Lymphostasis after breast removal. Treatment of lymphostasis of the hand

Lymph in the human body continuously circulates through lymphatic vessels. However, if the lymphatic system malfunctions for one reason or another, the outflow of fluid is disrupted, which is why a person develops lymphedema, or lymphedema. In most cases, stagnation of lymphatic fluid (lymphostasis) is observed on the lower extremities, but there are cases when pathology occurs on the arms.

Causes, stages and symptoms of arm lymphostasis

The main cause of lymph stagnation in the upper extremities is damage (removal) of the axillary lymph nodes and vessels, which often happens during surgical operations, as well as in injuries and burns. Lymphostasis of the hand in a person develops for the following reasons:

  1. Benign and malignant tumors of the lymphatic system.
  2. Penetration of staphylococci into the lymph flow.
  3. Radiation therapy.
  4. Obesity.
  5. Physical inactivity.
  6. Heredity.

In most women, lymphostasis of the arm develops after a mastectomy - surgery to remove the breast for oncology. The thing is that in case of breast cancer, not only the mammary gland is removed, but also nearby lymph nodes, since malignant cells often spread to them.

Signs of lymphostasis depend on the stage of the disease:

  1. Stage I: swelling of the arm is minor and is observed in most cases in the morning. The initial stage of lymphostasis responds well to treatment.
  2. Stage II: The swelling increases in size, causing the arm to literally swell. Due to large swelling, there is pain in the arm and limited joint mobility.
  3. Stage III: the disease is almost untreatable, and swelling causes elephantiasis of the hands - excessive growth of connective tissue. The disease is complicated by trophic ulcers and erysipelas.


Lymphostasis of the hand requires timely diagnosis and treatment. A phlebologist and lymphologist examines a person with symptoms of this disease. If lymph stagnation occurs in a woman after a mastectomy, then she should contact an oncologist, since in this case, lymphostasis of the arm may indicate a recurrence of cancer.

Treatment of lymphostasis includes a set of measures aimed at eliminating lymph stagnation, preventing the progression of the disease and preventing relapses.

Drug therapy for lymphostasis includes taking phlebotonics, vitamins and homeopathic medications. Phlebotonics are prescribed to normalize the outflow of lymph in the patient. Such drugs include:

  1. Detralex.
  2. Venoruton.
  3. Paroven.

Lymphomyazot and Glycoside Saponin are popular homeopathic medicines for the treatment of lymphostasis of the extremities. Enzymes Flogenzym, Wobenzym can also be used for lymph stagnation. Diuretics for lymphatic edema of the extremities are prescribed in extreme cases, because after taking them, fluid accumulates in the soft tissues as soon as the medicine stops working. For inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue, the doctor prescribes antibiotics to the patient.

Trophic ulcers on the hands with lymphostasis are treated with a 1% solution of Iodopirone or a 0.2% solution of Lavasept.

A patient with lymphostasis of the arms should follow a gentle, salt-free diet. According to her rules, any spices and seasonings, salt, fatty foods, semi-finished products and smoked meats should be removed from the diet. Preference is given to products with a diuretic effect. These are cucumbers, peaches, pumpkin, zucchini, watermelon, melon, tomatoes, etc.

Gymnastics and massage are mandatory components of the treatment of any lymphostasis. If a person does simple hand exercises every day, then recovery will not take long. To normalize the outflow of lymph in the hand, the following set of exercises for lymphostasis is recommended:

  1. They take an elastic ball in their hand and begin to squeeze it rhythmically.
  2. A man sits on a chair with a backrest. The healthy limb is placed with the elbow on the back of a chair, and the swollen limb hangs freely. Then you should swing your free hand back and forth and at the same time do a warm-up for your fingers.
  3. The arms are spread to the sides and the palms are lowered. Then the arms are brought together behind the back at chest level.
  4. You should take a small and light item, for example, a cosmetic bag. The right hand is at the right shoulder, and the left hand is placed behind the back. In this position, the cosmetic bag is thrown from one hand to the other. Repeat the exercise five times.
  5. Take a bath towel in your hands and imitate drying your back.
  6. The fingers are joined behind the back, and the arms are straightened at the elbows. The arms are raised and the shoulder blades are compressed at the same time.
  7. You need to make slow circular movements with your shoulder joints.
  8. The sore arm is raised, held for a few seconds, then moved to the side and maintained in this position for two seconds.

