Mozart quotes. Statements and thoughts about B

To win applause, you either need to write things so simple that any driver can sing them, or so incomprehensible that they are liked only because no normal person understands it.

At the age of six, Mozart composed his first clavier concerto. His father took the notes from him and exclaimed:
- But this concert is so difficult that no one can play it!
“No,” the son objected, “even a child can play him.” For example me.

After listening to Mozart's opera The Rape from the Seraglio, the Austrian Emperor Joseph II remarked: “Too many notes.” “Not a single one too much, Your Majesty,” objected Mozart.

Quotes about Mozart

I don’t know if the angels really only play Bach in the presence of God; but I am sure that in their home circle they play Mozart.
Karl Barth

Many Mozart fans cannot stand it when they are told that their hero was by no means the founder of a dynasty. But it is the last of their kind who reach the heights of art, not the first. Almost anyone can start something; It's hard to finish what you started - to create something that can no longer be surpassed.

Six bars of a Mozart sonata would tell me more about a pianist's artistic talent than twenty concertos like Tchaikovsky's.

The clean air of Parnassus acts on the Titans like oxygen on mice: first it excites them, and then kills them. A good artist is one who breathes this air as an original inhabitant of Parnassus, and creates with the same calmness with which an ordinary person performs his ordinary work. This is exactly what Mozart did.
George Bernard Shaw

Mozart's operas are the highest form of existence of organized matter.
Sylvia Cheese

Mozart's sonatas are unique: they are too easy for children and too difficult for adult artists.
Arthur Schnabel

It is quite sobering to think that Mozart, at my age, had already died a year ago.
Tom Lehrer, American songwriter

There is no woman Mozart for the same reason there is no woman Jack the Ripper.
Camilla Paglia

Statements and thoughts about W. A. ​​Mozart:

“Mozart is the youth of music, it is an eternally young spring, bringing to humanity the joy of spring renewal and spiritual harmony. The bottomless depth of his most humane images, the amazing courage of his innovative discoveries, which moved the art of music forward for decades, perfect harmony and harmony of form - this is the strength of Mozart, this is the greatness of his art, which fades over the centuries. That is why
We love this amazing composer so dearly, so dearly."

Dmitry Shostakovich

“I don’t know whether angels actually play Bach in the presence of God, but I am sure that in their home circle they play Mozart.”

Karl Barth

"Mozart's work is an encyclopedia where a musician can learn everything. Mozart is the standard of a composer who has brilliant taste combined with the deepest human emotions, feelings, diversity of thinking. He combines incredible courage, innovation, while remaining at the same time a deeply lyrical composer" .

Gennady Rozhdestvensky

"In my youth I said - me and Mozart, then I began to say - Mozart and I; Now I only say - Mozart."

Charles Gounod

"For me, Beethoven is the first of all. But Mozart is the only one!"

Gioachino Rossini

“Mozart, like Bach, belongs to a rare breed of conservative revolutionaries or revolutionary conservatives.
Mozart does not belong to any one nation and at the same time to each of them. Mozart is universal. He is neither a national musician nor an international one. He stands above nations."

Alfred Einstein

"...(Mozart) is so easy to understand. You can listen to him absent-mindedly, relaxing, minding your own business, reading the newspaper. It’s not that I don’t like Mozart - it’s worse. I condemn him, I condemn his secularism. However, there are no rules without exceptions. I mean his Hafner Symphony, at least its first movement, dense, compact, beautifully structured. And a few more quintets. And also some of his early works, which have special meaning for me. I like early Mozart; I’m really crazy about him... As you can see, my feelings for Mozart are contradictory.”

Glen Gould

“I loved Mozart, then I lost him for a while, then I found him again, so that I would never lose him again.”

Edvard Grieg

“I wish I could write as simply (like Mozart)!”

Richard Strauss

“In my deep conviction, Mozart is the highest, culminating point to which beauty has reached in the sphere of music. No one made me cry, tremble with delight, from the consciousness of my closeness to something that we call the ideal, like him. In Mozart I love everything, because we love everything in a person whom we really love. Most of all, Don Juan, because thanks to him I learned what music is."

P.I. Chaikovsky

"...I'm drowning in Mozart's sonatas!"

Johannes Brahms

“From Alban Berg I heard the following assessment of the music of Anton Webern, which at first confused me, but which I began to understand very well after I became aware of Berg’s desire for popularity: “Webern writes very beautiful music, which, however, never will achieve popularity. His music is like Mozart's music; Mozart is also unpopular."

F.M. Gershkovich quotes the following words from A. Berg

“Nevertheless, I do not lose hope of hearing worthy music for Faust,” I said.
“This cannot be,” answered Goethe, “the terrible, repulsive, disgusting thing that it must express in places is not in the taste of our time.” Here we would need music like in Don Juan. Mozart, that's who could write music for Faust"

(Eckerman I. Conversations with Goethe. Yerevan, 1988. P. 178, 277).

“You could see the hopes you had for the opera realized to the highest degree in the recent production of Don Giovanni. But this play stands apart; with the death of Mozart, all hope for anything like that disappeared.”

