Is morality relevant for young people? Moral development of youth

#youth #spirituality #values

It is no secret that today the whole world is going through a difficult time. Crisis phenomena occur in all spheres of life: economic, social, value orientations.

The older generation has already established values ​​that do not change so easily under the influence of events. And young people are that part of society that is still developing its own system of values, and this system largely depends on what is happening around.

In turn, what will happen in individual countries and in the world in a few years will depend on the life values ​​of today’s youth. By the age of 18-20, a person, as a rule, develops a system of basic values ​​that influence all his decisions and actions. Subsequently, over time, it remains practically unchanged, and a significant value revolution in the consciousness of a mature person is possible only under the influence of severe stress, a life crisis.

What happened to our youth at the beginning of the 21st century? What life values ​​and social attitudes do young people prefer, what models do they follow? Research has shown that the main life values ​​of young people are family, friends and health, followed by values ​​such as interesting work, money and justice. Faith closes the top seven main life values. In general, we can say that young people have significant positive spiritual and moral potential, this especially applies to girls, people with higher education and humanitarian specialists. The situation in this area is somewhat worse for technical specialists, entrepreneurs, military personnel and the unemployed. Moral and ethical values ​​are almost not included in the list of basic values ​​of modern youth, and spiritual and cultural values ​​occupy the last lines.

This is due to the fact that young people coordinate their value system primarily with the criteria of success in life. Such concepts as an honestly lived life, a clear conscience, and modesty, unfortunately, fade into the background. Modern youth values ​​such liberal values ​​as freedom, independence, justice, which may be associated with the beginning of the dominance of individualistic tendencies in the Russian youth environment and the decline of collectivist principles, leading to a crisis of social identity. Adaptation of an individual in a society in which there are no sufficient socio-psychological mechanisms leads to increased alienation of people from each other. Now youth values ​​act as independent, self-sufficient and, even moreover, opposed to the values ​​of elders. There is no need to rush to grow up; there is nothing interesting about being an adult - that’s a fact. The ideal of youth self-awareness is to be forever young and modern, to look at life outside of the pragmatic framework. So the adult and teenage worlds, in fact, lose all connection with each other.

The difference in social opportunities has led to the fact that today the teenage world is split into two large groups. One demonstrates a fairly high level of intellectual and personal development, is guided by cultural patterns of the adult world and in many ways continues the traditions of adolescence that developed in the middle of the century. The other, much more numerous, gravitates toward the cult of brute physical strength and is distinguished by very unusual forms of behavior and consciousness. The youth counterculture is both a symptom and a ferment of a terrible social disease that has engulfed most of our youth. One of the important indicators of the value orientations of young people is their attitude towards religion. Understand the features of religious consciousness

and the behavior of Russian youth is possible only taking into account the presence of opposite trends in the modern world: on the one hand, there is an increase in the popularity of religion, an increase in its role in society, and on the other, an intensification of the processes of globalization, ideological uncertainty and secularization of religious values.

Research shows a weakening of the position of lack of faith, compared to the Soviet period, an increase in religiosity, as well as the growing influence of various religious denominations and organizations. At the same time, there is a lack of depth and clarity in the religious consciousness of young people; it is characterized by vagueness; very few follow the canons and rituals of religion. There are many for whom religion is not an internal position, not a life choice, but simply following the “fashion for religion.” Modern youth demonstrate ambivalence in attitude and behavior when it comes to religious and moral pressure. Almost all young people do things that, according to their religious teachers, are not moral or permitted. And at the same time, they usually consider themselves believers, can distinguish good from evil, and are convinced of the important role of religion in society.

All this testifies to the contradictory nature of the religious revival in Russia. The main obstacle in the implementation of public education of youth at present is the contradiction between its pro-social, moral character and the anti-social, immoral conditions of the domestic uncivilized market, leisure infrastructure and media, blatant contradictions between the super-rich and the extremely poor segments of the population. A modern young man (for now the majority of young people) in Russia, on the one hand, is in a more or less normal moral environment of family, school, higher educational institution, work (primarily in state enterprises), and on the other hand, having left These “oases”, on the street, in transport, in the sphere of entertainment and leisure, he finds himself in a completely different atmosphere.

He is surrounded by obsessive, ambiguous advertising, sometimes going beyond all the norms of elementary ethics, the key words of which are “pleasure,” “seduction,” “temptation.” Alcohol, beer, cigarettes, questionable health drinks (all kinds of gin and tonics, “energy” drinks, etc.) and products are actively advertised. The visual and verbal lines of this advertisement sometimes simply amaze us with their vulgarity and shamelessness. But all this pales in comparison to the “yellow” media products - television, radio, and the press. Newspaper and magazine kiosks on the streets, in the subway,

supermarkets are full of naked bodies, provocative poses, screaming sensational headlines - about crimes, perversions and vices.

