The main signs of teething in infants. How to understand that a child has a sore throat? - The first signs and methods of their treatment Signs that the child has

  • Roundworms or nematodes - the most common worms in children are pinworms (enterobiosis), roundworms (ascariasis), whipworm (trichocephalosis), trichinella (trichinellosis)
  • Flat, tapeworms or cestodes - tapeworm or bovine tapeworm (taeniarhynchosis), rat or pygmy tapeworm (hymenolepiasis), pork tapeworm (taeniasis), echinococcus, wide tapeworm (diphyllobothriasis)
  • Trematodes or fluke worms - Siberian and cat fluke (opisthorchiasis), liver fluke (fascioliasis), paragonimiasis, schistosomiasis, etc.

How does infection occur and why?

The main helminthic invasions in Russia and Ukraine are nematodes, that is, roundworms and pinworms, less often whipworm. Infection with other tapeworms and flukes accounts for only 2-5% of all reported cases of helminthiases, since infection with them most often occurs either after traveling to exotic tropical and subtropical countries, or when eating undercooked meat, contact with infected animals, as well as in case of gross violation health and personal hygiene rules. Of this group, they most often become infected with a wide tapeworm when eating poorly fried river fish.

Infection with pinworms and roundworms occurs only when hygiene is not observed, when hands are not thoroughly washed before eating, after walking or using the toilet, when eating plant foods - vegetables, berries, herbs poorly washed with water, after contact with animals, and also when in contact with an infected child or adults.

In cases with pinworms, in addition to a one-time infection, there is a very high risk of reinvasion, that is, self-infection, when, after scratching the itchy anus, thousands of eggs settle on the hands, underwear, after that, on everything that the child touches (door handles, clothes, objects, toys) remain eggs of pinworms, infecting both others and the carrier of pinworms.

Preschool kids learn the world around them, while tasting almost everything that surrounds them and falls into their hands. Therefore, preschool institutions, playgrounds on the streets, playrooms in children's and shopping and entertainment centers are the maximum breeding ground for pinworms. Moreover, children are more susceptible to helminthiases, since they still have imperfect protective barriers of the gastrointestinal tract, and parents manage to accustom the baby to the rules of personal hygiene clearly and without reminders by the age of 4-6 years.

The fact is that, for example, with pinworms, scraping for enterobiasis is often false-negative, the female pinworm does not crawl out of the intestine every day to lay eggs, and the likelihood of timely detection of such helminthiasis is not great. Only with massive infection and prolonged reinvasion can a single scraping reveal pinworms. Therefore, if enterobiasis is suspected, it is recommended to carry out numerous scrapings, at least 3 every other day and after another 2 weeks.

So, what increases the risk of infection with roundworms and pinworms in children:

  • If the child does not wash his hands every time after going to the toilet, after visiting the street, just before eating, even before a small snack
  • If underwear is rarely changed, it is advisable to change it 2 times a day, the morning change of underwear is especially important
  • If the baby puts everything in his mouth, toys, pencils, other objects, has a habit of biting his nails, sucking his thumb, etc.
  • The presence of pets - dogs, cats - increases the risk of helminthic invasion, as there may be worm eggs on the coat
  • If the child rarely trims his fingernails
  • If there is no persistent habit of thoroughly washing fruits, vegetables, salads, herbs immediately before eating
  • If there is a large accumulation of flies and cockroaches in an apartment, a private house, unsanitary living conditions

Pinworms are small, no more than 1 cm helminths that cause diseases enterobiasis. Pinworm eggs can be found on toys, clothes, household items, doorknobs that an infected person has touched. They are quite viable in the external environment, they are not sensitive to all disinfectants, but they quickly die from boiling and ultraviolet radiation. Eggs are ingested orally, then settled in the intestines, where larvae are formed that grow into adults, it takes only 2 weeks and the female is ready to lay fresh eggs. What are the symptoms of worms in children - pinworms?