Massage for hand lymphostasis is simple: to carry out the procedure, you need to stand against the wall, raise your swollen hand and rest it against the wall. In the direction from the elbow to the shoulder, the hand is gently stroked with the fingers of the free hand. When performing a massage for lymphostasis, the entire surface of the limb should be worked out. Then they do the same movements, only from the fingers to the shoulder. The duration of the massage is five minutes. Perform the procedure daily.

If there is stagnation of lymph, the patient is advised to undergo treatment in a physiotherapy room. For lymphatic swelling of the hands, hardware lymphatic drainage, or pneumocompression, has proven itself to be excellent. This technique normalizes lymph flow in the extremities. The procedure itself does not cause any discomfort. The hand with swelling is placed in the cuff of the device, after which it turns on. The pressure in the cuff moves in the direction of lymph flow in the arm, which moves the lymph fluid.

Lymphostasis can also be successfully treated with hydromassage, manual lymphatic drainage massage, laser and magnetotherapy.

Lymphostasis can also be treated with folk remedies, but only after consulting a doctor. This treatment includes the use of phytocomponents that normalize lymph flow. Recipes:

  1. The onion is baked in the oven, peeled, mashed with a fork and mixed with a tablespoon of birch tar. The mass is applied to pieces of gauze and applied as a compress to the hand. The course of treatment lasts two months.
  2. Take 300 grams of honey and crushed garlic and mix everything. The mass is placed in a jar and placed in a dark place for a week. The medicine is taken one tablespoon three times a day for two months.
  3. One part of plantain leaves, one part of dandelion roots, two parts of immortelle flowers are taken in such a way that a tablespoon of herbal mixture is obtained. It is poured with two glasses of boiling water. The broth is stored for six hours, then it is filtered and drunk 100 milliliters four times a day.
  4. Add one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and two teaspoons of honey to a glass of warm water. Stir everything thoroughly and take the drink twice a day (morning and evening). Important: stomach (intestinal) ulcers and gastritis are contraindications for this treatment of arm lymphostasis.
  5. In equal proportions you need to take sandy immortelle, astragalus, oak and birch bark and two chestnuts. Half a glass of the herbal mixture is poured with a liter of boiling water, left for several hours and taken half a glass four times a day.
  6. One part of white clay in a ratio of 1:2 is diluted in water, and then the excess water is drained. The hand is generously lubricated with any vegetable oil and a layer of clay is applied on top of it. The hand is wrapped in a wide bandage and the compress is kept for four hours. The clay must be damp all the time, so the gauze should be moistened.
  7. One tablespoon of crushed rose hips is poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water, the drink is infused in a thermos overnight, and the next day, a glass of the decoction is taken every 3-4 hours.

After healing of lymphostasis, a person is prescribed to wear compression stockings on his arm.

A person who has suffered lymphostasis of a limb must follow these rules in order to avoid recurrence of the disease:

  1. When working with chemicals, you should first put on gloves on your hands.
  2. To remove armpit hair, it is recommended to use an electric razor or depilatory cream. Any hair removal methods that damage the skin are prohibited.
  3. Manicure should be done with sterile instruments. If you cut your finger, you should immediately apply a bandage with an antiseptic to the wound.
  4. A hand affected by lymphostasis should not perform monotonous work (sewing, embroidery, peeling vegetables).
  5. You can't get carried away with sunbathing.
  6. It is recommended to wear loose clothing so that the arm is not pinched by the fabric.

After experiencing lymphostasis, a person should be regularly monitored by a lymphologist and phlebologist.

Lymphostasis of the arm is a common complication of mastectomy. Removal of the mammary gland may be necessary for breast cancer when other treatments have failed. After surgery, lymph drainage may be impaired, especially if the cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes and they had to be removed. With lymphostasis, the affected limb increases significantly in size. If this disease is not treated in time, the process can spread to neighboring tissues and organs. When the outflow of blood and lymph is disrupted, trophic ulcers and necrosis occur.

