15th day of the month of Rajab what dhikr to read. Rajab - month of Allah

When it came, the Prophet (pbuh) read the dua: “Allahumma barik lana fi rajaba wa shaabana wa balligna Ramadan” (O Allah! Make the month of Rajab and Shaaban a blessing for us and let us achieve Ramadan!). The word "rajab" has a special meaning, it consists of three letters (there are no vowels in Arabic): "r" means "rahmat" (the mercy of the Almighty), "j" - "jurmul 'abdi" (sins of the servants of Allah) and "b " - "Birru Llahi Ta'ala" (the good of Allah Almighty). And Allah says (meaning): “O My servants, I have caused your sins to be contained between My mercy and My good.”

Rajab not only begins a series of three blessed months (Rajab, Shaaban, Ramadan), but at the same time it is also one of the four forbidden months (Rajab, Dhul-Qaada, Dhul-Hijjah, Muharram), in which the Almighty forbade wars and conflicts. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said: “Remember, Rajab is the month of the Almighty, whoever fasts at least one day in this month, Allah will be pleased with him.”

The hadith says that whoever fasts at least one day in the month of Rajab will enter heaven - Firdavs. He who fasts for two days will receive a double reward. For anyone who fasts for three days, a huge ditch will be dug to separate him from hellfire. And the ditch will be so wide that it will take a year to cross it. Anyone who fasts for four days this month will be protected from madness, elephantiasis and leprosy. Anyone who fasts for five days will be protected from punishment in the grave. He who fasts for six days will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment with a face shining brighter and more beautiful than the full moon. For fasting for seven days, the Almighty will reward him by closing the doors of Hell in front of him. For those who fast for eight days in the month of Rajab, Allah will open the doors of Paradise. For fasting for fourteen days, He will reward you with something so wonderful that not a single living soul has ever heard of it. To the one who fasts for fifteen days of Rajab, Allah will give such status that not one of the close angels will pass by this person without saying: “Congratulations to you for being saved and safe.” Huge rewards are also promised to those who fast throughout the month of Rajab. Hadith narrated Anas ibn Malik, reads: “Fast in the month of Rajab, since fasting in this month is accepted by Allah as a special type of repentance.” During this holy month, a Muslim needs to sincerely repent of all sins committed, cleanse his soul of vices and bad thoughts, and do more good. Many hadiths place special emphasis on devoting the nights of Rajab to the worship of Allah, prayers and dhikr (remembrance). But the best and most recommended deed in the month of Rajab is performing Tawbu (repentance). They say that during this month seeds are thrown into the ground, that is, a person repents. In Sha'ban they are watered, that is, after performing tawbu, a person commits good deeds. And in the month of Ramadan, the harvest is harvested, that is, after repentance and doing good deeds, a person is cleansed of sins and achieves greater degrees of perfection.


Every night of the month of Rajab is valuable, and every Friday is also valuable. It is advisable to fast on the first Thursday of this month, and the night after Thursday, that is, the first Friday night of the month of Rajab, is advisable to spend in ibadah and all-night vigil. This night is called Laylat-ul-Ragaib. On this night the wedding of the Prophet's parents took place. Muhammad(s.a.s.). It is also called the Night of Favor, because on this night the Almighty shows favor and shows mercy to His servants. The prayer performed on this night is not rejected. For prayer, fasting, almsgiving and other services performed on this night, multiple graces are given. The word “ragaib” translated means hope for Allah’s forgiveness, His Mercy for His servants, as well as the fulfillment of requests and prayers. There is so much wisdom in this night and this day that we cannot even imagine. Therefore, if possible and due to the knowledge of every Muslim, this night must be spent in worship, one must repent of the sins committed, ask for forgiveness from Allah, make up for missed prayers, distribute sadaqa, help the poor, please children and give them gifts, communicate with parents and relatives and loved ones, read prayers (dua) for them. Once our beloved Prophet (pbuh) spoke about the merits of worship in the month of Rajab. One elderly man who lived during the time of the Prophet (pbuh) said that he could not fast during the entire month of Rajab. The Prophet (pbuh) responded to this: “You fast on the first, fifteenth and last days of the month of Rajab! You will receive grace equal to a month's fast. For graces are recorded tenfold. However, do not forget about the night of the first Friday of the glorious Rajab.”

Nurmukhamad Izudinov, employee of the education department of the Muftiate of the Republic of Dagestan

One of the voluntary acts of worship that is especially valuable during the month of Rajab is fasting. Fasting on Rajab has special dignity and carries with it many rewards, which are mentioned in the reliable hadiths of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him).

We, as Muslims, in pursuit of the pleasure of the Almighty, try to do all our acts of worship in a perfect and correct manner. During the month of Rajab, Muslims who intend to sincerely observe voluntary fasting may have some questions, which we will try to answer in this article:

Is fasting in the month of Rajab obligatory?

No, fasting in the month of Rajab is not obligatory. This is the sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him), not fasting on Rajab will not be considered a sin. The only month when fasting for a month is obligatory (fard) is the month of Ramadan.

One of the legends says: “In some years, the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) fasted for so long in the month of Rajab that we thought that he would never break his fast. And in some years he did not start fasting in the month of Rajab for so long that we wondered if he would really not fast at all.”

ABOUT Is the fast of Rajab different from fasting in other months?

Fasting at any time of the year is observed the same in its order and ritual: from dawn to sunset. The only difference is the formality of the words in the intention depending on the month.

How many days of fasting should one observe in Rajab?

There is no specific strictly regulated number of days to be observed in the month of Rajab. A believer can fast for 1 day, 2, 3, 14, etc. days. The more days he fasts, the more sawab he receives by the grace of Allah.

“Remember, Rajab? month of the Almighty. Whoever fasts even one day this month, Allah will be pleased with him.”

According to the hadith, depending on the number of fasting days, the believer will receive the following rewards:

1 day - great mercy and blessing of Allah.

2 days – double reward.

3 days - a huge ditch separating this man from Hellfire

4 days – protection from madness, various diseases, the evil of Dajjal.

5 days – protection from punishment in the grave.

6 days - will be resurrected on Judgment Day with a face shining brighter and more beautiful than the full moon.

7 days - Allah will close the 7 doors of Hell so that this person does not go there.

8 days - Allah will open the doors of Paradise for this person.

