explained by the fact that from the very first days of formation, people always ate whatever they had to eat. Therefore, the digestive tract is able to digest most foods quite well.

The diet consists of eating a variety of foods. You can safely eat meat and any type of fish. The nature of nutrition may vary. For example, the compatibility of different vegetables and cereals is well suited for those who are actively involved in sports.

For those on a strict diet, a variety of low-fat dairy products, even whole milk, are ideal. But in addition to all this, it is worth noting that the varied compatibility of the diet does not include the consumption of fatty pork, seafood and chicken. It’s better to get by with rabbit meat or just fish.

The consumption of shrimp, oysters, squid and crayfish is not recommended as seafood. This way, you can limit yourself from junk food and fully adhere to your diet. We can say that the nature of nutrition can be different, because people of the 3rd blood group know how to adapt to different situations. But, in order not to experiment again, it is better to trust time-tested methods and keep yourself in rhythm all the time. Then such a diet will not fail.

Avoid wheat bread and eat more eggs and greens. As for drinks, grape, pineapple, cabbage and cranberry juice are good options for your diet. They are especially useful for weight loss. Black tea and coffee are ideal hot drinks, which are recommended to be consumed no more than once a day.

If you want to consolidate the results of your diet, then pay attention to physical activity. Such compatibility will make it possible to achieve good results. Tennis, yoga, walking, cycling or just running are ideal. Such activities will be beneficial not only for the figure, but also for the soul when combined with a diet.

Features of pregnancy

The nature of pregnancy in this case is most often positive. There are several cases when there is no compatibility between a child and mother, or young spouses. If incompatibility between mother and child occurs, then this issue is resolved as a special injection at 28 weeks of pregnancy.

As for another case, when a young couple is not compatible, then they resort to quite different methods of solving the problem. This could be appropriate expensive treatment, a surrogate mother or any other options. Pregnancy generally proceeds without problems as far as nutrition and the woman’s general health are concerned.

It is worth noting that very often, with different blood groups, the parents overcome the third; most often, the newborn will inherit the blood of the mother or father, which is not equal to the 3rd blood group. Pregnancy can still be problematic if the Rh factor is not compatible, which entails some complications. Then the woman is under strict control, because this situation can cause unpredictable events. Most often this is a miscarriage or death of the newborn.

Before planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to determine the blood type and Rh of the mother and future father. This will help to limit yourself to a greater extent from various problems and ensure a healthy and successful pregnancy and birth of the baby.

Health 3 groups

Fortunately, such people's health is mostly normal. It, like character, is more stable and stable. This concerns the fact that the nutritional compatibility of all products is so wide that the immune system is fully nourished and does not experience any damage. But on the other hand, we can say that quite often people experience fatigue and sometimes suffer from diabetes mellitus more often than other groups, regardless of the Rh factor. The nature of such diseases is associated with the thickness of the blood. It is recommended to lead the healthiest lifestyle and keep yourself in shape.

Do not forget about various drinks and tinctures that help thin the blood. By the way, this advice is suitable for everyone, because looking at today’s ecology, we can say with confidence that the acceptable standards for blood test results have increased significantly. This is due precisely to the fact that a person pays little attention to his health, but at the same time receives quite a lot of negative emotions from the environment, nutrition and various bad habits.

An active lifestyle has always been and remains useful, which is also suitable for people with blood type 3. In this case, all activity will be aimed at maintaining strength and character, because such people most often cannot sit in one place. The activity is just off the charts.

If both parents have 3 positive blood type, what will the child have?))




- developed from the merger and migration of races from the African continent to Europe, Asia, North and South America.

The course of human history called on the first “carriers” of the third blood group to populate new lands, adapt to previously unfamiliar climatic conditions, and face problems that arise when different races mix, and therefore these people, in order to survive, needed to show ingenuity (creative, constructive abilities) and flexibility (cunning).

To a lesser extent than sedentary owners of the second blood group, they needed a tendency towards social harmony, livability in society, a willingness to obey established orders, but to a lesser extent they also needed the determination of a hunter, characteristic of organisms with the first group.

All this is still true today. They are more flexible and less susceptible to many common diseases.