The radio airwaves are filled with negative, endlessly repeating news, narcotic and aggressive music and corresponding texts. This entire industry and infrastructure of vice is truly miraculous and disgusting. Its negative impact is obvious both at the level of common sense and at the level of scientific research. However, numerous letters from teachers, scientists, and simply parents in the media, to the Ministry of Education and Culture, to the State Duma, to the government, and to the President have not yet had any effect. We, they say, have democracy, freedom of speech and dissemination of any information. If we recall the definition of values ​​as certain standards, based on which people define goodness, virtue and beauty, which are the norms of life in society, then it becomes clear why today the value orientations of young people are so clearly different and shared. The division proceeds mainly in two directions.

The first direction of spirituality, where moral principles, humanism, tolerance and philanthropy dominate. The second direction is aimed at individualism, the priority of the material over the spiritual. Then it becomes clear why, at the present stage, the value system of modern youth is a mix of traditional values ​​(family, health, communication) and values ​​associated with achieving success (money, independence, self-realization).

The balance between them is still unstable, but perhaps in the coming decades a new stable system of society’s values ​​will be formed on its basis, in which spiritual traditions will take priority. And I would like to wish Russian youth spiritual and moral uplift and improvement. Thus, the value guidelines of modern youth require a clearer and more reasonable understanding of society and the world as a whole. Youth are the next generation on which the future of all humanity depends.

Therefore, it is necessary to take a serious approach to this problem, it is necessary to limit any information that can form false and imaginary values ​​in the minds of young people. It is also important to raise the legal awareness of young people and their interest in learning new things. It depends on the youth how society will live, what guidelines and ideals the next generation will rely on.

List of references: 1. State program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006-2010.” M., 2011. 2. Vishnevsky Yu.R., Shapko V.T. Paradoxical young man // Sociological studies. 2012. 3. Semenov V.E. Media and youth: socio-psychological analysis // Bulletin of Political Psychology. 2012. 4. Dubin B. Mass religious culture in Russia (trends of the 1990s) // Bulletin of public opinion. 2014, May-June. 5. Samsonova T.I. Social competence of adolescents and technologies for its formation; abstract dis. ...cand. social Sci. St. Petersburg, 2015.

Kashafutdinova Y.S., Zhaldagareeva D.M.



Sidak I.V.

OGAPOU "Stary Oskol Agrotechnological College"

Stary Oskol

Only the moral improvement of people can improve the structure of social life

Lev Tolstoy

The problem of moral values ​​of modern society has attracted the attention of thinkers in various fields of humanities for many centuries, and in the modern world it has acquired even greater attractiveness. The real state of public morality in Russian society can be described as a crisis. Gone are those heroes who symbolized the enthusiasm for work, collectivism, and selflessness. The threshold of moral demands placed on individuals has decreased significantly. Despite the positive developments in our country, immoral forms of human behavior remain widespread. At the present stage of Russia's development, the loss of spiritual and moral values ​​is extremely dangerous. Modern life creates the need to change many traditions and rules of behavior. Without the revival of spirituality and morality, it is impossible to overcome economic and political difficulties in the state. The spiritual unity of the people and the moral values ​​that unite us are as important a development factor as political and economic stability, and society is only able to set and solve large-scale national tasks when it has a common system of moral guidelines.

Solving the problems of the spiritual and moral component in the educational space is associated with solving a number of problems, among which the most important are the following: the first problem is related to the preparation of a teacher who can become a spiritual mentor of an individual; the second problem concerns the content of spiritual and moral education; The third problem is related to the methods (methods and forms) of spiritual and moral education, since human values ​​are what are most difficult to easily translate, transfer from their carriers - educators to students.

Pedagogical science interprets morality as an integrative property of the individual, which manifests itself in the need to live and create in accordance with the ideals of truth, goodness, beauty, and acts as an indicator of the level of human relations, feelings, moral-aesthetic, civic position, and the ability to show mercy. That is, morality refers to the sphere of fundamental values ​​that determine the quality and direction of human existence and the human image in each individual. Teachers must convey all this to the subconscious of young people, reach their hearts and try to help correct those mistakes of teenagers, which with our help they can change and change themselves.