For enterobiosis, a very indicative sign is, which most often worries children at night, when the baby is warming and relaxing under the covers. At this time, the female pinworm easily crawls out to the anus and lays up to 5,000 eggs on the skin near the anus. Severe irritation and itching, allow the eggs to penetrate under the child's nails, on the skin of the hands, clothes, bed linen. Further, the mechanism of infection is obvious. Therefore, with enterobiasis, the main symptom of infection with worms in children is itching, scratching of the anus, and also:

  • Itching in the anus at night leads to restless sleep, screaming, tossing and turning of the baby, disturbing dreams, insomnia
  • Symptoms of worms in children are always characterized by either weight loss or poor weight gain.
  • Children quickly get tired, begin to be more capricious, become overly excitable, restless, may lag behind in their studies, become inattentive
  • For girls, enuresis is an additional symptom, since crawling and irritating the urethra, involuntary urination may occur in a dream - this is a signal for parents to check the child for enterobiasis
  • Also, pinworms can penetrate into the vagina, causing vulvovaginitis, there is an opinion. that they are able to reach the fallopian tubes, causing inflammation in the uterine appendages, introducing an infection into the genitals
  • Also, with the accumulation of a large number of pinworms in the caecum, acute appendicitis may develop.
  • One of the assumptions that a symptom of worms in a small child may be gnashing of teeth at night.
  • , protracted enterocolitis, see), abdominal pain near the navel, nausea are also companions of enterobiasis
  • Long-term invasions help to reduce the absorption of nutrients, vitamins, microelements, which reduces hemoglobin, immunity, children begin to get sick often and protractedly
  • The vital activity of pinworms causes toxic poisoning of the whole organism, and the more massive and prolonged the invasion, the stronger the intoxication, manifested by weakness, weight loss, headaches, dizziness, and nausea.

In children in the primary phase of ascariasis, lymph nodes may increase, the spleen and liver may increase. A distinctive symptom of the presence of worms in a child is the occurrence of allergic skin reactions, most often it is urticaria on the hands and feet and various allergic dermatoses.

3 months after infection, in the late intestinal phase, when from the lungs with sputum swallowed by the child, roundworms enter the intestine again, dyspeptic disorders appear, that is, various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract function - cramping abdominal pain, diarrhea, redness of the anus, nausea, sometimes vomiting, sudden weight loss, A decrease in immunity against the background of a long-term invasion leads to various infectious processes - recurrent, purulent diseases of the mucous membranes and skin, etc.

As well as any invasion, ascariasis poisons the body, having a toxic effect on the nervous system, which is manifested by various neuropsychiatric disorders in children - insomnia, nightmares, epileptic seizures, etc. Rarely, but there are symptoms such as photophobia, pupil enlargement, arterial pressure, complications of ascariasis can be very serious - acute appendicitis, peritonitis, intestinal obstruction, obstructive jaundice.

Opisthorchiasis or cat, Siberian fluke- the child may have subfebrile temperature, skin rashes, various allergic reactions (eosinophils, anemia, ESR are increased in the blood), permanent catarrhal syndrome, enlarged lymph nodes, liver, pain in the right hypochondrium, joint pain, gastrointestinal disturbances, gastritis, unstable stool, constipation, in severe cases, a change in the myocardium of a dystrophic nature.

  • Mebendazole - Vormin 20 rubles, Vermox 90 rubles. ., Vermakar, Vero-Mebendazole, Mebex, Thermox
  • Pirantel - Kombantrin, Pirantel (30-50 r), Helmintox (80-120 r.), Nemocide, Pirvinium
  • Levamisole - Decaris (70-90 rubles)
  • Albendazole - Nemozol (price 120-150 rubles), Gelmodol-VM, Vormil

Also, with worms in children, the treatment of pinworms involves repeated courses of anthelmintic therapy 2 weeks after the first, since with enterobiasis there is a very high risk of reinvasion, that is, self-infection.

There are also folk methods for removing worms, but their use should rather be considered as a preventive one, since with an accurate diagnosis of ascaris or pinworms, one should first of all carry out the most effective drug treatment of worms in children, and then supplement it with folk methods, such as the use of pumpkin seeds , various options for garlic therapy, enemas, etc.

Prevention of helminthic invasions

  • Thoroughly wash all fruits, vegetables, berries, herbs
  • Meat and fish should be cooked for at least 40-60 minutes
  • It should be fought by any means with flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches
  • If you have pets, you should regularly deworm them, regardless of whether they have symptoms of worms or not.
  • Teach your child to wash their hands with soap after any contact with an animal.
  • Monitor the cleanliness of pacifiers, nipples, toys, if the child drops them, do not give them to him without first washing
  • First, you should constantly ensure that the baby washes his hands after the street, the toilet, after games, and most importantly before any meal.
  • Wean children from the habit of biting their nails, sucking fingers, taking pens, pencils, felt-tip pens in their mouths
  • The child's nails should always be clean, short
  • To avoid re-infection with pinworms, dress your child in tight, tight panties at night, while pinworm eggs will spread less on bedding
  • After each wash, be sure to iron the panties, T-shirt
  • It is in the morning that you should change your underpants and thoroughly rinse the baby's ass. It is advisable to do this in the evening.