14 days - Allah will reward the one who fasts with something so beautiful that not a single living soul has ever heard of.

15 days of fasting in Rajab - Allah will give such a status that not one of the close angels and not one of the Prophet-messengers (peace be upon them) will pass by this person without saying: “Congratulations to you, since you are saved and are safe.” .

What are the best days to fast?

Fasting in the month of Rajab can be observed on any day, but, according to the sunnah, it is better to fast, following the example of the prophet (peace be upon him), on Monday and Thursday, since it is on these days that a person’s deeds are left to Allah.

Is it necessary to observe the Rajab fast in a row or can it be done on separate days?

As for the special instructions regarding fasting on Rajab, it is advisable to fast three days after three: fast for three days and rest for three days. Continuous fasting is not advisable as it is similar to the month of Ramadan, since continuous fasting is observed only in the month of Ramadan. Therefore, you can fast for a day, or two days, or more, also three after three, but you should not do this continuously.

Are there days on which it is forbidden to fast in Rajab?

Fasting only on Friday is considered disapproved. The reason for this is simple: Friday is a holiday for Muslims, a day of worship and visiting the mosque. “None of you should fast on Friday, except if he fasts the day before or the next day,” says the hadith of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him).


RAJAB is one of the three holy months (Rajab, Shaaban, Ramadan), which are the greatest mercy of Allah Almighty to His servants.

During these months, Almighty Allah increases the reward for good deeds and worship many times over and forgives sins to those who sincerely repent of them.
One of the hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) says: “If you want peace before death, a happy ending (death as a Muslim) and protection from the shaitan, respect these months by fasting and regretting your sins.”

According to another hadith, reward (reward for good deeds and punishment for sins) in the month of Rajab increases 70 times. Rajab is also one of the 4 forbidden months (Rajab, Dhul-Qaada, Dhul-Hijjah, Muharram), in which the Almighty especially forbade sins and conflicts.

In a venerable hadith narrated by Sayyidin Hasan, the beloved grandson of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), it is said:
“There are four nights in a year on which Allah’s Mercy, Forgiveness, Generosity, Blessings and Gifts fall to the earth like rain (i.e. in innumerable quantities). And blessed are those who know or will learn the true meaning and value of such nights, namely:
1) First night of the month of Rajab
2) Night 15 Sha'ban
3) Night of Ramadan and
4) Night on Eid al-Adha.”

Since in Islam we follow the lunar calendar, the calculation of each day begins at sunset (i.e. in the evening). Thus, the 1st night of Rajab is the night when Rajab just began (and is followed by the 1st day of Rajab), the 15th night of Sha'ban means the night from the 14th to the 15th of Sha'ban, the Night of Ramadan means the night before the Eid. Bayram, and the Night of Kurban Bayram, respectively, means the night before the holiday of Kurban Bayram (i.e. the night from 9 to 10 Dhul-Hijjah).

Those people who appreciate the great significance of these nights, of course, spend them not in disobedience or sin, but in worship and submission, in performing charitable and other good deeds, in prayers, dua, reading the Holy Quran and dhikr. And on such special nights, intelligent people make every effort to make the Almighty happy with them. These nights give them the opportunity to get closer and closer to God.

Sauban, one of the venerable companions (may Allah be pleased with him), narrated: “I was with the holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) when we entered the cemetery. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) stopped and tears flowed down his face. He cried so hard that his shirt was wet with tears. Then I approached him and asked: “O Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), why are you crying? Has Divine Revelation been sent down to you now?”
To which the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) replied: “O Sauban, those who lie here, the dead, who are buried in this cemetery, suffer from grave punishments. That's why I cried."

What is the Greatest Grace and Generosity with which Allah has honored this special night - the 1st night of the month of Rajab! After all, not only will the worshiper himself be forgiven, but he will also receive permission to intercede for 70 people! What greatness, what grace of this extraordinary night! And what can we say to those who do not appreciate the blessing of this night, who spend it in disobedience and sin, who do not value their lives or the lives of others (whom they could save), and throw this opportunity to the wind!

If a person were going to throw his gold and diamonds into the sea, destroy his house in which he lives, and burn down his home, then we would begin to feel sorry for such a person, sadly saying about him that “he must have completely gone crazy "
And we would be right to feel sorry for him. But, in the end, he might have the opportunity to make good money in the future, and he would be able to recoup everything lost. But no money, no work in the world can return to us the lost life, the lost years, days, nights, hours, lost minutes! And this means that our lives are much more valuable than gold, diamonds or anything like that.

Previously, the servants at the Kaaba kept it open during the entire month of Rajab, from the 1st day to the last, as a sign of reverence and respect for this Holy month. And in other months, they opened the Kaaba only on Mondays and Fridays. They said, “This month (Rajab) is the month of the Lord, and this House (Kaaba) is the House of the Lord. And since people are the servants of God, how can we keep them away from the House of the Lord in the Month of the Lord?”

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Remember, Rajab is the month of the Almighty, whoever fasts at least one day in this month, Allah will be pleased with him.”

Rajab is called the month of the Almighty for the enormous rewards and bounties bestowed in this month.
The word "Rajab" consists of three letters (there are no vowels in Arabic): "R" means "rahmat" (the mercy of the Almighty), "j" - "jurmul'abdi" (sins of the servants of Allah) and "b" - "birru Allah Ta'ala" (Good of Allah Almighty). And Allah says: “O My servants, I have made sure that your sins are concluded between My mercy and My good.”

The month of Rajab has several names:

1) . Rajab Mudar (Rajab of the Mudar tribe),
2). Munsil (Mansal al-Asinna) (removal of arrowheads, spears, etc.),
3). Shahrullah al-Asamm (dead month of Allah),
4). Shahrullah al-Asaab (Month of Allah's Bounty),
5). Ash-Shahrul-Mutahhir (month of purification),
6). Ash-shahrus-Saabik (outstanding, previous),
7). Ash-shahrul-Fard (solitary, lonely).

Rajab Mudar (Rajab of the Mudar tribe). How this name is connected with the month of Rajab becomes clear from the following hadith: “There are 12 months in a year, 4 of which are sacred. 3 of them follow one after another - Dhul-Qaada, Dhul-Hijjah, Muharram, and the fourth separately from them is the month of Rajab (Mudar tribe), which is located between the months of Jama yes-Sani and Shaaban.” Thus, the place of Rajab between the months of Jamada-Sani and Sha'ban was clearly defined.