From all of the above it follows that the priority of the formation of moral and spiritual qualities is determined by the fact that they, as the ultimate highest meanings of human life, perform the function of regulators of behavior, cover all aspects of human existence, are included in national values, the values ​​of family, work, education, society , that is, they are of a universal human nature, accepted and developed by all people in the conditions of socio-historical changes in civilization.

The main problems facing young people lie in moral education, or rather, in its absence. It is because of this that problems in a person’s life begin to grow like a snowball. When young people are not given enough knowledge in the field of moral and psychological education, then people do not have guidelines on how to live correctly, what to strive for and, most importantly, how to achieve their goals. Unfortunately, the way most of today's youth live is not worth living. Young people often do not realize their deepest needs, as a result of which true desires are replaced by artificial ones inspired by the modern world and the people around them. Which gives rise to the following pressing problems for young people: sitting at the computer all day long, the desire to drink and smoke, and sometimes even worse - drug use, trying to actually find at least some kind of outlet that would serve as a source of happiness.

I would like to consider the two most serious erroneous views on life that many young people adhere to, to which parents, unfortunately, react quite calmly. The first is to believe that while you’re young, you can go for a walk, and then build a serious relationship, as they sometimes say - you haven’t had enough of it yet. And the second is the narrowness of views on life due to subjective experience.

One of the ways to solve the problem of youth is if a person is immediately tuned to the right life values, and not to go out to cafes, bars, restaurants, discos and noisy companies, where people tend to drink and smoke, then no one will have to be retuned to a different way of life . A person, through his actions and desires, forms certain inclinations and habits, and he gets used to experiencing happiness from just such a life. The life values ​​of young people are formed precisely during this period, and then the person will practically not be changed. And even if he thinks that it’s not worth living like this, that he needs to start thinking about his family, desire alone will not be enough, since feelings are attached to other things.

I’m talking about the majority; you shouldn’t count yourself among those few who are capable of radically realizing how worthless life is and taking the right path. Look around, remember your friends from your youth or just acquaintances who began to lead a wild life, think about how much their character has changed, what they have gained and what they have lost, what problems they had to face, where such a life will lead them, is it worth living like this? whether they are able to start living in the right direction, giving up old habits.

People also have a great tendency to justify their actions, basically saying that everyone lives like this, or they simply begin to compare themselves with others, pointing out other people's shortcomings, thereby showing that I am not that bad. Whatever one may say, this is all an excuse that does not contribute to personal development. It is necessary to fight this and find the strength to honestly admit to yourself your shortcomings and resulting incorrect behavior - the development of such qualities is very important for a young person.

“Only the moral improvement of people can improve the structure of social life” Lev Tolstoy

Those young people who say that in this life we ​​need to try everything, and that we are free people, we do what we want, these lines are dedicated to you. Let's remember together everything we want to try - all kinds of alcoholic drinks, soft drugs, even hard drugs for some, all sorts of extreme sports: skiing, snowboarding down the mountain, etc. In essence, this expression should sound like “You have to try everything bad in this life” - such desires create problems among young people. Has anyone ever told themselves this phrase before doing something really good? For example, I’ll try to live unselfishly, without being attached to the results of my work, or I’ll start helping my neighbor’s grandmother, who lives alone and can barely make ends meet, you’ll see I’ll become less greedy, or I’ll start getting up in the morning and praying, I don’t know, what if and will change. An urgent problem for young people is, what kind of freedom are we talking about in general, freedom does not lie in the fact that I want to do what I want, but in the fact that I do only what is necessary and am able not to do what I want. Since you are so free, then stop drinking, smoking and curb your uncontrolled sexual desires.

It is worth noting that morality is not just some kind of reading of morality, it is, first of all, setting an example by one’s behavior - this is the main way to solve the problems of modern youth - a worthy example to follow. You can say a lot of things, but children absorb exactly how you live. How can a child act as you tell him, when you yourself live differently - he feels the falsehood in this case and his trust will be in your behavior, and not in your words. It is necessary to set an example by your own example of how to live, what you need to strive for, what true happiness is. And even if the child is carried away, so to speak, under the influence of society or the young people around him, he will still have a taste for a different life. He may begin to be overwhelmed by life for a while, as was the case with me, but after a while the taste for such a life disappeared and I took the right path.

Another pressing problem for young people is narrow-mindedness. People often navigate by relying only on their own experience or the opinions of similar friends, who are also often weak in many matters. Your own experience is good, it is thanks to it that strong faith in some kind of knowledge often arises, but there is one good piece of wisdom: “A smart person learns from the mistakes of others, and a stupid person learns from his own.” And it’s not just that many people are involved in psychological experiments, and not a couple of their close acquaintances. And as they say, people are not judged by themselves, so it is necessary to be objective in your outlook on life, looking at issues from different angles.

