On what day do snot appear. Everything you ever wanted to know about snot...

During the period of cold weather or simply with wind or rain, we catch a cold. And this process is accompanied by a runny nose. And most an unpleasant symptom such a problem is snot that haunts us. And in order to defeat such an ailment, it is worth making out where the snot in a person’s nose comes from. Knowing the mechanism of the appearance of this liquid, you can easily defeat a cold and runny nose.

What are snot made of?

Despite their unpleasant structure, they have quite a decent composition:

  1. Water - 95%
  2. Mucin - 3%
  3. Salt - 1%
  4. Nucleic acids - 1%.

It is important to note that mucin is a microbe-killing protein. Thus, this liquid is disinfecting. It prevents the inflamed nose from getting even more infection inside.

In small quantities, snot is always in the nose. They wet the nose and prevent it from getting dust inside. Therefore, do not think that this is something bad and vile.

How do snot appear in the nose?

Roughly speaking, snot is mucus produced by mucous membranes. There are many such membranes in the nose, which means that the production of snot occurs constantly.

Only here the activity of such production is small. We often do not notice that there is something in the nose.

But with a cold or irritation (for example, with allergies), the mucous membranes are replenished. They begin to work many times faster and increase in size. The snot is getting too much. And we feel that we have a runny nose.

It is important to note that snot does not block the nose, as we think. The nose gets clogged because the dilated mucous membranes make the passage for air minimal. But the snot only slightly helps the mucous membranes block our oxygen.

That is why there are drops with sea ​​water, which are designed specifically to reduce the volume internal surfaces nose.

Snot functions

With each appearance, such mucus performs various important features. For example:

  • With a cold, snot destroys microbes;
  • With allergies, they are designed to throw allergens out of the nose;
  • When we damage the nose from the inside, the snot prevents the infection of wounds;
  • When you cry, snot flushes out tears from your nose, which are salty irritants.

Many people think that snot in the nose is taken to infect the body. But it's not. We constantly involuntarily swallow this liquid. And if you were infected with it, then we would have died long ago.

It should be noted that such discharge is not an independent disease. They are just a symptom of some disease or irritant.

Some people use nasal drops at the first sign of a runny nose. This is undesirable. Otherwise, you can disrupt the functioning of the mucous membranes, and you will often have a mechanical runny nose. So you "get hooked" on drops and sprays.

A little cold and immediately snot! Where do these come from unpleasant discharge from the nose, how dangerous are they, and how to deal with them effectively? These are the questions facing people weak immunity, and the slightest hypothermia, damp weather, rain or mild wind cause them to have a runny nose.

And then the question arises, what is it - a profuse flow from the nose? Where do snot in the nose come from? Most of us will be very surprised to learn that snot is almost always secreted - both in healthy people and in sick people. In addition, it is normal when such secretions per day are up to 500 ml. However, if there is no infection, the discharge is clear, 95-96% water. We do not notice them, because we simply swallow them together with saliva. The remaining 3% with a little account for a special protein - mucin, and a little more than 1% are insoluble salts.

The most important part of this secret (snot) is mucin. This natural substance effectively fights against different kind bacteria, harmful viruses.

To understand how snot is formed, you need to know the following: when air enters the nasal mucosa, it also contains a significant amount of bacteria. Mucin destroys these bacteria, and then harmless snot enters the stomach, where it is processed hydrochloric acid. Usually healthy people do not notice this. (Hence the answer to the question of whether it is harmful to swallow snot). A new portion is produced in place of the used mucin.

Copious discharge from the nose appears during crying. This is due to the fact that tear ducts go into the nasopharynx and when a person cries, not all tears have time to get out, some of them end up in the nose and come out in the form of snot.

Why do we need snot in the human body

The secret is produced by microscopic glands located in the nasal mucosa. However, in addition to protecting the body from microbes, this substance also performs other important functions for the body, there are several of them. The secret secreted by the glands of the nasal cavity:

  • protects the body from infection. As has already been said.
  • Moisturizes the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and does not allow it to dry out. This is very important, since a lack of moisture can lead to cracking of the dry mucosa and the formation of wounds.
  • Protects the nasal cavity from damage. When a wound occurs in the nose, the secret fills it, as if forming a film on top. This prevents germs from entering the bloodstream.