Lymphostasis of the hand: causes

If important lymph nodes are removed or injured during surgery, the drainage function is impaired. Fluid begins to accumulate in the upper limb. But not only mastectomy leads to the development of this disease. It develops with erysipelas and pathologies of the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

Regardless of the cause, treatment should be started immediately. The disease usually occurs in several stages. The first stage is observed in the first days after surgery. This type of swelling is considered mild.

Lymphostasis can begin some time after surgery, especially if the woman underwent radiotherapy before surgery. With radiation damage to tissues, scars appear that interfere with the normal movement of lymph.

You should not try to cure late swelling on your own; you should definitely consult a doctor, because it may be the first symptom of cancer recurrence.

If no tumors are found, lymphedema can be treated.

Methods for diagnosing the disease

After a mastectomy, a woman stays in the hospital for a long time, so the doctor can promptly notice the beginning of lymphostasis. If late edema develops, a woman should visit a gynecologist, who will definitely clarify what operations she has undergone and how many of them there were.

In addition, the doctor must be informed what medications you took before and after the operation, and whether there were any complications after treatment. The gynecologist will not treat lymphostasis, but he will prescribe some necessary tests.

In mild cases of the disease, swelling of the arm is usually most noticeable in the evening; after a night's sleep it disappears. Physical activity or prolonged standing in a stationary position can lead to increased swelling. With a mild form of lymphostasis, there are no changes in the connective tissues, so if you start treatment on time, you can completely get rid of this disease. In moderate cases, swelling does not disappear after sleep, connective tissues begin to grow, the skin stretches, pain, chronic fatigue, and cramps appear.

In the last stage of the disease, irreversible changes develop, such as cysts and elephantiasis.

The contours of the limb change and it ceases to function normally. The most serious complication of the last stage of lymphostasis is sepsis, which can be fatal.

Methods for treating lymphostasis of the upper extremities

Conservative treatment includes massage, magnetic therapy, taking special medications and wearing compression garments. If all these methods do not give a positive result, the doctor decides to perform surgery. Surgery is also recommended if the disease develops rapidly. Drug treatment includes taking angioprotectors, enzymes, immunomodulators and phlebotics. If lymphostasis is accompanied by erysipelas, the doctor prescribes antibiotics. Taking all these remedies allows you to normalize the outflow of lymph and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Hand massage and therapeutic exercises have a good effect on lymphostasis. You should start doing special exercises within a week after surgery. After breast removal, movement of the shoulder joint and the arm itself is limited. The patient tries to press her arms to her body and begins to slouch. This causes additional unpleasant symptoms: headaches and cramps that interfere with the outflow of lymphatic fluid. Therapeutic gymnastics allows you to avoid such complications and eliminate them if they do arise.

It is more convenient to perform the exercises while sitting, repeating each of them 4-10 times. Do not expose yourself to unnecessary stress, stop gymnastics if pain or fatigue appears. Straighten your arms and place them palms down on your legs. Turn the brushes over, doing it slowly and without unnecessary effort. Then clench and unclench your fingers several times. Bend your elbows, placing your palms on your shoulders. Smoothly raise and lower your arms. Raise your arm on the operated side and hold it there for a couple of seconds. Inhale and extend your arm in front of you, and as you exhale, lower it. Place your fingers behind your back and try to raise your arms. All exercises should be performed slowly.

It is useful to combine physical therapy with massage. You can do it either with the help of a massage therapist or on your own. With lymphostasis, the hand should be massaged in this way: the affected limb is raised up so that it rests on a vertical surface. The second hand makes stroking movements. In this case, you can use medicinal ointments and creams. The procedure should not cause pain.

Lyphostasis of the hand: treatment with folk remedies

Treatment with traditional methods should be started only after consulting a doctor; it is usually combined with traditional therapy. First of all, unconventional treatment involves taking diuretic decoctions, for example, this tea: black currant leaves are mixed with rose hips in equal parts. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water. Take half a glass 3 times a day before meals.