This completely cut off the path to any attempt to transfer (postpone) this holy month, which was practiced by the Arabs in the pre-Islamic period (the period of Jahiliya - ignorance). In those days, the pagan Arabs asked the heads of the tribes to move the month of Muharram to Safar in order to avoid certain prohibitions imposed by the obligations of the holy month. This is mentioned in the Holy Quran, 9:37.

2) The month of Rajab received the name Munsil (Mansal al-Asinna) (removing the tips of arrows, spears, etc.), since the Arabs, in preparation for this month, removed the tips of the arrows from their arrows and sheathed swords and sabers (i.e. did not use them) as a sign of respect for the holy month of Rajab. Moreover, during the period of jahiliyyah, even a person
intending to commit blood revenge for a murdered relative, having met the enemy in the month of Rajab, did nothing, but, on the contrary, pretended as if he did not notice him. As for the prohibition of battles in this month, there is disagreement between the Ulama. Most theological scholars say that the prohibition of this has been annulled. Imam Ahmad and other imams point to this, and this is also confirmed by the actions of the companions (may Allah be pleased with them all), who did not stop jihad during the forbidden months.

3) Shahrullah al-Asamm (the silent month of Allah, in the sense that the wrath of Allah is “not heard” in Rajab).
Uthman ibn Affan (may Allah be pleased with him) once said after the khutbah: “The quiet month of Allah has come. In this month one must pay zakat, pay off debts and give alms.”(That is, this month is “deaf” to the tricks of those who want to delay the payment of zakat, etc.).

4) Shahrullah al-Asaab - The month of Allah's generosity.

The Hadith says: “He who fasts at least 1 day in the month of Rajab, will deserve the great mercy and blessing of Allah.

Fasting 2 day will receive a double reward, each of which is the size of a mountain.

For the fasting 3 One day a huge ditch will be created separating this person from Hellfire. And this ditch will be so wide that it will take a whole year to cross it from beginning to end.

The one who fasts 4 day will be protected from madness, elephantiasis and leprosy, and, what is very important, will be protected from the evil of the Dajjal.
To the one who fasts 5 days - will be protected from punishment in the grave.

One who fasts 6 days, will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment with a face shining brighter and more beautiful than the full moon.

7 days - Allah will close the 7 doors of Hell so that this person does not end up there.

8 days - Allah will open the doors of Paradise for this person.

14 days - Allah will reward the one who fasts with something so wonderful that not a single living soul has ever heard of.

To the one who fasts 15 days in Rajab, Allah will give such a status that not one of the close angels and not one of the Prophet-messengers (peace be upon them) will pass by this person without saying

“Congratulations to you for being saved and safe.” Abu Kallaba (may Allah have mercy on him) also said: “In Paradise there is a castle for those who fast in Rajab.”

Those who fasted 16 days, they will be the first to see Allah Almighty (with a special vision).

Man fasting 17 days without difficulty crossing the Sirat Bridge (bridge over Hell).

To the one who fasted 18 days, Prophet Ibrahim, peace be upon him, will come.

The one who fasted 19 days will become the neighbor of Prophet Adam, peace be upon him.

And if the number of days reaches 20 , the sins of this person will be washed away.

If a person fasts all the time 30 days, a Voice from above will tell him: “O Valiyallah (close to Allah), great joy awaits you on the Day when everyone will be saddened by his difficulty.”

5) Ash-Shahrul-Mutahhir is a cleansing month. One who fasts on Rajab is cleansed of sins.
According to the hadith reported by Imam Hibatullah ibn al-Mubarak As-Sadati (may Allah have mercy on him): “Whoever fasts 1 day in the month of Rajab will receive sawab (reward) as for fasting for 30 years.”

“A person who fasts in the month of Rajab will receive at least 10 du’a (supplication, request) in the evening, or in Ahira (eternal life) a reward will be prepared for him much better than what he asked for in his du’a.”

A huge sawab is promised to those who fast for the entire month of Rajab (or almost the entire month).

Abdullah ibn Az-Zubayr (may Allah have mercy on him) narrated: “Whoever saves a believer from troubles in the month of Rajab, Allah will give him a place in Paradise, insha Allah.”

Hadith narrated by Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him): “Fast in the month of Rajab, since fasting in this month is accepted by Allah as a special type of repentance.”

Many of our righteous ancestors fasted completely this month. Of these, Ibn Umar, Hasan Basri, Abu Iskah Sabi (may Allah have mercy on them). Savri said: “I like to fast most of all during the forbidden months.” However, imams such as Ahmad and Shafi'i said that it is not advisable to liken any other month to Ramadan by fasting the entire month.

Meanwhile, this does not apply to the person who wants to fast for several months in a row.

6) Ash-shahrus-Saabik - the previous month. Means that Rajab is the first (preceding) holy month. One of the great wali of Allah, Zun-nun Misri (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “In Rajab, sowing is done, in Sha’ban is watering, in Ramadan is harvesting. Rajab is the month of forgiveness and mercy, Shaaban is the month of purification and spiritualization, and Ramadan is the month of acquiring benefits.”

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), in addition to the obligatory fasting in the month of Ramadan, did not fast as much in any other months as in Rajab and Sha'ban.

Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported the words of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): "Rajab is the month of Allah, Sha'ban is my month, and Ramadan is the month of my ummah (community)."

7) Ash-shahrul-Fard (solitary, lonely). This name is explained by the fact that Rajab is separate from the other three holy months. The hadith says about this: “A river flows in the Garden of Eden, its name is Rajab. It is whiter than milk and sweeter (tastier) than honey. And whoever fasts at least one day in the month of Rajab, Allah will make it possible to remove thirst from this river.”
Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated: “In Paradise there is a palace where no one can enter except those who fast frequently in the month of Rajab.”

Particularly valuable are the first day and first night, the first Thursday of Rajab, the 15th day and 15th night and the 27th day and night of the month of Rajab (on the night of 26 to 27 Rajab, the Prophet (peace be upon him) performed Miraj - ascension).
It is advisable to spend these nights in prayer and remembrance of Allah, and the days in fasting. The hadith says: “Whoever spends the first night of the month of Rajab in worship of the Almighty, his heart will not die when his body gives up the ghost. Allah pours goodness into him over his head, and he will come out of his sins as if his mother had just given birth to him. He will have the right to intercession and intercession (shafaat) for 70 thousand sinners who were supposed to go to Hell.”