Causes of a runny nose

Now let's figure out why snot flows. If too many microorganisms enter the nasal cavity, then more mucin will be required to destroy them. The glands are capable of producing no more than 700 ml, so more mucin is produced, and the amount of fluid remains almost unchanged. The snot just becomes more viscous, it can no longer be swallowed unnoticed - we get a runny nose that flows out of the nose (sometimes this happens spontaneously).

At allergic manifestations snot is a reaction of the nasal mucosa to an allergen. The mucosa swells, provokes a large separation of fluid. Here the discharge is usually liquid, plentiful.

How can you find out by the type of snot about the cause of their occurrence?

Nasal discharge itself is not a disease - it is only one of its symptoms. A runny nose can have a different consistency and color, they can be used to determine the cause of the snot.

So, an abundant flow from the nose appears with rhinitis and sinusitis (including sinusitis), here it is a sign purulent inflammation. The discharge will be thick green (sign bacterial infection) or even yellow (an admixture of leukocytes). In this case, snot is mucus and pus accumulated in the nasal cavity and sinuses (nasal sinuses).

A runny nose can be a symptom of bronchitis or pneumonia (green or yellow discharge). In this case, the mucus that has accumulated in the bronchi or lungs gets not only into the larynx, but also into the nose and a runny nose is formed. Here, along with nasal discharge, great weakness, cough, high body temperature. When these symptoms appear, it is very important to consult a therapist.

However, brown or yellow snot observed in smokers with great experience. From which it follows that in this case they get their shade due to tobacco products, as well as the friability of blood vessels.

In case of allergies, the discharge is transparent, abundant, and sometimes may have a greenish color. Before snot is formed frequent sneezing, tearing, pain in the eyes, discomfort in the nose.

Abundant and viscous, but light snot with ARVI and common colds. Here, a runny nose will be accompanied by coughing, sneezing, slight increase body temperature sometimes mild sore throat.

Some treatments for the common cold

In order to be sure to know why snot appears, to establish their cause.

Productive treatment of snot is possible only after establishing the cause and its effective treatment.

In some cases, having cured the cause, you can get rid of the common cold.

Often, to eliminate the flow of their nose with allergies, along with antihistamines, vasoconstrictor nasal drops are attributed: Nazol, Knoxprey, Xylen, etc. Apply special antihistamines: Zyrtec, Claritidine, Erius, etc.

For rhinitis and sinusitis, nasal lavage is indicated antiseptic solutions: saline, Dolphin, Physiomer. Used along with systemic treatment topical antibiotics: Bioparox, Isofra.

Periodic nose blowing is very effective, but do it in in public places do not do it.

The nasal mucosa is very sensitive and in people with weak immunity, snot appears even after walking in the park in wet weather. by the most good treatment scientists call hardening of the body: contrast foot baths and cold and hot shower, physical exercise on fresh air, quitting smoking - all this will help get rid of snot for a long time.

An important role in preventing the appearance of snot plays proper nutrition, healthy lifestyle life and outdoor activities.

Most people get a runny nose several times a year. But here's what snot is, where it comes from, what snot is for, and why it often has green tint not everyone can explain. Some believe that snot is a substance flowing from the brain, others call it the blood cytoplasm. For the third, the question of where the snot comes from remains a mystery.

What is snot, their composition

Scientifically speaking, snot is nasal mucus. Even a child knows where snot is formed: in the nasal cavity. Oddly enough, but mucous secretions play quite important role: protect the respiratory tract from dust and dehydration. For those who are aware of this, the question does not arise: “Why do we need snot?”

However, only a few know what snot consists of. It turns out that their composition is quite simple:

  • water;
  • salt (here why is snot salty);
  • several types of proteins, for example: mucin protein, which makes nasal mucus thick.

In addition, nasal secretions contain antibodies from bacteria and viruses, including enzymes that kill pathogens. Thus, mucus is a kind of filter that protects the lungs from the ingress of small debris.

Why, when and how snot is formed

Probably, every person was visited by the thought of how snot forms in the nose: they appear, it turns out, due to the retinal mucosa present in the nasal cavity. The volume and size of secretions depends on the mucin protein, which, in contact with moisture, is able to increase the amount of mucus.

When running infectious disease often appears bad smell from the nose. In such situations, the question usually arises: “Why do snot stink?” The stench, most often, indicates the formation purulent discharge which is considered a complication of the disease. Therefore, you should immediately seek qualified help.