Many focus on the people around them, but, unfortunately, most of them do not know. Many rely on purely personal experience and have stereotypical thinking. People themselves often don’t know how it really is, where the truth is, but they still confidently give advice or reproach others for something. You must be an individual, a person, have your own thoughts, your own views, and not be a pawn or merge with the gray mass, and for this you need to read the right books, listen and communicate with the right people. Combine personal experience with gaining knowledge about how to live, and you will get a synthesis that will be a guiding star in your life, otherwise you can wander your whole life, bumping into problems that have been going on since youth.

“You shouldn’t rely on public opinion. This is not a lighthouse, but will-o'-the-wisps." Andre Maurois

Regarding the accumulation of experience in relationships with the opposite sex, this is a very serious separate topic for discussion, but I will still write a few sentences. Before you start building relationships, you need to know yourself how to behave correctly so that worthy young people who are determined to build serious relationships will pay attention to you, and you also need to know who can be called worthy, and how, ultimately, they should develop relationship to create a harmonious happy family for life.

Many people try to gain experience by simply meeting everyone - this is another pressing problem of modern youth, it is very unreasonable, I have already spoken about learning from the mistakes of others, and about the subjectivity of personal experience too. Many are accustomed to trusting only their own experience - okay, study and check, at least this way, you need to pacify your unnecessary pride in terms of “I already know everything,” stop being categorical and start accepting knowledge from authoritative sources, kick yourself - this is your life. You need to start deeply studying how to live correctly, start reading not glamorous magazines, but good, proven literature, there is one wisdom: “Before you study something, you need to study what to study.”

I will share my experience: the problems of youth also affected me - in my youth I made many mistakes, and I lived like everyone else, like the majority of young people, I killed, simply destroyed my years of life, which could have been lived much more wisely. I still managed to turn off the wrong path, but it still left a huge mark on my life, my character, which I am trying with all my might to correct, so even if a person has had a good time and thought about, for example, starting a family, in the depths of his heart There will be a trace for the rest of his life.

“Not everything that people strive for deserves to be truly worth striving for.” Darius (philosopher)

The processes taking place in the country over the past two decades have changed a lot not only in economics and politics, but also in the everyday life of every person, in relationships between people, in the understanding that today there is success in life, what goals should be set for oneself and by what means for achievement of these goals can be used. Many Russians have the opinion that our society and its citizens have completely and irretrievably lost moral standards, that the erosion of morality has reached a critical point beyond which spiritual rebirth, or more precisely, the degeneration of Russia, is coming. At the same time, young people are recognized as the most vulnerable to negative moral transit.

Thus, according to the majority of respondents, both older people and young people themselves, modern youth in general are characterized by “moral relativism” and even cynicism, indifference to any ideals. This point of view is shared by 64% of young respondents and 70% of representatives of the older generation. And only a third of Russians have an optimistic view of the situation, believing that young people are drawn to high ideals (36% and 28%, respectively) (see Figure 7.1).

Drawing 7.1

Young people’s attitude towards ideals,%

Moreover, a comparison of assessments given by representatives of individual age subgroups of young people indicates that the spread of sentiments of cynicism and indifference to ideals among young people is felt to the greatest extent among our youngest fellow citizens. Thus, in the group of respondents aged 17-19 years, the tendency of young people to cynicism is most often noted (43%, compared with 36% among 20-23 year olds and 31% among 24-26 year old respondents). On the contrary, representatives of “older youth” are not so pessimistic; among them, 68% are confident that their peers are drawn to ideals that allow them to live their lives meaningfully (63% among 20-23-year-olds and 57% among 17-19-year-old respondents) (see Fig. 7.2).

Drawing 7.2

Attitude of young people towards ideals (in youth subgroups), %

An interesting look at the attitude of young people towards ideals and, on the contrary, their tendency towards cynicism, among young respondents surveyed in settlements of various types. The highest level of concern about the spread of cynicism is characteristic of young people living in Russian villages - here 54% of young respondents spoke about the indifference of young Russians to ideals.