Compresses made from grated potatoes and dry cottage cheese have a good effect. Before making this remedy, you need to squeeze out the juice from the potato mass; it will not be useful for preparing the medicine. Simultaneously with the use of compresses, take Sophora tincture. It relieves inflammation and strengthens connective tissue. 50 g of Sophora fruits are poured into 0.5 liters. vodka, infused for 21 days and taken 3 times a day before meals.

You can prepare an infusion of meadowsweet, elderberry, willow bark and sweet clover. 2 tbsp. spoons of the collection are poured into 0.5 liters. boiling water, boil for 5-10 minutes. Infuse for 24 hours and take 0.5 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals.

To relieve swelling, make a compress from rye dough and homemade kefir. All components are thoroughly mixed and applied to gauze. Keep the compress on your hand until it dries completely. The procedure can be performed several times a day. At the same time, beet juice is taken orally.

Diet for hand lymphostasis

Excess weight can aggravate the symptoms of the disease, so you need to get rid of it.

Avoid foods high in fat, smoked meats, sausages, and canned food. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grain cereals. You should definitely consume fermented milk products. You don’t have to give up butter, but you should reduce the amount. It is better to stew or boil food. Take vitamin supplements. Do not overeat under any circumstances.

Limit the amount of liquid you drink to 1.5 liters. per day, do not drink water after 18 hours. Replace it with a glass of kefir or juicy fruit. In addition to the diet, the patient must follow a special daily routine. First of all, the body needs a full 8-hour sleep. It is best to go to bed no later than 11 pm. Before going to bed, take a warm shower, massaging the sore areas. Hot baths for lymphostasis are not recommended.

Lymphostasis, a pathology also known as lymphedema or lymphedema, is the process of tissue swelling resulting from lymph outflow disorders .

According to statistics from the World Health Organization, more than 10% of the world's population is susceptible to this disease.

The disease is difficult to diagnose in time, which is a problem on the path to full recovery.

Lymphostasis of the hand is usually divided into two types regarding the cause and nature of the damage.

  1. Primary Lymphostasis of the hand - in most cases, is a pathology of the lymphatic system that is congenital in nature. The disease cannot be detected at birth. As a rule, the first signs of pathological activity appear no earlier than puberty.
  2. Causes of lymphostasis secondary type can be acquired by any person, as they are not congenital. In this case, we mean previous injuries, chronic diseases, tumor formation, obesity, surgery (for example, breast removal due to the formation of malignant tumors). Also, the cause of the disease can be a sedentary lifestyle (meaning bedridden patients).

The manifestation of the disease varies depending on the stage of development of the pathology.

  • mild form of swelling. Most often, swelling appears in the evening and goes away in the morning;
  • swelling is a constant phenomenon, but processes of connective tissue proliferation have not yet been detected.

At the first stage of the disease, medical treatment of arm lymphostasis can still prevent further development of the pathology.

However, not everyone seeks qualified help, since the pathology at the first stage is not accompanied by discomfort and/or painful spasms.

The photo shows how the hand is swollen due to lymphostasis of the hand

  • irreversible swelling forms on the arm;
  • the process of growth of connective tissue occurs, which, in turn, is the cause of hardening of the skin.

It should be noted that most cases of seeking help were recorded directly at the second stage of the disease. At this stage, successful treatment is possible, but it requires a huge amount of effort and strict adherence to the prescribed standards.

Third stage lymphostasis of the hand:

  • the pathology becomes irreversible;
  • the symptoms present in the first and second stages of the disease intensify several times;
  • deformation of the fingers occurs (external manifestation of lymphostasis of the extremities);
  • wounds and cysts form on the skin of the affected limb;
  • due to the active progression of the disease, the hand loses mobility;
  • Cases of eczema and ulcers have been recorded, and erysipelas of the hand with lymphostasis has also been observed.

The symptoms of the disease become more complicated with each stage, gradually becoming irreversible. In the most severe cases, dangerous symptoms can cause death.