At healthy person the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity produces approximately 100 ml of snot per day. And during the period of illness - up to 2 liters, since in this case the protective reaction of the body causes snot to be caused.

The main reasons for education

More often severe runny nose appears with illness, but there are other moments at which mucus is released from the nose. For example, when a person cries, snot flows. Many are wondering why this is happening. In reality, everything is quite simple: tears fall into nasal cavity, this creates additional moisture.

Also, more mucus usually begins to be produced during a hot meal. Explaining why snot appears after eating is also not difficult. This is due to the tone of the blood vessels of the turbinates. It rises, while the production of snot accelerates.

Do not immediately panic if snot occurs in the morning: in a dream, nasal mucus, under certain circumstances, can accumulate in the nasopharynx. However, it is still worth seeing a doctor, because when diagnosed with allergy, snot is the first sign. At the same time, down and feather pillows should be considered as the main irritant.

In fact, vaccination is the introduction of a neutralized pathogen into the body. This helps build immunity to disease. However, any such intervention for some time reduces protective reactions, therefore, for example, snot after DTP or vaccination against hepatitis B is quite possible.

But do not tie manta and snot. In this case, a runny nose usually indicates the beginning colds. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that any vaccination is done only to a healthy person. Therefore, snot after mantoux or another vaccine, as a rule, indicates the addition of an infection. Which means you need to see a doctor.

Is it possible to eat snot

Since the runny nose intensifies during illness, many people often wonder: is it possible to eat snot? Harmful or not - everyone should know, although nasal mucus is swallowed mainly by children. It is rather stupid to make claims to the baby that he eats snot: chewing them, of course, is undesirable, but it is difficult for small children to explain this.

The situation is different when adults eat snot: there are several reasons why they do it. It's one thing if you can't blow your nose. And it’s completely different when this is done intentionally, moreover, without thinking about what will happen if there is snot.

Many doctors believe that childhood a habit is formed to eat snot: how to make sure that adults do not do this? Probably no expert will give a clear answer. The most suitable option is to popularly explain whether it is useful to eat snot and why it is better not to do so.

Sometimes snot comes out through the mouth: why this happens is not difficult to explain. After all, the nose and mouth are quite closely related. It is not in vain that with the disease of these organs, only one doctor, an otolaryngologist, is engaged in treatment.

Despite the fact that nasal mucus protects the body from the penetration of many bacteria, runny nose - quite serious problem . Therefore, before finding out whether snot is contagious, it is necessary to identify the nature of the disease. Indeed, under certain circumstances, mucous discharge from the nose does not pose any threat. However, if the cause of their formation is an infection, then the risk of infection is significant.

A runny nose is a very unpleasant phenomenon that always takes you by surprise. Colds and flu are usually accompanied by increased secretion of snot. They also appear in allergic reactions and some other diseases. Everyone knows that this is a symptom of an onset of the disease, but not everyone knows where the snot comes from.

The official medical definition of snot is nasal mucus, which translates from Latin as “nasal mucus.” By its nature, it is mucus that is produced in the nasal cavity. Those who believe that snot comes from the brain, of course, are mistaken. This substance consists of salt, water, protein, cells. Separately, it is worth noting the protein mucin, which consists mainly of sugar. Thanks to this component, the snot can absorb a lot of water, so it becomes wet and thick.

When the aforementioned mucin comes into contact with a liquid, it expands many times (up to several hundred times). Therefore, there are so many snot. On average, in the body of even a healthy person, from 70 to 200 milliliters of this mucus is produced during the day. That is enough to prevent the nasal grooves from drying out, to protect them from dehydration and small foreign particles, such as dust. Their secretion rises sharply when a person begins to cry, because the tears enter the nasal cavity. For respiratory viral infections the body reacts by increasing the production of mucin, which leads to an increase in the number of snot.

The snot also contains enzymes, such as lysozyme, that kill viruses and bacteria. This mucus is a kind of filter that protects the lungs from dust and other small debris. So it is a mistake to believe that snot is harmful to the body: if they are, then the body reacts to the threat and defends itself.

IN general view the composition of snot can be represented as follows: 95% water, 3% mucin, 1% salts, and another 0.5% -2% - various kinds of lipids, free proteins and nucleic acids.