In many ways, the mood of pessimism is due to the presence of a “second reality” -television, where there is its own special world, which has little relation to the reality surrounding people, but which, nevertheless, forms the idea of ​​many about the immorality of modern youth and, in general, that Russian culture, and with it the primordial traditions, moral and moral principles are gradually degrading, giving way to examples of Western mass culture. These fears are shared by about three-quarters of our fellow citizens - 73% of young people and 80% of older people are confident that modern youth have little interest in our history and culture, and are focused primarily on Western values. Those who believe that Russian history and Russian culture are still interesting and relevant for young people are in the minority (26% and 19%, respectively)
(see Fig. 7.3).

Drawing 7.3

Orientation of young people towards Russian or Western culture, %

Moreover, Western culture attracts many not only as certain models that are pleasant to contemplate, and perhaps serving as an example to follow, but also as the most preferred habitat. Thus, 41-43% of respondents said that, in their opinion, the majority of young people in their circle would prefer to live and work not in Russia, but abroad (see Fig. 7.4).

Drawing 7.4

Orientation of young people towards Russia or a foreign country as a place of permanent residence, %

Against the background of an insignificant difference in the opinions of young people in general and older people on the issue of the most preferable place of residence for young people (Russia or a foreign country), no significant differences were noted in individual age subgroups of young people. But what is noteworthy is the difference in the views of youth subgroups divided by type of settlement. Thus, among young respondents living in megacities, the ratio of supporters of two opposing points of view (“young people want to live in Russia” - “young people want to live in the West”) is approximately the same (49%-50%). The smaller the type of settlement, the greater the share of those who are sure that young people do not want to live in Russia - in regional centers and in rural areas they already constitute the majority, increasing to 56% in regional centers and 65% in rural areas.

The question arises: have the last decades really radically changed Russians, deprived them of moral support, and destroyed the traditional foundations of communication and interaction? Or is the catastrophic nature of the situation greatly exaggerated?

As the current survey has shown, today the concepts of morality and morality, in the opinion of many of our fellow citizens, and especially young people, often acquire the character of anachronisms, the use of which means dooming oneself to failure. Thus, a little less than half of the youth surveyed (46%) during the survey agreed with the statement that today we live in a completely different world, different from what it was before, and many traditional moral standards are already outdated. The opposite point of view is held by the majority of young people, but it is far from overwhelming - 54% are confident that basic moral norms are not subject to the influence of time and always remain relevant and modern.

Not only many young Russians believe that the process of moral corrosion of society is natural. Almost every third older respondent (31%) admitted that moral standards are “aging” and no longer correspond to modern norms and the rhythm of life (see Figure 7.5).

Figure 7.5

Judgments of young people and representatives of the older generation about the relevance of moral standards, %

It must be admitted that modern life realities are quite harsh and subject the morality of Russians to serious tests of strength. During the research, many respondents admit that the difficulties they face in various areas of life force them to take a serious “inventory” of values. As a result, the majority of young people (55%) today are forced to admit that their success in life largely depends on the ability to close their eyes to their own principles in time, and agree with the thesis that “the modern world is cruel, and in order to succeed in life, sometimes you have to cross moral principles and norms." The opposite point of view, that it is better not to succeed, but not to transgress moral standards, is held by only 44% of young people.

The moral “lag” of young people in this case is, as they say, obvious: among respondents of the older generation, the ratio of the number of those who are guided by moral standards and those who consider it possible to neglect them is in favor of supporters of the inviolability of the moral code (63% versus 36%) . However, one cannot help but see that skimping on moral principles is considered possible by more than a third of the representatives of the generation of “fathers”, who, in fact, must pass on their moral baggage to their children (see Fig. 7.6).

Drawing 7.6

Judgments of young people and representatives of the older generation about the possibility/impossibility of overstepping moral principles, %

What are our contemporaries, and especially young people, willing to sacrifice in the name of success, what can they be lenient about, and are there any moral taboos left in modern Russian society?

As studies show, in general, Russians demonstrate a fairly high moral level, at least in words. Regarding most actions and phenomena that are generally considered immoral or at least unethical, more than half of the respondents express a sharp negative opinion and state that they can never be justified. Among the unconditional taboos are the abandonment and homelessness of children, cruelty to animals, drug use, and treason. More than three-quarters of respondents, both among young people and older people, could never justify them.

Taboo actions for the generation of fathers also include homosexuality, public display of hostility towards representatives of other nationalities, and enrichment at the expense of others. These actions and phenomena are not acceptable for the majority of young people, although not overwhelmingly so.

In addition, more than half of young people and older people consider rudeness, rudeness and the use of obscene language, drunkenness and alcoholism, unnecessary business practices and prostitution completely unacceptable. Almost half of the respondents in both groups do not accept adultery.