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said that on the first night of Rajab, du´a (requests) are accepted by Allah. On this blessed night, Amina's daughter Wahba carried in her womb Muhammad (peace be upon him), the last Prophet of God. Also from the hadith on this matter: “Fast on the first, fifteenth and last day of the month of Rajab and you will receive the same reward as for a whole month of fasting, for it is recorded tenfold. And don't forget the night on First Friday of Rajab"

This is Laylat-ul-Ragaib - Night Ragaib,- when the marriage of the parents of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, Abdullah and Amina took place.

It is highly recommended to spend the first night from Thursday to Friday (Night of Ragaib) in Rajab in Ibadat, since This is the night of “Wishes Come True.”
In the evening from Thursday 1st to Friday of the month of Rajab, it is recommended to perform next prayer: during the time between Maghrib prayer (Akhsham, evening) and Isha prayer (Yastu, night) (i.e. between 4 and 5 prayers) perform a prayer of 12 rak'ahs, in each of them read Al-Fatiha 1 time, Al-Qadr 3 times, Al-Ikhlas 12 times. Perform 12 rakats in twos (as in taraweeh).
After prayer, read salawat 70 times “Allahumma solly ‘ala Muhammadinin-Nabiyil-Ummiyi Wa ‘ala aalihi wa sallim.”
Then lower yourself into sajdah (prostration) and say 70 times (in sajdah) “Subbuukhun Qudduusun Rabbil-Malyayaikati va-r-Ruuh.”
Then raise your head and say 70 times “Rabbi gfir va rham wa tajaavaz ma ta’lam fainnakya Anta-l-Aziizul-A’zam”
And finally, descend into the 2nd sajdah and say the same as in the first. And after that, still being in sajdah, ask Allah for what you want (i.e. personal dua), and, insha-Allah, this dua will be fulfilled.
For this prayer, a huge reward is promised, forgiveness of sins, and this prayer will provide great help in the grave and relieve loneliness (in the grave).

Among other things, they say that in Rajab Nuh (peace be upon him) entered the ark, Musa (peace be upon him) and his people made a miraculous crossing of the sea, Adam’s (peace be upon him) repentance was accepted, Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was born, Isa ( peace be upon him) and Ali (may Allah be pleased with him).

In many hadiths, enormous importance is given to the distribution of sadaq (alms) in the month of Rajab and the dedication of nights to the worship of Allah, prayers and dhikr. It is advisable to read Surah Ikhlyas more often this month.
Highly recommended special prayer on the first day, in the middle and on the last day of Rajab. This prayer consists of 10 rak'ahs. In each rak'ah, "Al-Fatiha" is read 1 time, then "Al-Ikhlas" - 3 times and "Al-Kafirun" - 3 times. After the last salam on the first day of Rajab, the following should be read:

Allahumma la maani'a li ma a'taita wa la mu'tia li ma mana'ta wa la yanfa'u zal-jaddi minkal-jadd.

And after that, run your hands over your face, as after any du´a.

In the middle of the month of Rajab, after the last salam, the following should be read:

La ilaha illallahu Wahdah La sharika Lyakh
Lyahul-Mulku wa Lyahul-hamd Yuhyi wa Yumiit
Wa huva haiyu la yumiitbia dikhil-khair
wa huva ´ala kulli shayin Qadiir.
Ilyahav-Vahidan Ahadan
Samadan Fardan Vitran
laya yattakhizu saahibatav-va la valada.

At the end of the month of Rajab, after the last salam, the following should be read:

La ilaha illallahu Wahdah La sharika Lyakh
Lyahul-Mulku wa Lyahul-hamd Yuhyi wa Yumiit
Wa huva haiyu la yumiitbia dikhil-khair
Wa huva ´ala kulli shayin Qadiir.
Sollallahu ala sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala
La hawla wa la quvvata illa billahil-'Aliyil-'Azyym.


Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, brothers and sisters! In sha Allah, with the onset of evening prayer (Maghrib), on March 28, 2017, the blessed month of Rajab begins, and therefore, we publish answers to frequently asked questions.

1. Dua recited at the beginning of the month of Rajab

Question: We know that there is a dua that is recited at the beginning of the month of Rajab, but some people believe that it is not authentic and reciting it is an innovation. Which will be correct?


Anas ibn Malik narrates that the Prophet (PBUH) recited the following dua when the month of Rajab began:

اَللّٰهُمَّ بَارِكْ لَناَ فِيْ رَجَبٍَ وَشَعْبانَ وَبَلّغْنَا رَمَضَانْ

Allahumma barik lan fi Rajaba wa Shabana wa baligna Ramadan

O Allah, bless us during (the months of) Rajab and Sha'ban and help us achieve Ramadan.

(Shu'abul Iman, hadith 3534, Ibni Sunni, hadith 660, Mukhtasar Zawaid Bazzar, hadith 662, also see Al-Adhkar, hadith 549)

The hadith is considered weak, but it can be followed. To say that this dua is an innovation is extreme.

Imam Nawawi (rahimahullah) said that this hadith has some weakness (Al-Adhkar, hadith 549).

Hafiz Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali (rahimahullah) said that this hadith is suitable to prove the merits of this practice (reading dua before starting Rajab) (Lataif, p. 172).

Allama Muhammad Tahir al-Fatani (rahimahullah) says that this hadith is weak, but it can be followed in this case (Tazkiratul Mauduat, p. 117).

It should be said that weak hadiths where this or that dua is given can be practiced. (Mustadrak Hakim, beginning of the chapter on dua and Nataijul Afkar by Hafiz Ibn Hajar, vol. 5, p. 291)

2. Fasting on the first three days of the month of Rajab

Question: Is the following hadith about the merits of fasting on the first three days of the month of Rajab authentic: “The Prophet (PBUH) said: “Fasting on the first day of Rajab atones for the sins of three years, fasting on the second day atones for the sins of two years, and fasting on the third day atones for the sins of one year; subsequently, the sins of one month are atoned for each day of fasting.”