What causes runny nose

But how does the body understand when it is necessary to start intensively producing snot and increase their volume? So he reacts to the ingress of viruses on the nasal mucosa and the beginning of their rapid reproduction on them. As a rule, this occurs after undermining the immune system due to hypothermia. Then than stronger man starts his illness, the more mucin is released, and the thicker the snot becomes.

The second most common reason increased excretion snot - allergic reactions. Protective mucus in this case is needed in order to remove allergens from the inner surfaces of the nose. After the source of irritation disappears, the secretion of snot decreases and returns to normal volumes.

Another reason copious excretion snot, which is relatively rare, is mechanical damage mucous. In this case, the mucus is responsible for protecting the resulting wound from infections and allowing it to heal faster.

Where does the snot go

No less important is the question of where the snot, which is formed in large quantities, goes. When the nose is blocked, the person blows his nose to clear his airways. In addition, some of the snot is thrown out when sneezing. In flight, they gain speed up to 160 kilometers per hour. Most of the mucus gets into digestive system. IN respiratory tract there are millions of small hairs that collect snot after a person swallows it. A significant part of viruses and bacteria is killed by gastric juice.

How to deal with snot

Despite the fact that snot is a natural reaction of the body, and they play a protective role, sometimes their number delivers severe discomfort. If the secretion of snot for a long time does not decrease, medicines are used. There are two types: antihistamines and decongestants. An increase in air humidity will also help alleviate the condition: moisture interacts with mucin, the snot becomes more liquid, stops blocking the nose and calmly exits. Inhalation also helps warm baths for legs. And of course, do not forget to blow your nose - it's simple and effective way free your nose from snot.

A person is most susceptible to viral and infectious attacks in autumn and winter. The first signs of a cold - the temperature rises, the nose is stuffed up and such bad runny nose. Where do snot come from? Why do we need this translucent slime? Does it harm or protect our health? Let's take a closer look later in the article.

During the transition from winter to spring or from autumn to winter, viruses are often activated. People get flu and colds. These diseases almost never pass without snot. They are especially common in children. IN modern world this problem try not to discuss, from an aesthetic point of view.

Many people are familiar with such secretions, but not everyone can explain what it is. According to one version, this is a fluid that drains from the brain. Others see similarities with the blood cytoplasm and believe that it is she who is excreted from the body. Is this true, and who is right?

According to medical definition, these are secretions that are formed due to the work of the nasal mucosa.

The purpose of snot is to protect respiratory system. They are isolated from both sick people and healthy people. The snot moisturizes and promotes correct work respiratory organs, so they are needed. The daily amount of secreted mucus is within 500 ml. A large amount of mucus is swallowed.

What are snot made of? The composition is completely harmless: water, salt, protein, dust, cells. Thanks to mucin, the snot has a viscous consistency. If the discharge resembles water, then there is little protein in the body.

Accumulating mucus is a kind of barrier that does not allow small particles and pathogenic microorganisms into the lungs.

It has been noticed that in wet weather more snot is formed than in dry weather. Why? Mucin contributes to the accumulation of moisture and swells. That's where nasal secretions come from.

What are snot?

Everyone noticed a different consistency of snot - liquid and watery or thick and viscous. By the type of mucus, you can determine the type of infection that provoked them.

When viruses are introduced into the body, the snot is very liquid. They pour out of the nose, which brings great discomfort to its owner. A man cannot do without a handkerchief for five minutes. Frequent wiping of the nose leads to skin irritation.

If the snot is supplemented by lacrimation, sneezing, then this may signal the development of an allergic reaction. The body includes defensive reaction and by all means tries to remove the allergen from the body.

thick green slime indicates a bacterial infection.

How and why do snot form during an illness?

Where do snot in a person's nose come from? When an infection enters the body blood vessels expand, which leads to swelling of the nasal mucosa and difficulty breathing.

Where do snot come from? infectious process activates the glands, so the amount of mucus rapidly increases in order to destroy and excrete pathogenic flora. Mucus begins to accumulate in the front of the nose and paranasal sinuses. If the swelling will prevent the removal of snot from the maxillary sinuses, then there is a high probability of developing sinusitis.

The main causes of nasal discharge

An increase in secretions is observed in the inflammatory process of the respiratory tract.

allergic rhinitis

Allergies are common today. Both adults and children face it. It is very difficult to identify which irritant caused the allergy.