People with the third blood group often have all the best that is given to man. They are characterized by mental activity and increased sensitivity.

I dare say: these people are more tolerant, more contactable in relationships with others, because by their genetic nature they are better balanced and, therefore, less prone to defiant behavior, to confrontation, are able to understand a different point of view, and are able to sympathize and empathize.

Here's an interesting statistic: only 9% of the total US population has type III blood, but% of millionaires have type III blood!

In populations of Jews who adhere to traditions, the third blood group is dominant, regardless of their place of residence. Jewish religion and culture are a fusion of rationality, sincerity and efficiency. In Jewish traditions, education, spirituality, and peace coexist side by side with a strong will, physical strength, and a willingness to fight, which often seems contradictory. But in fact, this is the harmonic energy of people of the third blood group in action.

Open, optimistic, with a thirst for adventure, most of them are ascetics and philosophers. The third blood group is distinguished by individualism. People in this group always do as they see fit. However, they have poor contact with other groups, are taciturn and often suffer from depression.

They easily adapt to everything, are flexible, and do not suffer from a lack of imagination. However, the desire to be independent can sometimes be excessive and turn into weakness and insecurity.

Development of infections after surgery;

In women - purulent mastitis, sepsis after childbirth;

Radiculitis, osteochondrosis, joint diseases;

Chronic fatigue syndrome;

Multiple, multiple sclerosis.

For a man with a third blood type, sex is entertainment, completely unrelated to such deep concepts as love

What blood type will the child have? (blood group and Rh factor calculator)

Here you can calculate the child’s blood type based on the blood groups of the parents, find out how the blood type is transmitted from parents to children, and look at the table of the blood type of children and parents.

The widespread division of people into 4 blood groups throughout the world is based on the ABO system. A and B are erythrocyte antigens (agglutinogens). If a person does not have them, then his blood belongs to the first group (0). If there is only A - to the second, only B - to the third, and if both A and B - to the fourth (see the large table at the bottom of the article). Accurate determination of blood belonging to a specific group is possible only in laboratory conditions using special sera.

According to the Rh factor, the entire population of the globe is divided into those who have it (Rh-positive) and those who do not have this factor (Rh-negative). The absence of Rhesus does not affect health in any way. However, a woman has a risk of Rh conflict with her child, especially with repeated pregnancies, if this factor is absent in her blood, but it is present in the baby’s blood.

Inheritance of blood type in theory

Inheritance of blood groups and Rh factor occurs according to the well-studied laws of genetics. To understand this process a little, you will need to remember the school biology curriculum and consider specific examples.

From the parents, the child is given genes that carry information about the presence or absence of agglutinogens (A, B or 0), as well as the presence or absence of the Rh factor. Simplified, the genotypes of people of different blood groups are written as follows:

  • The first blood group is 00. This person received one 0 (“zero”) from his mother, the other from his father. Accordingly, a person with the first group can only pass on 0 to his offspring.
  • The second blood group is AA or A0. A or 0 can be passed on to a child from such a parent.
  • The third blood group is BB or B0. Either B or 0 is inherited.
  • The fourth blood group is AB. Either A or B is inherited.

As for the Rh factor, it is inherited as a dominant trait. This means that if it is transmitted to a person from at least one of the parents, it will definitely manifest itself.

If both parents are negative for the Rh factor, then all children in their family will also not have it. If one parent has the Rh factor and the other does not, the child may or may not have Rh. If both parents are Rh positive, then in at least 75% of cases the child will also be positive. However, the appearance of a baby with Rh negative in such a family is not nonsense. This is quite likely if the parents are heterozygous - i.e. have genes responsible for both the presence and absence of the Rh factor. In practice, this can be assumed simply by asking blood relatives. It is likely that among them there will be an Rh-negative person.

Specific examples of inheritance:

The simplest option, but also quite rare: both parents have a negative blood group. The child will inherit their group in 100% of cases.

Another example: mom’s blood type is positive, and dad’s blood type is negative. A child can receive 0 from his mother, and A or B from his father. This means that the possible options will be A0 (group II), B0 (group III). Those. The blood type of a baby in such a family will never coincide with the parent’s. The Rh factor can be either positive or negative.