Abu Muhammad Al-Halla narrates this hadith with a very weak isnad, so this hadith should not be quoted. (See Jamiu s-Saghir, hadith 5051, Faydul Qadir and At-Taysir bi sharkhil Jami as-Saghir. Also see Al-Mughyr of Ahmad Siddiq al-Ghumari).

However, Mullah Ali Qari (rahimahullah) writes that in general we should observe, if possible, an additional (nafil) fast in the month of Rajab. (Al-Adab fi Rajab, p. 30)

3. Asking for forgiveness during Rajab

Question: I recently received a message about a specific istighfar that should be recited during Rajab and Sha'ban. Is there any basis for this hadith: “If someone recites the following istighfar seven times a day during Rajab and Sha'ban, Allah will inform the angels who record his deeds so that they tear up the book of his sins: Astagfirullah azimi llazi la ilaha illa huwal khayyul qayyum wa atubu ileikhi taubatan "abdin zalimi linafsihi la yamliki li nafsihi mautan bala khaitan wa la nushur."


The message you are asking about is given in some books without an isnad, so I cannot comment on its authenticity (see Al-Adab fi Rajab, p. 39).

Rajab is one of the four holy months of the Islamic calendar (ash-shukhur khurum), so a person should increase all forms of worship in this month, including reciting istighfar many times.

Mullah Ali Qari (rahimahullah) writes that his teachers repeatedly pronounced istighfar in Rajab (Al-Adab fi Rajab, p. 38).

4. Celebrating the night of Ragaib (the night of the first Friday of Rajab) - is this an authentic practice?


In many Muslim countries it is customary to celebrate the so-called. Ragaib Night or Night of Wish Fulfillment. It is believed that this is the night when the Prophet (PBUH) was conceived, so Allah gives the believers whatever they desire on this night for the sake of His beloved Prophet (PBUH). On this night, mosques remain open all night until dawn, and believers perform a special prayer, salatul-Ragaib. What can you say about this practice?


The hadiths that talk about the merits of a special prayer on the night of Ragaib were declared fictitious by the majority of the muhaddiths of our ummah.

One should refrain from quoting these messages and from any special celebrations or acts of worship and from any special celebrations or acts of worship on this night. Hafiz Ibn Rajab (rahimahullah) writes:

“There is no evidence to support any special acts of worship to be performed on this night. The hadiths that speak about the special salatul-ragaib prayer performed on the night of the first Friday of Rajab are false and fictitious. These actions are considered bad innovation (bid'a), according to most scholars. This practice (to celebrate this night) appeared for the first time in the fifth century...” (Lataiful Maarif, p.228).

Also see Tabinul Ajab of Hafiz Ibn Hajar, p. 7; Tazkiratul Mauduat allama of Muhammad Tahir al-Fatani, p. 116-117, Al-Masnu' of Mulla Ali Qari, p..259, hadith 464, Al-Asarul Marfu'a of Sheikh Abdul Hay Lyaknawi, p.44 and 48; Raddul Mukhtar (Ibn Abidina), vol. 2, p. 26.

5. Hadith about easing the situation of a believer in the month of Rajab

Question: Please check the following hadith: “Whoever alleviates the suffering of a Muslim in the month of Rajab, Allah will grant him a palace in Paradise.”

Answer: Hafiz Ibn Hajar (rahimahullah) called the text of this hadith fictitious. So the hadith cannot be cited as a quotation. (See Tabiinul Ajab ‘Hafiz Ibn Hajar, p. 27, hadith: 12)

6. Fictional hadith about the month of Rajab

Question: Is the following hadith authentic: The Prophet (PBUH) said: “Rajab is the month in which Allah multiplies good deeds. Therefore, one who fasts for one day during Rajab is like one who fasted for a whole year; and for the one who fasts for seven days, the seven gates of Hell are closed; and for the one who fasts for eight days, the eight gates of Paradise are opened to him; and whoever fasts for ten days will receive whatever he asks of Allah. And about the one who fasts fifteen days in it, there will be a voice from heaven: “Truly, you have been forgiven for everything that you did (bad) in the past, so multiply your good deeds.” During Rajab, Allah brought Nuh (peace be upon him) into the ark for six months, the last of which was on the day of 'Ashura, when it (the ark) stopped on Mount Judi, and Nuh fasted along with everyone who was with him, and even the animals (kept a fast on this day) in gratitude to Allah...”

Answer: Imam Tabarani (rahimahullah) and other muhaddith recorded this message (Al-Mujamul Kabir, hadith 5538).

Imam Bayhaki (rahimahullah) denied the authenticity of this hadith. Hafiz Zahabi (rahimahullah) classified the hadith as fictitious. So you cannot refer to this hadith.

7. Are there any arguments that the night of Mi'raj falls on the 27th of Rajab?

Question: Is there any evidence that the Night of Mi'raj falls on the 27th of the month of Rajab?

Answer: The date of 27th Rajab is the most popular date for the night of Mi'raj and some scholars were of the opinion that the event took place on this night. However, in general, scholarly opinions differ regarding this date, so it cannot be said with certainty that Mi'raj occurred on this particular night.

Hafiz Ibn Hajar Askalani (rahimahullah) writes that he knows more than ten opinions regarding the date of Mi'raj. (Fathul Bari, vol. 7, pp. 254-255, hadith 3887).

My teacher Sheikh, Muhaddith Fadlul Rahman Azami (hafizahullah) writes in a short article on the topic of Miraj:

"The fact of the matter is that it is impossible to establish any definitive date for the night of Mi'raj."

8. Are there any reasons for special celebration of Mi’raj night?

Question: I have a question about Mi’raj: is there any evidence from the Koran or Hadith that this event happened on the 27th of the month of Rajab? Are there any acts of worship that are advisable to perform on this night?

Answer: Most Muslims believe that the Prophet (PBUH) ascended to heaven on the 27th night of the month of Rajab. There are several reports that support this opinion, but there are also other reports that indicate other dates. So we have no definite information about what time this night took place.

Az-Zurqani (rahimahullah) comes up with five different opinions about what month Mi'raj could have occurred: these are the months of Rabiul-Awwal, Rabiul-akhyr, Rajab, Ramadan and Shawwal. Muhaddis Abdul-Haq Dehlavi (rahimahullah) notes that most scholars believe that most likely Mi'raj took place in the month of Ramadan or Rabiul-Awwal.