The main symptoms of an allergic reaction are:

  • plentiful watery discharge from the nose;
  • sneezing
  • eye redness;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • swelling of the larynx and so on.

There are a large number of allergens, the most common are:

  • plant pollen, which is released in the spring and summer during flowering;
  • wool of four-legged pets;
  • tobacco smoke;
  • some medicines;
  • Food.

An allergen that enters the body provokes the production of histamine. A series of successive reactions occurs. Are formed enough liquid snot and they start to flow. The body fights negative impact irritant and seek to remove it.

It has been scientifically proven that snot forms itself when a person begins to cry. After all, the eyes are connected with the nasal cavity.

With a cold

If rhinitis - main symptom malaise, this indicates the development of one of the following diseases:

  1. Sinusitis is when inflammation develops in the sinuses. If the maxillary and maxillary sinuses, then sinusitis develops. The main symptoms are severe headache, pain with pressure on the sinuses, a general deterioration in well-being, fever, fever.
  2. Adenoiditis, in which there is an inflammatory process of the tonsils (adenoids). This ailment occurs predominantly in preschoolers. Accompanied by cough at night, fever, high temperature body. If the snot runs down back wall throat, the child swallows them.

What does the color of the snot say?

Everyone noticed that snot does not always have a uniform consistency and color. Once they are light and fluid, like water. Sometimes they are thick and green. And also yellow, brown, sometimes they even appear with impurities of blood and pus.

If for several days there is nasal congestion and deterioration of health. And after a few days, the discharge has a greenish color, then we can say for sure that the body was attacked by bacteria. To suppress them, the body needs more mucin.

Where does the characteristic color of snot come from? Antibodies that fight infection produce special enzymes that turn the mucus green.

Orange snot or bloody snot speaks of serious violations in organism. Perhaps pneumonia or bleeding develops.

People who are fond of smoking note that their snot is yellow or brown. It's all about nicotine, which enters the body with every puff of a cigarette.

How to stop snot from the nose?

When a runny nose occurs, a person does not immediately go to the doctor, considering this disease is not too serious. But do not underestimate the disease. If, in addition to a runny nose, there is a severe headache, swelling of the face, it is necessary to visit an otolaryngologist.

When you have a cold, you need to be warm, use a large number liquids, use warming.

Sometimes inhalations are the most effective method fight against excessive secretions and nasal congestion.

If a person's body temperature rises above 38 degrees, it is recommended to take an antipyretic drug.

Local remedies:

In the room where the patient stays, the humidity should be at least 60%. This will help make breathing easier.

Blowing your nose will help you deal with snot.

To clear the nasal passages, you must have a handkerchief with you. Oddly enough, this procedure must be performed correctly. It is important to prevent the contents from entering the ear cavity and paranasal sinuses.

Open your mouth while blowing your nose. Alternately close the nostrils by pressing the wing of the nose against the septum. Do not make great efforts and try to blow your nose as much as possible. Excessive overvoltage will not bring anything good. It is forbidden to close both nostrils and blow your nose.

If the snot is not blown out: what to do?

Before you do anything, you need to think carefully. It is important not to self-medicate. Incorrectly chosen treatment technique can lead to negative results.

Medicines can not always help quickly and have a number of contraindications. Their choice must be approached with extreme caution.

Common contraindications:

  1. People who are prone to allergic reactions, it is not recommended to use drugs on plant-based. Essential oils of fir, cedar, pine are powerful allergens. To test the reaction, a small amount of Apply the preparation to the surface of the skin and rub. Wait two hours and see the reaction. If there is no rash and redness, the drug can be used.
  2. People with heart problems are not allowed to use hot baths. They contribute to an increase in the load on the cardiovascular system.
  3. Asthmatics should not use essential oils with strong smell. And also use inhalation, it can provoke an attack of suffocation.

How can snot form in the nose, and why are they not blown out?

When you have difficulty blowing your nose, rinsing will help. The main goal is to quickly clear the nasal passages of mucus, moisturize the mucous membranes and stop the symptoms. inflammatory process.

You can enter the liquid using the palm of your hand, a pear, or an ordinary medical syringe.

The procedure is conveniently carried out over the bathtub or sink. The liquid must be drawn into the palm of your hand, one nostril closed, and the other inhaled. Then exhale through the second nostril.