In a family where one of the parents has a second negative blood group, and the other has a third positive blood type, it is possible to have a baby with any of the four blood groups and any Rh value. For example, a child can receive A or 0 from his mother, and B or 0 from his father. Accordingly, the following combinations are possible: AB (IV), A0(II), B0 (III), 00(I).

How is a child's blood type inherited?


The mother has 1 positive, the father 2 is positive, the child has 3 negative. Could this be possible? Please answer my question.

This is exactly the situation in our family. Most likely, the theory has an error) I know that my husband’s aunt also has 3 negative, I didn’t trace it further.

I have 2 positives, my husband has 1, the child was born 4.

Hello! My blood type is 2 negative, my husband’s is 3 positive. Children in groups 1 and 4 are positive. Why is that so, I am faithful to him.

Hello, my child and I have 01 rh positive, but my husband A has negative rh group 2, is it the same?

Hello. Mom has 1 positive, and father has 4 negative - which group can children have?

The mother's blood type is 1 -, the father's is 3+, and the child's is 4+. Could this be possible?

The mother has 1 negative, the father 3 is positive. Maybe my son has 4 negative?

Husband 2 (-) I 2 (+) and who will my daughter get her Rhesus from? Surely there will be 2 groups?

With our father, we have 2 negative, mine is 2 gender. daughter was born on the 1st floor. Our daughter is our copy.

I have 3 - my husband has 1+, my son has 4-, how so?

Can a daughter have a blood type of 2 minus if the father has 2 + and the mother has 1 +.

My husband has 3+ and my mother has 2-, what will the child have?

I have a 2+ blood type, my husband has a 4+, my son was born with a 2-, and my daughter with a 1-. What does it mean? According to your parameters, this should not happen, but the children are already adults and without comparison you can say which of them is like whom.

I also have 4+, my husband has 2+ and my daughter has 2- this happens.

How to find out a child's blood type by parents

In cases where the concept of blood group is used, they mean the group (according to the ABO system) and the Rh factor Rh. The first is determined by antigens found on erythrocytes (red blood cells). Antigens are specific structures on the surface of a cell. The second component is the Rh factor of the blood. This is a specific lipoprotein that may or may not be present on the erythrocyte. Accordingly, it will be defined as positive or negative. In this article we will figure out which blood group of children and parents will be a priority during pregnancy.

If the body identifies such a structure as foreign, it will react aggressively to it. It is this principle that must be taken into account during lymph transfusion procedures. People often have the misconception that the blood type of the child and the parents must be the same. There is Mendel's law, which allows us to predict the performance of future children, but these calculations will not be unambiguous.

What is blood type

As mentioned, the ABO blood system is determined by the location of certain antigens on the outer membrane of the red blood cell.

So, there are 4 blood groups in children and adults:

  • I (0) – no antigens A or B.
  • II (A) - only A is present.
  • III (B) - B is defined on the surface.
  • IV (AB) - both antigens A and B are detected.

The essence of the division comes down to the compatibility of blood during transfusion. The fact is that the body will fight against antigens that it itself does not have. This means that a patient with group A cannot be transfused with blood of group B, and vice versa. A person with blood type O has antibodies that will fight against antigens A and B. This means that he can only be transfused with the blood of his own representatives.

A patient with group 4 will be universal, since it does not have antibodies. Such a person can receive any blood transfusions. In turn, a person with group 1 (O) will be a universal donor, if his Rh factor is negative. Such red blood cells will suit everyone.

Belonging to the Rh factor is determined by the D antigen - its presence makes Rh positive, its absence - negative. This blood factor must be taken into account by women during pregnancy. The body of a woman with a negative Rh factor can reject the fetus if her husband has a positive Rh factor. It is worth noting that 85% of people have a positive Rh status.

A test to determine both factors is done in the laboratory: antibodies are added to a few drops of blood, the reaction of which determines the presence of certain blood antigens.

Blood group test

Inheritance of blood groups

Parents often wonder whether the blood type of parents and children can be different? Yes, this is possible. The fact is that inheritance of a child’s blood type occurs according to the law of genetics, where genes A and B are dominant, and genes O are recessive. The baby receives one gene each from his mother and father. Most genes in humans have two copies.