It is possible to diagnose the pathology after studying the symptoms and a full examination of the affected area of ​​the body. In the process of diagnosing a disease, it is done biochemical and clinical analysis of blood, urine .

A consultation with a vascular surgeon is also required. Then it is carried out full examination chest cavity, peritoneum, pelvis, venous system, limbs. In order for a specialist to diagnose “Lymphostasis” with complete confidence, the patient undergoes a lymphography procedure of the lymphatic system and blood vessels.

You should consult a specialist immediately upon detection of primary symptoms. You should contact a vascular surgeon, phlebologist or lymphologist.

Only a specialist has the opportunity to determine the exact cause of swelling limbs and, if a disease is detected, prescribe a set of tests and an ultrasound procedure.

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In the process of diagnosing pathology and studying the patency of blood vessels, it is necessary to undergo X-ray lymphography (using a lymphoscintrigraph). This method allows you to monitor changes in the lymphatic system and detect areas of vascular blockage.

The disease may be confused with deep vein thrombosis or postphlebitic syndrome.

In each of the above cases, varicose veins, unilateral lymphedema, mild swelling and hyperpigmentation are present. For a complete diagnosis and detection of lymphostasis, ultrasound examination of the limbs and veins should be performed.

Formation of lymphedema after mastectomy

During the surgical procedure, not only the breast is removed, but also nodes and vessels that previously transported lymph from the mammary glands. After the process of removing the breast and lymph nodes, a malfunction occurs in the body.

Primary cause The formation of lymphostasis in the arm after a mastectomy is a malfunction of the body. Despite the fact that the lymph nodes have been removed, the process of lymph transmission does not stop - the lymph gradually accumulates in the area of ​​the shoulder and arm.

It is not possible to predict the outcome of surgery in advance. There are often cases when the disease does not progress even after complete removal of the mammary glands and lymph nodes.

There are also cases where minimal intervention was the cause of the development of aggressive pathology.

Lymphostasis after surgery can be hard or soft .

The process of treating arm lymphostasis after mastectomy begins only after determining the stage of development of the pathology.

  1. Mild lymphostasis– swelling, which is reversible. Inflammation can occur within a year from the date of surgery and is treatable. If the prescribed treatment is not followed, the pathology becomes irreversible, turning into dense lymphostasis.
  2. Dense lymphostasis has a direct connection with the scars that appear in the area of ​​the lymph nodes after completion of the course of radiation therapy. Most doctors are inclined to believe that the occurrence of dense lymphostasis is the first a sign of the presence of cancer cells in the body. not removed during surgery and can provoke a relapse. When treating lymphostasis after mastectomy, the main problem is restoring the process of lymph outflow. In this case, special collaterals are connected to help normalize blood circulation and lymph outflow.

Treatment procedures and disease prevention

If the cause of the disease is a mastectomy, experts recommend gymnastics for arm lymphostasis.

The solution to the question of how to treat lymphostasis of the hand should begin with the selection of exercises.

As a rule, a set of exercises should be performed within a week after surgery.

This technique is also carried out at each stage of the disease.

Physical activity and exercises aimed at improving lymph outflow. increasing the elasticity of the tissues of the limb and shoulder, helping to eliminate spasms that occur in muscle tissues.

Also recommended visit the pool. It should be noted that the main method of treating arm lymphostasis after mastectomy is directly. and only after that drug treatment is applied.

Also, for preventive and therapeutic purposes, it is necessary to carry out limb massage. The exercises can be performed either by the patient himself or by a person who has at least the slightest skills in therapeutic massage.

Options for hand massage lymphostasis:

  1. Hand with swelling(the arm from which the surgical intervention was performed) rises up and rests on a vertical, flat surface. In this position, a light massage should be carried out with stroking movements. The massage is not done over the entire arm. The fingers of the hand are developed with light movements, then the movements gradually move towards the shoulder. Exactly the same exercises are performed from the elbow to the shoulder. In some cases, it is possible to use medicinal ointments and creams.
  2. Massaging movements should “envelop” the limb from all sides. The sides of the arm are carefully worked out first, then the inner and outer sides. Movements should be light, stroking and very slow. The pressure on the tissue under the skin should be almost unnoticeable.