As noted, in childhood, the spread of the disease is characteristic, which is expressed in the coverage of the disease by several organs of the body. Therefore, different diseases have a lot in common.

1) One of the first signs of the disease is a change in the behavior of the baby. You can see how he quickly gets tired - he lies down during the day, does not want to walk, perhaps, on the contrary, he becomes restless, naughty. In such cases, the crumbs usually, as a rule, have a decrease in appetite and academic performance. If the disease is not accompanied by pain and fatigue, the child himself is usually the last to discover the disease. When asked by the doctor about complaints, the baby usually answers “no”. Young children do not have the ability to introspect, so they cannot localize unpleasant sensations. If there is a sore throat, the baby may say that his mouth, head, etc. hurts. In infants and young children, poor health, fatigue, pain and other signs of the disease are expressed in anxiety, capriciousness, decreased appetite.

Children rarely pretend to be sick. But there are curiosities. For example, if there is a grandmother in the family, her heart hurts, one day the child may, with a joyful look, declare heart disease. The kid can plausibly copy the lameness if it is of interest. It happens that a child complains about a bad condition in order to attract attention. “Poor condition” is sometimes noted among schoolchildren who do not want to attend school.

In adolescence, the ability to sense self begins to appear, then children can usually accurately identify their complaints.

If parents have good contact with the child, they will immediately notice something was wrong. It is necessary to remember what caused the changes and when they intensify.

2) Pain. When a child complains of pain, you should try to find out its localization, the cause of its occurrence, the nature of the pain, its duration.

The child is easily suggestible. To the question: does it hurt? - he usually answers in the affirmative, even if he does not experience pain. A similar response can be heard by asking "Has it already?".

The most common type of pain is abdominal pain. Their causes can be not only diseases of the digestive tract, worms. Often the pain is accompanied by acute appendicitis, but sometimes it occurs with acute respiratory infections, pneumonia, nephritis, cystitis.

Abdominal pain is noted in nervous children

Morning pains are typical for children who suffer from "school" neurosis.

Abdominal pain occurs in children who suffer from constipation. They are observed in violation of the diet. Abdominal pain also occurs with food allergies. In infants, the main cause of pain is gas and indigestion.

With pain in the tummy, it is necessary to find out if they are associated with food intake, accompanied by nausea, diarrhea or constipation. Report the observations to the doctor.

If suddenly there are sharp pains in the navel, which then move to the right down the tummy, you should immediately consult a doctor to find out if there is appendicitis.

Headache in a child

Children rarely complain of headaches. Therefore, headache can be considered one of the reliable signs of the disease. Typically, headache occurs at the onset of acute illness, almost always combined with fever. The pain during sinusitis is dull, localized in the forehead.

School-age children may develop migraine-like headaches. Often this is hereditary.

But the causes of headaches may not always mean illness. For example, headaches occur in children with a disturbed daily routine - lack of sleep, chronic fatigue.

At school age, there are complaints of pain in the region of the heart. Possible causes are non-operated heart defects, myocarditis, rheumatism, increased physical activity.

Joint pain in a child

Joint pain also worries children. Usually they are associated with rheumatism, acute diseases, tuberculosis, blood and skin diseases.

Child has a sore throat

Children often complain of sore throats. As a rule, they are associated with ARI.

    Temperature increase. The main cause of fever is the infection of the body with an infection. You don't have to be afraid of the temperature. It is a defensive reaction of the body. For example, at 38 °, the reproduction of viruses slows down.

It happens that parents rejoice at the restlessness and restlessness of their child, but then they find out that they have a hyperactive child. What to do in this case, and how terrible the diagnosis is, not everyone knows. As with any disease (and this is a disease), the sooner the diagnosis is made and appropriate measures are taken, the better.

If you ignore the obvious signs and reassure yourself that the guys are "outgrowing" this, you can bring it to the point where it will be very difficult to do something to help the baby. Hyperactivity is not only a problem of others, without profile therapy, irreversible personality changes are possible that will negatively affect the communication and social skills of the little man.

What is hyperactivity and how is it different from hyperactivity?