At the same time, the assessment of some traditionally condemned phenomena is being revised today; they are no longer so unconditionally denied. For example, a noticeable “drift” in the direction from conviction to acquittal is observed in the attitude of young people towards tax evasion, giving/receiving bribes, as well as abortion, which remain unacceptable only for 34%-40% of young Russians.

Young people, as well as older people, are even more loyal to resistance to the police, appropriation of found things and money, evasion of military service, ticketless travel on public transport - all these actions are understandable and justified by the majority of Russians (from 59% to 84% of respondents consider them acceptable). Thus, it can be stated that a critical mass of people who do not attach much importance to these “pranks and misdeeds” has already been reached, and they have become socially acceptable actions (see Fig. 7.7).

An analysis of deviations between the proportions of respondents who condemn certain unethical and immoral acts and actions in groups of young people and middle-aged people indicates that today’s “children” lag behind their “fathers,” first of all, in mastering the norms governing interpersonal relationships of people - the unacceptability of enrichment at the expense of other people, rudeness and rudeness, lack of commitment in business, and public display of hostility towards representatives of other nationalities. For all these positions, the prevalence of moral standards among young people is 15%-23% lower than among older people. There is a noticeable lag among young people in mastering norms regarding the appropriation of found things and money, prostitution, homosexuality, drug use, as well as in the area of ​​socio-economic cleanliness - bribery and tax evasion (by 11%-13%).

For the rest of the tested actions and actions, the positions of young people and people of the older generation are closer, the differences in the groups’ acceptance of these norms do not exceed 7%.

Drawing 7.7

Attitudes towards immoral and unethical actions* of young people and representatives of the older generation (extended list, share of responses “can never be acceptable”, sorted by youth responses) , %

* To the question, “Which of the following actions can never be justified, which can sometimes be acceptable, and which should be treated leniently?” one of the following answers could be given: “can never be justified”, “sometimes it is permissible”, “this should be treated leniently”, “difficult to answer”.

It is significant that with regard to moral norms regulating the sphere of family life (adultery, abortion), young people turned out to be even stricter than people of the older generation. In particular, abortion is condemned here almost 9% more often than in the generation of fathers (see Table 7.1).

Table 7.1

Attitudes towards immoral and unethical actions of young people and representatives of the older generation (extended list, share of answers “can never be acceptable”, ordered by the magnitude of deviations) , %

Older generation

The youth

(% for the older generation minus % for the youth)

Getting rich at the expense of others

Rudeness, rudeness, obscene language

Business optional

Public display of hostility towards representatives of other nationalities

Appropriation of found money and things



Drug use

Giving/receiving a bribe

Tax avoidance

Drunkenness, alcoholism

Ticket-free travel on public transport

Evasion from military service

Animal abuse

Treason to the Motherland

Poor parenting, abandonment, homelessness

Police resistance



Of course, declaring one’s adherence to certain moral standards is far from identical to how people behave in real life. During the survey, respondents were specifically asked whether they personally had to do anything that is usually considered unethical or immoral.

As the analysis of the data obtained shows, for example, homosexuality and drug use have the status of “practical taboo” for young people and older people. Although even in relation to these seemingly unshakable moral prohibitions, part of the population, often young people, demonstrates tolerance, and some even point to personal experience of such actions. In particular, 9% of youth respondents said that they have tried drugs, another 1% said that they do it often. Another 8% said that they themselves had not tried drugs, but did not condemn others for using them. Among older people, 4% said they had tried drugs, and another 3% said they were tolerant of other people using them.

In relation to other tested situations and phenomena, the positions of the respondents are not so consolidated. The use of sexual relationships for personal gain, tax evasion and bribery are considered categorically unacceptable by only about half of the respondents, while 34%-50% of young people and 20%-41% of older people do not consider it shameful. At the same time, approximately the same number of respondents from both groups spoke about personal practice of violating prohibitions in the sphere of economic relations - 9% each evaded taxes, 19% each gave bribes.

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at the regional and local level, providing regular and multidimensional assessment of the processes occurring in the youth environment. Social monitoring, as is known, is a structurally and functionally organized system of information and analytical services, computer and communication technologies that ensure regular collection, accumulation, storage, processing, analysis and provision of information to users about the state and dynamics of changes in the social space of the country and region in order to diagnostics and forecasting of social processes occurring in it.