The following liquids are used to wash the nose:

  • mineral water: Essentuki or Borjomi;
  • saline for the preparation of injections to purchase at a pharmacy;
  • salt solution, which can be easily prepared at home;
  • beet juice, diluted with water in a certain proportion;
  • juice medicinal plants aloe and kalanchoe with water;
  • water with added essential oils;
  • diluted alcohol solution chlorophyllipt;
  • special saline solutions that are sold in pharmacies.

Such treatment is harmless. Components from the liquid do not penetrate the body and do not have side effects. This allows them to be used to treat young children.

Washing can be done when the child already understands how to act. For newborns, to get rid of a runny nose, salt water can be instilled into the nose.

Treatment of a runny nose with a cold

For nasal congestion, heat is most effective. At the first symptoms of a cold, you need to warm up:

  1. Accept hot tea With raspberry jam. Grate ginger. Eat a few tablespoons of honey. Dress warmly to sweat.
  2. Accept hot bath with the addition of essential oils of eucalyptus, fir. Dress warmly or wrap yourself in a blanket and sweat.

These methods are only effective for initial stage diseases. If the nose has been stuffed up for a week, these methods should not be used, they are useless.

Other means for warming up the body:

  1. Compresses. For cooking, you need a piece of gauze, vodka or alcohol and onions or garlic. Grind the vegetable with a grater or meat grinder. Soak gauze in vodka. Inside put the wiped gruel, wrap in polyethylene and a scarf. Attach to the nose.
  2. Warming up with salt or sand. Heat the salt in a frying pan until hot. Pour into a cotton bag or sock. Put on the nose and wait for complete cooling.
  3. Dilute the clay with water and form two cakes. Put in the oven and heat up. Put on both sides of the nose.
  4. Hard boil an egg. Wait for complete cooling.

Warming up should be carried out within an hour. When intense heat and pain to complete the procedure.

For quick relief of symptoms of rhinitis, it is necessary to provide comfortable conditions in room. The air in the room should be cool. The temperature is not higher than 20 degrees. IN winter period turn on the humidifier. If not, use terry towels. They need to be wetted, squeezed out a little and hung around the room. They quickly increase the humidity. Near the heating devices, you can put a basin of water. IN extreme cases antibacterial and hormonal drugs are prescribed.

Bacterial rhinitis is treated with Chlorophilipt, Miramistin, Kollargol, Pinosol.

Vasoconstrictor drops will help to cope with nasal congestion. They do not cure, but help to quickly stop negative symptoms. It is not recommended to use them for a long period of time. They cause addiction of the body and the transition of the common cold to the chronic stage.

With the right and timely treatment You can cope with a runny nose in 4-5 days.

Treatment of the common cold with traditional medicine

Quickly forget what abundant snot, you can, using folk remedies.

Consider the most effective methods.


Finely chop the garlic or pass through a press. The resulting juice drip two drops into each nostril. A slight burning sensation and tingling are an indicator of the norm. This procedure will help to cope with a runny nose and forget about it for a long time.

warm water

A useful procedure is to rinse the nose with ordinary water. It must be drawn into one nostril and spit out of the mouth.


Honey can help with nasal congestion. To carry out the procedure from cotton wool, it is necessary to roll up the turundas. Dip generously in honey and insert into the nostrils. After 20 minutes, the congestion will pass.


Peel the beetroot and cut a cone-shaped hole in it. Drip honey there and leave for a while. The resulting liquid is instilled into the nose three times a day, two drops.


Freshly squeezed juice from the plant helps to cope with a runny nose.


old and good method treatment colds- mustard. The powder must be poured into cotton socks, put on woolen ones on top and go to bed. The procedure is prohibited in the presence of an inflammatory process on the feet.

With acute rhinitis, the following methods will help:

  1. Garlic vapor inhalation.
  2. Instillation of camphor or menthol oil.
  3. Plentiful drink: teas, decoctions, compotes, fruit drinks.
  4. Vapor inhalation ammonia. First one nostril, then the other.
  5. Inhale the vapors of grated horseradish every half an hour.
  6. Chewing calamus root 2 times a day.


After finding out where the snot in the nose comes from, it becomes clear that they are always formed. Most of them are released at the time of the disease.