The pathological condition was isolated as an independent disease in the 80s of the last century. It is characterized by attention deficit, the child's inability to focus on a particular thing or goal. Such children cannot control their behavior, are restless, impulsive. The spread of factors that negatively affect pregnancy leads to the fact that the phenomenon occurs more often among children, but this does not mean that every active baby can be diagnosed with this.

Experts identify the following causes of hyperactivity in children:

  1. genetic predisposition. If one of the parents suffered from an illness, there is a 20-30% chance that the baby will repeat his fate.
  2. Pathologies of intrauterine development. Toxicosis, a stable increase in blood pressure in the mother and hypoxia in the baby increase the risk of developing hyperactivity three times.
  3. Protracted or rapid labor is also considered a risk factor.

Contrary to popular belief, the overflowing energy that the baby is trying to attach somewhere is not always a symptom of pathology. Do not panic if a very mobile baby gradually turns into a mischievous fidget. There is a whole list of signs indicating the presence of a hyperkinetic disorder, which should go together. Only then will you need to think about contacting a specialized specialist and the possibility of conducting behavior-correcting therapy.

Signs of hyperactivity in a newborn

All babies are normally active and excitable, they are sometimes able to show signs characteristic of hyperactivity. It is bad if the baby is in this state all the time. In general, the symptoms in children under one year old are blurred and not very pronounced, but there are things that should alert parents.

  • The kid is restless, capricious, sleeps badly day and night, often he has a failure of biorhythms.
  • Such babies quickly and easily refuse daytime rest, and even after a stormy day in the evening it is difficult to put them to bed.
  • Often there is an increase in muscle tone, against which vomiting occurs (after feeding, vomiting can be observed with a fountain).
  • A hyperactive newborn does not like to be swaddled or dressed in clothes that restrict movement.
  • The baby reacts violently to any stimuli (from a loud sound to a too bright sun), expressing his protest with loud crying, and not with simple whims, like other children.

Tip: Practice shows that it is almost impossible to please a hyperactive baby in terms of creating comfortable conditions. Instead of adjusting to the baby every day, it is better to immediately contact a specialist. You may need a medical correction, without which the child will not calm down, but will only shatter the parents' nervous system.

  • The very first months of the life of such a baby are marked by unprecedented activity of the limbs. Hyperactive children begin to roll over, crawl and walk earlier than standard terms. They do not have a sense of fear, which is especially pronounced at the age of 3-5 years.

If you pay the attention of the pediatrician to the listed signs in time, he will recommend a further plan of action. It is worth considering that the treatment of pathology diagnosed at such an early age, the main role is assigned to the parents. The effectiveness of the approach in this case depends on the patience and interest of adults.

Obvious symptoms of hyperactivity in older children

Starting from 2-3 years, the behavior of a hyperactive child clearly indicates the presence of certain disorders in him. The symptoms are especially pronounced in children sent to kindergarten. Once in a new environment with their own rules and laws, the kids are under significant pressure and do not know how to deal with it. If you ignore the problem and do not take adequate measures, you can destroy the psyche of the child.

Problems should be expected if the following symptoms are present:

  • At risk are children who obviously find it difficult to sit still. Even in the process of eating or performing any detailed work, they move their legs, constantly change their body position, and find additional occupation for their hands.
  • The child cannot focus on one thing, even if he is really interested in it. He will not watch his favorite cartoon, will not finish playing the chosen game, will leave aside only the book he has begun.
  • Any activities that require attention and mental activity cause them difficulties and attacks of aggression. At the same time, their intellectual level is usually very high, they often have creative talents and deep intuition.
  • Hyperactive children read slowly, they have ugly handwriting, they have difficulty retelling the information received.
  • Fine motor skills are developed so poorly that the child cannot independently cope with laces, fasteners, buttons.
  • The activity of the baby often does not have a specific goal and generally no meaning. He is trying to direct the energy not in one particular direction, but to apply it everywhere and at once.
  • Children suffering from such a problem cannot explain the reasons for their actions, they completely lack motivation, planning skills. They literally do not hear the demands, requests or wishes addressed to them, which often results in conflicts.