In a simplified form, a person’s genotype can be described as follows:

  • Blood type 1 - OO: the child will inherit only O.
  • Blood group 2 - AA or AO.
  • Blood group 3 - BB or BO: both one and the second trait can be inherited equally.
  • Blood type 4 - AB: children can get A or B.

There is a special table of the blood group of children and parents, from which you can clearly guess what blood group and Rh factor the child will receive:

It is worth paying attention to a number of patterns in the inheritance of traits. Thus, the blood type of children and parents must match 100% if both parents have the first. In cases where parents have groups 1 and 2 or groups 1 and 3, children can equally inherit any trait from one of the parents. If a partner has blood type 4, then in any case he cannot have a child with type 1. The blood type of children and parents may not match even if one of the partners has group 2 and the other has group 3. With this option, any result is possible.

Rh factor inheritance

The situation with Rh inheritance is much simpler: the D antigen is either present or absent. A positive Rh factor is dominant over a negative one. Accordingly, the following subgroups are possible: DD, Dd, dd, where D is a dominant gene and d is a recessive gene. From the above it is clear that the first two combinations will be positive, and only the last one will be negative.

In life, this situation will look like this. If at least one parent has DD, then the child will inherit a positive Rh factor, if both have DD, then a negative one. If the parents have Dd, there is a possibility of having a child with any rhesus factor.

Inheritance table of Rh blood factor

Is it possible to determine the sex of a child in advance?

There is a version that you can determine the sex of a child by the blood type of the parents. Of course, one cannot believe in such a calculation with great confidence.

The essence of calculating the blood type of an unborn child comes down to the following principles:

  • A woman (1) and a man (1 or 3) are more likely to give birth to a girl; if a man has 2 and 4, the likelihood of having a boy will increase.
  • A woman (2) with a man (2 and 4) will most likely get a girl, and with a man (1 and 3) a boy.
  • Mother (3) and father (1) will give birth to a girl, with men of other groups there will be a son.
  • A woman (4) and a man (2) should expect a girl; men of a different blood will have a son.

It is worth noting that there is no scientific evidence for this theory. The method suggests that the unity of parents according to the state of Rh blood (both negative and positive) speaks in favor of the appearance of a daughter, and in other cases - a son.

Child gender table based on parents' blood type


Currently, medicine makes it possible to determine diseases by blood type that may appear in a child even before birth. Of course, you should not completely trust tables and independent research. Accuracy in determining the group and rhesus of the unborn child can only be expected after a laboratory study.

What is really worth paying attention to is the fact that using parental blood it is possible to determine with a high probability the predisposition to diseases of the future child.

One of the most important tasks when determining blood category is to reduce the possible risk of blood transfusion. If alien genes enter the human body, an aggressive reaction may begin, the outcome of which is very sad. The same situation occurs with inappropriate rhesus. It is important for pregnant women, especially those with a negative factor, to take these circumstances into account.

We should not forget about possible gene mutations that occur on earth to one degree or another. The fact is that previously there was one blood group (1), the rest appeared later. But these factors are so rare that it is not worth dwelling on them in detail.

There are certain observations regarding the correspondence between a person's character and his blood. From this, scientists drew conclusions about predisposition to certain diseases. Thus, the first group, being the earliest on Earth, seems to be the most resilient; among the people of this subgroup, leaders are most often found. These are pronounced meat lovers, but, unfortunately, they also have strong allergic reactions.

People of the second blood group are more patient and practical; they are most often vegetarians, also due to their sensitive gastrointestinal tract. Their immune system is weak and they are often susceptible to infectious diseases.

The third subgroup is represented by passionate natures, extreme sports people. They tolerate environmental changes better than others and have excellent immunity.

People of the fourth blood subgroup are the rarest, they are very sensual and see this world in their own way. They have a receptive nervous system and are often very altruistic.

Whether to trust such characteristics and whether to make predictions about the character of their child based on such observations is up to parents to decide. But using the achievements of modern medicine to improve the health of the unborn baby is never superfluous.