The duration of such a procedure should not exceed five minutes and be repeated at intervals of two to three hours (taking into account the stage of damage to the limb).

Also mandatory therapy for lymphostasis is physiotherapy. Without these procedures, a complete cure is impossible.

In addition to the basic procedures, attention should also be paid preventive measures:

  1. Strict adherence to hygiene rules, regular care of the sore hand (this means removing nails, calluses, minimizing the possibility of infection getting into the lymph).
  2. Maximum avoidance of injuries, scratches, burns and other damage. You should also avoid overheating, since an increase in body temperature only increases swelling.
  3. Maintaining an active lifestyle (low mobility, prolonged stay in one position contributes to stagnation of lymph in the body).
  4. The use of moisturizing creams and nourishing ointments that can protect the skin of the injured limb from cracks and dryness.
  5. Strict compliance with nutritional rules and a specially designed diet.

The disease in no way interferes with everyday activities and leading a healthy lifestyle.

One of the most terrible complications of pathology is lymphangiosarcoma. The disease is an oncological pathology. The patient begins to notice a slight swelling that has a red-violet hue. Visually, the manifestation of the disease can be confused with a bruise.

The lesions grow rapidly, are very aggressive and, as a rule, have a very poor prognosis. Often the injured limb must be amputated.

Video: Self-massage for the prevention and treatment of hand lymphostasis

Simple and accessible exercises for the prevention of lymphostasis, accessible to everyone. How to get rid of lymphedema forever with a massage in 15 minutes.

Rafter mastectomy lacks complete lymphatic drainage, which is the cause of the main postoperative complications.

Hand after mastectomy: consequences and their elimination

The consequences of radical surgery to remove a malignant breast tumor occur in four main forms:

Lymphostasis of the arm after mastectomy

This is an acute violation of the outflow of lymph, which is accompanied by the accumulation of fluid in the soft tissues. in the first year after mastectomy is completely safe for the patient’s life.

  • Causes of hand lymphatic drainage disorders:

Radical surgery for excision of breast tumors includes removal of lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes. Depending on the location of the tumor, the surgeon removes nodes of the first or third level, which is reflected in the intensity of the clinical symptoms of the disease.

  • Clinical picture of lymphostasis of the hand:

Post-mastectomy patients may experience a feeling of “heaviness and fullness” in the upper extremities. In some cases, patients experience periodic attacks of nagging pain. The key symptom of arm lymphostasis is progressive swelling of the soft tissues. Diagnosis of such a lesion consists of clarifying the patient’s complaints, visual examination and a finger test (pressure on the skin during swelling causes the formation of a persistent depression in the skin).

  • Treatment:

To treat the arm after a mastectomy, a special course of physiotherapy is indicated, which includes a set of gymnastic exercises and massage.

  • Prevention of lymphostasis:

In the postoperative period, oncologists recommend that patients avoid infectious lesions, exposure to ultraviolet radiation and ultra-low temperatures. Patients should also not inject in this area and have their blood pressure measured. In case of primary edema, tight bandaging and holding the arm in an elevated position have a positive effect.

It is important to know:

Arm inflammation after mastectomy

This is the process of erysipelas affecting the skin of the hand. This complication occurs as a result of microcracks in the skin coupled with a decrease in the level of local immunity. Inflammatory phenomena usually accompany swelling of the arm after a mastectomy.

  • Clinical picture:

The area of ​​bacterial infection is bright red with raised edges. Palpation of this area causes sharp painful sensations.

  • Elimination of complications:

Treatment of erysipelas consists of prescribing a course of antibacterial therapy. It is recommended to select a pharmacological agent after determining the sensitivity of the microflora to different types of antibiotics. Along with antimicrobial agents, the patient takes immunostimulants to activate tissue resistance.

  • Prevention of inflammatory complications of the hand after mastectomy:

To prevent such postoperative complications, the patient should observe good personal hygiene, avoid acute injuries to the upper extremities, and engage in moderate physical activity.