The most important function of social monitoring of the regional youth subsociety is the scientific and information support of regional youth policy at all its stages - from studying the social characteristics of RMS to making management decisions. Social monitoring of RMS includes four successive stages:

1) collection, systematization and primary processing of statistical and sociological information about the object under study, taking into account quantitative and qualitative indicators (socio-demographic, professional

nal, educational, reflecting social well-being and value orientations);

2) social diagnostics of the essential characteristics and parameters of development of RMS, identification of points of “social tension” in the youth environment;

4) analysis of the results of making a management decision based on monitoring the progress of its implementation among young people.

Thus, by analyzing the processes of youth development in a particular region, comparing them with the processes occurring in other regions, we get the opportunity to create a typological portrait of the regional youth subsociety as an integral part of the country’s younger generation. The deployment of the RMS monitoring system in the Republic of Mordovia in 1995 made it possible to carry out prompt and regular collection and analysis of information on the state and trends in the development of youth in the region, to prepare a number of scientifically based management decisions, which were reflected in annual reports to the Government of the Republic of Moldova.


1. Sukharev A.I. Fundamentals of regionalology: collection. Art. / A. I. Sukharev; Research Institute of Regionalology. - Saransk, 1996. - 120 p.

Received 07/13/11.


N. A. Vishnyakova, E. I. Dolgaeva

The article analyzes the results of sociological studies of the moral and moral orientations of Russian youth, and determines the priority values ​​and life goals of the younger generation.

Questions of morality and morality of the modern younger generation are often raised and heatedly discussed in Russian society. A lot is said and written about the problems, appearance and prospects of modern Russian youth. A number of publications in

The media, statements by famous figures of the country and ordinary people are critical. Young people are accused of immorality, rejection of traditional Russian values ​​and mercantilism. However, there is also the opposite point

About N. A. Vishnyakova, E. I. Dolgaeva, 2011

BULLETIN of Mordovian University | 2011 | M" 3

view: the state, under the leadership of the President, is implementing many projects aimed at youth; many believe that modern young people worthily continue the traditions of their parents.

When studying youth, it is quite difficult to conduct a comprehensive study that could provide answers to all questions regarding the morality and ethics of the modern young generation. When studying young people, sociologists often use the concepts of “moral values,” “value orientations,” and “principles.” One of the most significant and volume-

scientific research of youth of the 21st century. became an analytical report prepared by the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences in collaboration with the Representative Office of the Foundation. F. Ebert in the Russian Federation. The study was conducted in March-April 2007, 1,796 people participated in the survey. aged 17 to 26 years inclusive. Researchers tried to find out how significant moral norms and principles are for young people (Table 1). Answers to this question show that 54% of respondents consider moral standards to be relevant and not subject to the influence of time.

Table 1

Judgments of young people about the relevance of moral norms

Today we live in a different world than before, and many moral standards are already outdated 45

Basic moral norms are not subject to the influence of time, they are always relevant 54

Difficult to answer 1

At the same time, 55% of respondents noted that in today’s cruel world they sometimes have to cross

through moral standards (Table 2). There were 44% who were principled followers of morality.

table 2

Judgments of youth about possibility (impossibility)

overstep moral principles

Answer option Percentage of total respondents

The modern world is cruel, in order to achieve success in life, sometimes you have to step over moral principles and norms 55

I would rather not succeed in life, but I will never overserve through moral principles and norms 44

Difficult to answer 1

Thus, there is a contradiction in the respondents’ answers: 54% of young people note the relevance and immutability of moral standards in a person’s life, but only 44% are ready to defend their own principles even to the detriment of personal success.

Next, respondents were asked the question: “Which of the following actions can never be justified, which can sometimes be acceptable, and which should be treated leniently?” It turned out that the vast majority of respondents cannot justify the abandonment and poor upbringing of children (93%), cruelty to animals (83%) and drug use

(82%). Treason to the Motherland (78%), homosexuality (67%), and public display of hostility towards people of other nationalities (62%) are unacceptable. The respondents also disapproved of drunkenness and alcoholism (59%), rudeness, rudeness, and obscene language (55%). It is significant that with regard to moral norms regulating the sphere of family life (adultery - 49%, abortion - 34%), young people were not as strict as with rudeness and rudeness. More than half of modern young people can justify infidelity, 66% accept abortion. Considering that more than 90% of respondents do not accept abandonment and poor upbringing,

Series “Sociological Sciences*

If children are not born, then abortion turns out to be a kind of solution for modern young people to prevent the birth of a child who may later turn out to be unnecessary. The situation with patriotism is also ambiguous. On the one hand, 78% of respondents consider treason to be unacceptable, on the other hand, almost the same number (76%) justify evading military service. Most likely, military service in the minds of young people has nothing to do with patriotism.