(Goethe-Schiller, Weimar, 1797 T. 1. M., 1988. P. 473)

"IB: Mozart does not have a breakdown, because he is higher than a breakdown. At the same time
while in Beethoven or Chopin everything rests on it.
SV: Of course, in Mozart we can find reflections
supra-individual, which Beethoven, and especially Chopin, do not have. But also
Beethoven and Chopin are such grandiose figures...
IB: Maybe. But, rather, to the side, along the plane, and not
SV: I understand what you mean. But from this point of view
Tsvetaeva’s increased emotional tone should rather scare you away.
IB: Exactly the opposite. Nobody understands this."
“Mozart is the youth of music, it is an eternally young spring, bringing to humanity the joy of spring renewal and spiritual harmony. The bottomless depth of his most humane images, the amazing courage of his innovative discoveries, which moved the art of music forward for decades, perfect harmony and harmony of form - this is the strength of Mozart, this is the greatness of his art, which fades over the centuries. That is why
We love this amazing composer so dearly, so dearly."
Dmitry Shostakovich

“I don’t know whether angels actually play Bach in the presence of God, but I am sure that in their home circle they play Mozart.”
Karl Barth

“Mozart’s work is an encyclopedia where a musician can learn everything. Mozart is the standard of a composer who has brilliant taste combined with the deepest human emotions, feelings, diversity of thinking. He combines incredible courage, innovation, while remaining at the same time a deeply lyrical composer.” .
Gennady Rozhdestvensky

"In my youth I said - me and Mozart, then I began to say - Mozart and I; Now I only say - Mozart."
Charles Gounod

“For me, Beethoven is the first of all. But Mozart is the only one!”
Gioachino Rossini

“Mozart, like Bach, belongs to a rare breed of conservative revolutionaries or revolutionary conservatives.
Mozart does not belong to any one nation and at the same time to each of them. Mozart is universal. He is neither a national musician nor an international one. He stands above nations."
Alfred Einstein

"...(Mozart) is so easy to understand. You can listen to him absent-mindedly, relaxing, minding your own business, reading the newspaper. It’s not that I don’t like Mozart - it’s worse. I condemn him, I condemn his secularism. However, there are no rules without exceptions. I mean his Hafner Symphony, at least its first movement, dense, compact, beautifully structured. And a few more quintets. And also some of his early works, which have special meaning for me. I like early Mozart; I’m really crazy about him... As you can see, my feelings for Mozart are contradictory.”

Glen Gould

“I loved Mozart, then I lost him for a while, then I found him again, so that I would never lose him again.” Edvard Grieg

“I wish I could write as simply (like Mozart)!”
Richard Strauss

“In my deep conviction, Mozart is the highest, culminating point to which beauty has reached in the sphere of music. No one made me cry, tremble with delight, from the consciousness of my closeness to something that we call the ideal, like him. In Mozart I love everything, because we love everything in a person whom we really love. Most of all, Don Juan, because thanks to him I learned what music is."
P.I. Chaikovsky

"...I'm drowning in Mozart's sonatas!"
Johannes Brahms

“From Alban Berg I heard the following assessment of the music of Anton Webern, which at first confused me, but which I began to understand very well after I became aware of Berg’s desire for popularity: “Webern writes very beautiful music, which, however, never will achieve popularity. His music is like Mozart's music; Mozart is also unpopular." F. M. Gershkovich quotes the following words from A. Berg

“Nevertheless, I do not lose hope of hearing worthy music for Faust,” I said.
“This cannot be,” answered Goethe, “the terrible, repulsive, disgusting thing that it must express in places is not in the taste of our time.” Here we would need music like in Don Juan. Mozart, that’s who could write music for Faust” (Eckerman I. Conversations with Goethe. Yerevan, 1988. P. 178, 277).

“The hopes you placed in opera, you could see realized to the highest degree in the recent production of Don Giovanni. But this play stands apart; with the death of Mozart, all hope for anything like that disappeared” (Goethe-Schiller, Weimar, 1797 T. 1. M., 1988. P. 473)

"IB: Mozart does not have a breakdown, because he is higher than a breakdown. At the same time
while in Beethoven or Chopin everything rests on it.
SV: Of course, in Mozart we can find reflections
supra-individual, which Beethoven, and especially Chopin, do not have. But also
Beethoven and Chopin are such grandiose figures...
IB: Maybe. But, rather, to the side, along the plane, and not
SV: I understand what you mean. But from this point of view
Tsvetaeva’s increased emotional tone should rather scare you away.
IB: Exactly the opposite. Nobody understands this."
Joseph Brodsky, Solomon Volkov

"Mozart is often given to children to play because he has few notes, but adults are afraid to play Mozart because each note is too important."
A. Schnabel

What is Mozart's secret? - No answer.

Mozart... This means that the world has meaning and this meaning is tangible for us in its likeness - in music.
G. Hesse

Perhaps there is no name in music before which humanity bowed so favorably, rejoiced and was so touched. Mozart is a symbol of music itself.
Boris Asafiev