The fact that scholars do not agree on a specific date for this event indicates that there are no special acts of worship that need to be performed on this particular night. If there was any special merit in performing some ibadat on this night, then, of course, the companions of the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) conveyed messages about this to us. The Sahabah (may Allah be pleased with them all) kept all the details of the life of our beloved Prophet (pbuh) so that it would be transmitted from them about some special practice of worship that should be performed that night (if such a practice existed).

If someone wants to spend this night in worship, he can perform any ibadat, which is desirable to do on any night: perform additional prayers, read the Koran, dhikr, make dua, etc. However, this should not be done with the belief that there will be some special reward for performing ibadah on this night.

Finally, since people often gather in mosques on this night, imams and scholars should use this time to encourage people to do good and warn against evil, explaining the correct opinion about this night. (Fatawa Mahmudiyya, 3/283-285, Faruqiya), (Islamic months, 49-63, Maarif).

Sajid ibn Shabbir, student of Darul-ifta.

Tested and approved by Mufti Ibrahim Desai.

9. Are there any arguments for the desirability of fasting on the 27th Rajab?

Question: Is there any evidence that it is advisable to fast on the 27th of Rajab?

Answer: Hadith scholars are unanimous that there are no hadiths that confirm the advisability of fasting on any special day in the month of Rajab.

There are several hadiths that support the general virtue of fasting on any day of the month of Rajab, since Rajab is one of the four holy months. Any ibadat performed in one of these months (Rajab, Dhul-Qada, Dhul-Hijjah, Muharram) will be more valuable. (Tabiynool Ajab, p. 7-11, Lataiful Maarif, p. 228, Al-Adab fi Rajab, p. 25).

In light of the above, it should be noted that a person, insha Allah, will be rewarded for fasting on any day of Rajab, but it should not be assumed that there will be any special reward for fasting on the 27th of Rajab.

One of my teachers, Sheikh al-Hadith Fadlul Rahman Azami (hafizahullah) wrote in an article about Miraj:

“As for fasting in the month of Rajab: there are no reliable hadiths that confirm the merits of fasting on any of its days. However, there are several fictitious or extremely weak hadiths that talk about the virtues of fasting Rajab. Allama Suyuta (rahimahullah) recorded such hadiths and pointed out their weakness.

And Allah knows best.

Congratulations to all Muslims on the upcoming blessed month of RAJAB - the month of Allah Almighty!!!

(According to calendar data, the first day of the month of Rajab falls on May 11, and the first night, which it is very desirable to enliven with worship, is from May 10 to 11! May Allah help us to conduct Rajab in such a way that Allah and His beloved Messenger (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) We were pleased! Amen.

RAJAB is one of the three holy months (Rajab, Shaaban, Ramadan), which are the greatest mercy of Allah Almighty to His servants.

During these months, Almighty Allah increases the reward for good deeds and worship many times over and forgives sins to those who sincerely repent of them.
One of the hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) says: “If you want peace before death, a happy ending (death as a Muslim) and protection from the shaitan, respect these months by fasting and regretting your sins.” According to another hadith, reward (reward for good deeds and punishment for sins) in the month of Rajab increases 70 times. Rajab is also one of the 4 forbidden months (Rajab, Dhul-Qaada, Dhul-Hijjah, Muharram), in which the Almighty especially forbade sins and conflicts.

In a venerable hadith narrated by Sayyidin Hasan, the beloved grandson of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), it is said:
“There are four nights in a year on which Allah’s Mercy, Forgiveness, Generosity, Blessings and Gifts fall to the earth like rain (i.e. in uncountable quantities). And blessed are those who know or learn the truth the meaning and value of such nights, namely:
1) First night of the month of Rajab
2) Night 15 Sha'ban
3) Night of Ramadan
a and
4) Night on Eid al-Adha.”

Since in Islam we follow the lunar calendar, the calculation of each day begins at sunset (i.e. in the evening). Thus, the 1st night of Rajab is the night when Rajab just began (and is followed by the 1st day of Rajab), the 15th night of Sha'ban means the night from the 14th to the 15th of Sha'ban, the Night of Ramadan means the night before the Eid. Bayram, and the Night of Kurban Bayram, respectively, means the night before the holiday of Kurban Bayram (i.e. the night from 9 to 10 Dhul-Hijjah).

Those people who appreciate the great significance of these nights, of course, spend them not in disobedience or sin, but in worship and submission, in performing charitable and other good deeds, in prayers, dua, reading the Holy Quran and dhikr. And on such special nights, intelligent people make every effort to make the Almighty happy with them. These nights give them the opportunity to get closer and closer to God.

Sauban, one of the venerable companions (may Allah be pleased with him), narrated: “I was with the holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) when we entered the cemetery. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) stopped and tears flowed down his face. He cried so hard that his shirt was wet with tears. Then I approached him and asked: “O Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), why are you crying? Has Divine Revelation been sent down to you now?”
To which the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) replied: “O Sauban, those who lie here, the dead, who are buried in this cemetery, suffer from grave punishments. That's why I cried."

What is the Greatest Grace and Generosity with which Allah has honored this special night - the 1st night of the month of Rajab! After all, not only will the worshiper himself be forgiven, but he will also receive permission to intercede for 70 people! What greatness, what grace of this extraordinary night! And what can we say to those who do not appreciate the blessing of this night, who spend it in disobedience and sin, who do not value their lives or the lives of others (whom they could save), and throw this opportunity to the wind!

If a person were going to throw his gold and diamonds into the sea, destroy his house in which he lives, and burn down his home, then we would begin to feel sorry for such a person, sadly saying about him that “he must have completely gone crazy "
And we would be right to feel sorry for him. But, in the end, he might have the opportunity to make good money in the future, and he would be able to recoup everything he lost. But no money, no work in the world can return to us the lost life, the lost years, days, nights, hours, lost minutes! And this means that our lives are much more valuable than gold, diamonds or anything like that.

Previously, the servants at the Kaaba kept it open during the entire month of Rajab, from the 1st day to the last, as a sign of reverence and respect for this Holy month. And in other months, they opened the Kaaba only on Mondays and Fridays. They said, “This month (Rajab) is the month of the Lord, and this House (Kaaba) is the House of the Lord. And since people are the servants of God, how can we keep them away from the House of the Lord in the Month of the Lord?”