The distribution of answers to the question about the orientation of young people towards Russia or a foreign country as a place of permanent residence is as follows: 56% of respondents believe that the majority of young people would prefer to live and work in Russia, 43% are sure that their peers want to leave and live abroad . In general, slightly less than half of those surveyed are convinced that foreign countries are preferable for living. The results of the study show that approximately a fifth of young people do not consider life and work in another country to be treason to the Motherland.

It seems important to analyze young people’s judgments about what is necessary

54% of young people see the main danger in the loss of their livelihood, which confirms that they have material well-being as one of their priorities in life. A significant portion of respondents (39%) fear for their lives and the lives of loved ones. Only 28% of respondents expressed anxiety about their own family life, which can be explained by the confidence

we in raising children, since the instilled values ​​should also be significant for parents. The three main values ​​that need to be brought up in children, according to young people, are kindness, honesty, responsiveness (53%), good education (50%), love for family and loved ones (47%). Much less relevant is the cultivation of faith in God (6%), although it is precisely this, according to young people, that forms all the most significant values.

The goals of modern youth were studied by the Public Opinion Foundation in 2002. Based on the results of a survey of 1,500 respondents in 100 settlements in 44 regions, territories and republics of the Russian Federation, data were collected regarding the priority goals and concerns of youth.

In table Figure 3 shows the answers to the question: “What do you think modern youth are striving for, what goals do they set for themselves?” Thus, the presence of socially disapproved goals (or lack of goals) is noted by more than 60% of respondents, while only a third of them are confident that young people have socially approved goals.

lack of confidence in one’s own capabilities or low priority of a given value in comparison with others.

The results of this sociological survey mainly correspond to the data on the hierarchy of values ​​of young people. According to the results of an expert study conducted in 2007 by the Pitirim Sorokin Foundation, the hierarchy of dominant values

Table 3

Answer option % in Russia % in Moscow

Material well-being, enrichment 35 44

Getting an education 16 14

Drug addiction and drunkenness 8 4

Work, career 7 4

Idleness 4 1

Self-realization 4 5

Pleasures, entertainment 3 3

Independence 3 3

Theft 1 1

Imitation of the West 1 0

Other 2 1

No goal 17 18

BULLETIN of Mordovian University | 2011 | No. 3

young Russians are lined up as follows:

1) material well-being;

2) the value of “I” (individualism);

3) career (self-realization);

5) stability;

6) freedom;

7) respect for elders;

8) god (belief in God);

9) patriotism;

10) duty and honor.

Thus, the results of the above studies are to some extent contradictory, which confirms the opinion of the vast majority of scientists that

that the value system of young people is in the process of formation. This is due to the specifics of the socialization of young people, the completion of its primary stage and the beginning of the secondary. The complexity of the socialization of young people lies in the fact that new adaptation processes are superimposed on the previous ones, passed through primary socialization. This is what gives rise to the problem of coordination between them.

In general, we can say that the leading values ​​of young people are individual (wealth, independence and self-realization). Social values ​​(respect for elders, patriotism) are also accepted by young people, but to a lesser extent and not to the detriment of personal interests.


1. Youth of the new Russia: value priorities. Analytical report of the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences in collaboration with the Representative Office of the Foundation. F. Ebert in the Russian Federation, Moscow 2007 [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: - Cap. from the screen.

2. Goals of modern youth, FOM, report dated June 20, 2002 [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: - Cap. from the screen.

3. Values ​​in modern Russia: results of an expert study conducted from June 15 to September 10, 2007 / Pitirim Sorokin Foundation [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: - Cap. from the screen.

Received 07/13/1/.


A. A. Zinin

The article presents a sociological assessment of the resource claims of youth in the Republic of Mordovia. Based on the hypothesis of the author's sociological research and the proposed indicators, the material and professional status aspirations of the region's youth are analyzed. The author also examines the claims of young people in the field of cultural and leisure practices.

At the beginning of the new century, Russia was faced with a situation of chronic lag behind global competitors (primarily Western countries), and Russian society froze in a state of tense anticipation of the future. Understanding all this, the modern Russian government in social rhetoric has focused on the word “modernization”,

implying not only the introduction of new technologies, but also the arrival of new people, especially young people, without whom it is impossible to carry out transformations and develop innovative technologies. Young people are gradually becoming a strategic resource in the country's renewal processes. In this regard, it seems interesting to consider

© A. A. Zinin, 2011

Series “Sociological Sciences”