  • Relationships with other children in hyperactive kids do not add up. The reason is unmotivated aggression and irritation that others cause in them. Failure to carry out the adopted plan and quickly switching from subject to subject leads to the fact that other children quickly lose interest in a new friend.
  • Due to the lack of a sense of fear, the guys are prone to frequent injuries. At the same time, it is worth noting that their sense of pain is dulled, so extreme games sooner or later come to the fore for them.
  • It is characteristic that some babies have urinary incontinence at a conscious age, both at night and during the day.
  • Such children do not ride a bicycle, do not play with a ball, and in general try not to do things that require good coordination of movements.
  • For them, there are practically no social frameworks, they do not understand why some things cannot be done in front of everyone. Moral principles are again very blurred.
  • Notable is the poor appetite of hyperactive children against the background of constant thirst. Often, babies complain of headaches, suffer from dyspeptic disorders, and react sharply to any external stimuli.

Today, special psychological tests can be used to make a final diagnosis. Together with an assessment of the characteristics of the child's behavior, they allow you to identify the problem and determine the methods for solving it.

When can a child be diagnosed with hyperactivity on their own?

Before you go to the doctor, you need to collect all the information that a specialist may need for a quick and accurate diagnosis. There is no doubt that a child has hyperactivity if, within six months, in various life situations, he has the following signs (at least six from the list below):

  1. The child cannot stay still, even sitting or lying down, he constantly crawls or moves his limbs.
  2. The kid is always striving somewhere, even if he himself does not understand where he needs to go and why.
  3. Very often, such children abruptly take off or appear as if out of nowhere.
  4. The child does not have a specific goal, he can just sit and bang on the table with a spoon, just to keep himself busy with something.
  5. It is useless to instruct such guys to do quiet things, even assembling a constructor or a puzzle turns into torment for him.
  6. Hyperactive children talk a lot, often without meaning, do not finish their thoughts. They love to ask questions and don't even expect answers.
  7. They constantly interfere in other people's affairs or conversations, interrupt, interfere with everyone they can.
  8. The child cannot stand silence, he tries to accompany all his actions with noise.
  9. The peanut does not listen to what they say to him and does not respond to comments.
  10. Uncontrolled anger, unreasonable aggression and irascibility are an integral character trait in hyperactivity.

Parents need to remember that making a diagnosis is the task of a doctor. If the specialist claims that the child is not sick, the cause of his special condition must be sought in something else and there is no point in tormenting him with unnecessary corrective manipulations.

The entire treatment program will be provided by a specialist, but in addition to this, parents must also adhere to the following recommendations:

  • You need to learn how to calm your child. To do this, you can use physical contact, hyperactive children are very disposed to this. Sometimes it is enough just to stroke your child on the head and hug to achieve the desired effect. Sometimes isolation in a separate room, a sip of water helps. A bath with an extract of coniferous trees, massage and light music will help the fidget to fall asleep faster.
  • In dealing with such children, it is useless to use prohibitions. Instead of demanding that the child not do something, it is better to offer him an alternative manner of behavior.
  • If a task is set before the baby, then it should be limited by a time frame.
  • You can not give hyperactive guys several tasks at once. Your wishes must be formulated consistently and clearly.
  • The shorter the sentences addressed to the baby, the higher the likelihood that he will perceive everything correctly.

It is worth making sure that the child has an interesting and adequate hobby. It is necessary to pay attention to the interests of your child and pick up something that does not traumatize his psyche. The high effectiveness of drug treatment has been proven, but it is carried out symptomatically, for as long as it takes to completely block the signs of the disease.

Timely recognized symptoms of worms that appeared in the body of a child will help to start timely treatment and avoid complications.

Beware, worms

You can meet larvae or eggs in water, soil, milk, sand, fruits or vegetables. Carriers are most often flies, cockroaches, and other arthropods. And the intermediate host can be both humans and fish, insects, and other animals.

General signs of infection

But you still need to understand what symptoms will tell you whether children have worms or not. Many complaints of kids can be attributed to such “masks”.



The child begins to lose weight or stops gaining weight. Such a criterion can be considered specific, since children who are 1 year old and younger should gain weight in accordance with their age. Yes, and kids who are 2 years old or 5 should not lag behind their peers in physical development.

The detected elevated level of eosinophils also indicates the presence of worms. These blood cells normally do not exceed 5 percent, which cannot be said about tests for helminthiasis or allergies. In such cases, this figure reaches 90 percent.

Such a reaction says that guard cells are synthesized in increased volumes, since they are forced to constantly fight against foreign bodies. Usually this struggle does not bring results. Leukocytes die in huge volumes, which spurs even more production of eosinophils. Therefore, when leukocytes are elevated in the analyzes, the attending physician advises to decipher the leukocyte formula in order to see which cells predominate in it.

An accurate diagnosis is made after deciphering the results of the analysis