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Remember, Rajab is the month of the Almighty, whoever fasts at least one day in this month, Allah will be pleased with him.”

Rajab is called the month of the Almighty for the enormous rewards and bounties bestowed in this month.
The word "Rajab" consists of three letters (there are no vowels in Arabic): "R" means "rahmat" (the mercy of the Almighty), "j" - "jurmul'abdi" (sins of the servants of Allah) and "b" - "birru Allah Ta'ala" (Good of Allah Almighty). And Allah says: “O My servants, I have made sure that your sins are concluded between My mercy and My good.”

The month of Rajab has several names:

1) . Rajab Mudar (Rajab of the Mudar tribe),
2). Munsil (Mansal al-Asinna) (removal of arrowheads, spears, etc.),
3). Shahrullah al-Asamm (dead month of Allah),
4). Shahrullah al-Asaab (Month of Allah's Bounty),
5). Ash-Shahrul-Mutahhir (month of purification),
6). Ash-shahrus-Saabik (outstanding, previous),
7). Ash-shahrul-Fard (solitary, lonely).

Rajab Mudar (Rajab of the Mudar tribe). How this name is connected with the month of Rajab becomes clear from the following hadith: “There are 12 months in a year, 4 of which are sacred. 3 of them follow one after another - Dhul-Qaada, Dhul-Hijjah, Muharram, and the fourth separately from them is the month of Rajab (Mudar tribe), which is located between the months of Jama yes-Sani and Shaaban.” Thus, the place of Rajab between the months of Jamada-Sani and Sha'ban was clearly defined.

This completely cut off the path to any attempt to transfer (postpone) this holy month, which was practiced by the Arabs in the pre-Islamic period (the period of Jahiliya - ignorance). In those days, the pagan Arabs asked the heads of the tribes to move the month of Muharram to Safar in order to avoid certain prohibitions imposed by the obligations of the holy month. This is mentioned in the Holy Quran, 9:37.

2) The month of Rajab received the name Munsil (Mansal al-Asinna) (removing the tips of arrows, spears, etc.), since the Arabs, in preparation for this month, removed the tips of the arrows from their arrows and sheathed swords and sabers (i.e. did not use them) as a sign of respect for the holy month of Rajab. Moreover, during the period of jahiliyyah, even a person
intending to commit blood revenge for a murdered relative, having met the enemy in the month of Rajab, did nothing, but, on the contrary, pretended as if he did not notice him. As for the prohibition of battles in this month, there is disagreement between the Ulama. Most theological scholars say that the prohibition of this has been annulled. Imam Ahmad and other imams point to this, and this is also confirmed by the actions of the companions (may Allah be pleased with them all), who did not stop jihad during the forbidden months.

3) Shahrullah al-Asamm (the silent month of Allah, in the sense that the wrath of Allah is “not heard” in Rajab).
Uthman ibn Affan (may Allah be pleased with him) once said after the khutbah: “The quiet month of Allah has come. In this month one must pay zakat, pay off debts and give alms.”(That is, this month is “deaf” to the tricks of those who want to delay the payment of zakat, etc.).

4) Shahrullah al-Asaab - The month of Allah's generosity.

The Hadith says: “He who fasts at least 1 day in the month of Rajab, will deserve the great mercy and blessing of Allah.

Fasting 2 day will receive a double reward, each of which is the size of a mountain.

For the fasting 3 One day a huge ditch will be created separating this person from Hellfire. And this ditch will be so wide that it will take a whole year to cross it from beginning to end.

The one who fasts 4 day will be protected from madness, elephantiasis and leprosy, and, what is very important, will be protected from the evil of the Dajjal.

To the one who fasts 5 days - will be protected from punishment in the grave.

One who fasts 6 days, will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment with a face shining brighter and more beautiful than the full moon.

7 days - Allah will close the 7 doors of Hell so that this person does not end up there.

8 days - Allah will open the doors of Paradise for this person.

14 days - Allah will reward the one who fasts with something so wonderful that not a single living soul has ever heard of.

To the one who fasts 15 days in Rajab, Allah will give such a status that not one of the close angels and not one of the Prophet-messengers (peace be upon them) will pass by this person without saying

“Congratulations to you for being saved and safe.” Abu Kallaba (may Allah have mercy on him) also said: “In Paradise there is a castle for those who fast in Rajab.”

Those who fasted 16 days, they will be the first to see Allah Almighty (with a special vision).

Man fasting 17 days without difficulty crossing the Sirat Bridge (bridge over Hell).

To the one who fasted 18 days, Prophet Ibrahim, peace be upon him, will come.

The one who fasted 19 days will become the neighbor of Prophet Adam, peace be upon him.

And if the number of days reaches 20 , the sins of this person will be washed away.

If a person fasts all the time 30 days, a Voice from above will tell him: “O Valiyallah (close to Allah), great joy awaits you on the Day when everyone will be saddened by his difficulty.”

5) Ash-Shahrul-Mutahhir is a cleansing month. One who fasts on Rajab is cleansed of sins.
According to the hadith reported by Imam Hibatullah ibn al-Mubarak As-Sadati (may Allah have mercy on him): “Whoever fasts 1 day in the month of Rajab will receive sawab (reward) as for fasting for 30 years.”

“A person who fasts in the month of Rajab will receive at least 10 du’a (supplication, request) in the evening, or in Ahira (eternal life) a reward will be prepared for him much better than what he asked for in his du’a.”

A huge sawab is promised to those who fast for the entire month of Rajab (or almost the entire month).

Abdullah ibn Az-Zubayr (may Allah have mercy on him) narrated: “Whoever saves a believer from troubles in the month of Rajab, Allah will give him a place in Paradise, insha Allah.”

Hadith narrated by Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him): “Fast in the month of Rajab, since fasting in this month is accepted by Allah as a special type of repentance.”

Many of our righteous ancestors fasted completely this month. Of these, Ibn Umar, Hasan Basri, Abu Iskah Sabi (may Allah have mercy on them). Savri said: “I like to fast most of all during the forbidden months.” However, imams such as Ahmad and Shafi'i said that it is not advisable to liken any other month to Ramadan by fasting the entire month.

Meanwhile, this does not apply to the person who wants to fast for several months in a row.

6) Ash-shahrus-Saabik - the previous month. Means that Rajab is the first (preceding) holy month. One of the great wali of Allah, Zun-nun Misri (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “In Rajab, sowing is done, in Sha’ban is watering, in Ramadan is harvesting. Rajab is the month of forgiveness and mercy, Shaaban is the month of purification and spiritualization, and Ramadan is the month of acquiring benefits.”

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), in addition to the obligatory fasting in the month of Ramadan, did not fast as much in any other months as in Rajab and Sha'ban.

Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported the words of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): "Rajab is the month of Allah, Sha'ban is my month, and Ramadan is the month of my ummah (community)."

7) Ash-shahrul-Fard (solitary, lonely). This name is explained by the fact that Rajab is separate from the other three holy months. The hadith says about this: “A river flows in the Garden of Eden, its name is Rajab. It is whiter than milk and sweeter (tastier) than honey. And whoever fasts at least one day in the month of Rajab, Allah will make it possible to remove thirst from this river.”
Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated: “In Paradise there is a palace where no one can enter except those who fast frequently in the month of Rajab.”

Particularly valuable are the first day and first night, the first Thursday of Rajab, the 15th day and 15th night and the 27th day and night of the month of Rajab (on the night of 26 to 27 Rajab, the Prophet (peace be upon him) performed Miraj - ascension).
It is advisable to spend these nights in prayer and remembrance of Allah, and the days in fasting. The hadith says: “Whoever spends the first night of the month of Rajab in worship of the Almighty, his heart will not die when his body gives up the ghost. Allah pours goodness into him over his head, and he will come out of his sins as if his mother had just given birth to him. He will get the right and intercession and intercession (shafaat) for 70 thousand sinners who were supposed to go to Hell.”

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said that on the first night of Rajab, du´a (requests) are accepted by Allah. On this blessed night, Amina's daughter Wahba carried in her womb Muhammad (peace be upon him), the last Prophet of God. Also from the hadith on this matter: “Fast on the first, fifteenth and last day of the month of Rajab and you will receive the same reward as for a whole month of fasting, for it is recorded tenfold. And don't forget the night on First Friday of Rajab"

This is Laylat-ul-Ragaib - Night Ragaib,- when the marriage of the parents of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, Abdullah and Amina took place.

It is highly recommended to spend the first night from Thursday to Friday (Night of Ragaib) in Rajab in Ibadat, since This is the night of “Wishes Come True.”
In the evening from Thursday 1st to Friday of the month of Rajab, it is recommended to perform next prayer: during the time between Maghrib prayer (Akhsham, evening) and Isha prayer (Yastu, night) (i.e. between 4 and 5 prayers) perform a prayer of 12 rak'ahs, in each of them read Al-Fatiha 1 time, Al-Qadr 3 times, Al-Ikhlas 12 times. Perform 12 rakats in twos (as in taraweeh).
After prayer, read salawat 70 times “Allahumma solly ‘ala Muhammadinin-Nabiyil-Ummiyi Wa ‘ala aalihi wa sallim.”
Then lower yourself into sajdah (prostration) and say 70 times (in sajdah) “Subbuukhun Qudduusun Rabbil-Malyayaikati va-r-Ruuh.”
Then raise your head and say 70 times “Rabbi gfir va rham wa tajaavaz ma ta’lam fainnakya Anta-l-Aziizul-A’zam”
And finally, descend into the 2nd sajdah and say the same as in the first. And after that, still being in sajdah, ask Allah for what you want (i.e. personal dua), and, insha-Allah, this dua will be fulfilled.
For this prayer, a huge reward is promised, forgiveness of sins, and this prayer will provide great help in the grave and relieve loneliness (in the grave).

Among other things, they say that in Rajab Nuh (peace be upon him) entered the ark, Musa (peace be upon him) and his people made a miraculous crossing of the sea, Adam’s (peace be upon him) repentance was accepted, Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was born, Isa ( peace be upon him) and Ali (may Allah be pleased with him).
In many hadiths, enormous importance is given to the distribution of sadaq (alms) in the month of Rajab and the dedication of nights to the worship of Allah, prayers and dhikr. It is advisable to read Surah Ikhlyas more often this month.
Highly recommended special prayer on the first day, in the middle and on the last day of Rajab. This prayer consists of 10 rak'ahs. In each rak'ah, "Al-Fatiha" is read 1 time, then "Al-Ikhlas" - 3 times and "Al-Kafirun" - 3 times. After the last salam on the first day of Rajab, the following should be read:

Wa huva ´ala kulli shayin Qadiir.
Allahumma la maani'a li ma a'taita wa la mu'tia li ma mana'ta wa la yanfa'u zal-jaddi minkal-jadd.

And after that, run your hands over your face, as after any du´a.

In the middle of the month of Rajab, after the last salam, the following should be read:

La ilaha illallahu Wahdah La sharika Lyakh
Lyahul-Mulku wa Lyahul-hamd Yuhyi wa Yumiit
Wa huwa haiyu la yumiitbia dikhil-khair
wa huva ´ala kulli shayin Qadiir.
Ilyahav-Vahidan Ahadan
Samadan Fardan Vitran
laya yattakhizu saahibatav-va la valada.

At the end of the month of Rajab, after the last salam, the following should be read:

La ilaha illallahu Wahdah La sharika Lyakh
Lyahul-Mulku wa Lyahul-hamd Yuhyi wa Yumiit
Wa huva haiyu la yumiitbia dikhil-khair
Wa huva ´ala kulli shayin Qadiir.
Sollallahu ala sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala
La hawla wa la quvvata illa billahil-'Aliyil-'Azyym.

P.S. Assalamu alaikum, dear ones!
Regarding the enlivening of the first night of Rajab with worship, I would like to add that the night lasts until the morning azan, i.e. somewhere until approximately 3 o'clock in the morning.. Therefore, it will not be difficult not to sleep until this time, but to make a good reserve for Akhirat!

On this singing night of Holy Rajab, it is good to repay debts for prayers, read the Koran (in Arabic, of course, and not a transcription), read salawat for our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), do dhikr, perform virds, make dua for yourself and your family , for all Muslims. You can also read religious literature, listen to CDs with lectures, sermons of Alimov... talk about religion, study Islamic sciences... If all this is done for the sake of the Pleasure of Almighty Allah, then insha Allah, it will be accepted and will be worship of Allah.