It is important to know:

Postoperative pain syndrome

Hand after mastectomy - photo of secondary lymphostasis

Pain in the arm after mastectomy is associated primarily with soft tissue trauma during the surgical incision and post-traumatic swelling of the arm. In addition, when removing a malignant tumor, the oncologist-surgeon performs surgical procedures, which over time can cause attacks of pain.

  • Pain in the armpit area:

Surgery on the mammary gland involves damage to small nerve endings and removal of axillary lymph nodes. The healing of such injuries, in most cases, is accompanied by pain and a feeling of “numbness” in the upper limb. At this stage, it is advisable for the patient to take anti-inflammatory drugs.

  • Pain after radiation therapy:

In 70% of operations for cutting breast tumors, hand after mastectomy exposed to highly active x-ray radiation. Radiation therapy in such cases is necessary to prevent the spread of cancer cells to this area. Ionizing radiation provokes irritation of nerve endings, which stimulates pain. Such pain does not require specific therapy and disappears a few weeks after the last course of radiation exposure.

It is important to know:

Limitation of organ function

Hand after mastectomy, especially in the case of removal of the pectoralis major muscle, is limited in movement for several months. During this period, patients seek the help of a physiotherapist. This specialist develops an individual course of gymnastic exercises to strengthen the muscular system of the upper shoulder girdle. Regular and moderate physical activity can restore motor activity of the upper limbs after surgery.

For the rehabilitation of cancer patients after surgery, it is also recommended to undergo regular preventive examinations and maintain a balanced diet.

It is also important to know that hand after mastectomy very often exposed to inflammation and other complications in those undergoing surgery who are overweight or obese.

In women, cancer often affects the mammary glands. In this case, a mastectomy will help to cope with it. However, quite often surgery causes postoperative complications, one of which is lymphostasis of the arm after removal of the mammary gland.

Lymphostasis is observed in almost 80% of cases, and if a woman strictly follows medical recommendations, then the disease can be quickly dealt with. Often, complete rehabilitation lasts no more than 6 months, after which all symptoms of lymphostasis completely disappear.

Lymphostasis of the upper limb is swelling caused by the accumulation of a lot of fluid in the intercellular space of the arm and cavity next to the capillaries. The capillaries filter the plasma, which leads to its leakage into the interstitial space, where it is converted into a liquid that permeates the tissue. Half of this fluid enters the lymph vessels, and the rest returns to the bloodstream.

The situation that arises due to the fact that large lymph nodes are removed during surgical treatment causes disruption of the drainage function and contributes to further swelling of the arm.

If a woman sometimes experiences swelling in her arm after breast surgery, her doctor will diagnose her with lymphedema. With this disease, there is a deterioration in the outflow of lymph, which often leads to tissue swelling. Of course, this phenomenon causes stiffness in movements and also does not allow you to “use” your hand normally.

With this disease, patients often experience enlargement of the upper limb. If special treatment is not carried out, this process will also affect neighboring tissues, in which microcirculation of lymph and blood flow will also be disrupted. And this threatens the development of fibrosis, trophic ulcers and other dangerous complications.

If erysipelas of the arm develops due to lymphostasis that occurs after a mastectomy, then sepsis can easily develop.

Lymphedema or lymphostasis after mastectomy is divided into 2 types:

  1. Primary (early) - occurs soon after complete removal of the mammary gland, which causes damage to the lymph nodes.
  2. Secondary (late) - appears long after the operation.

Often, secondary lymphedema is diagnosed in patients who, before or after surgery, were exposed to radiation to the body as a treatment for certain diseases.

The pathology is also divided into such forms (depending on the type of edema) as:

  • Soft (reversible) – primary type.
  • Dense.

The development of the disease can be divided into several stages:

Sometimes doctors separately identify the last stage of the disease, in which there is a complete disruption of blood circulation and irreversible deformation of the arm, which causes disability in the woman.

During the mild stage of the disease, the swelling that occurs during the day goes away only at night. The main reasons for the appearance of swelling can be both minor physical activity and prolonged immobility of the hand. With this form of lymphostasis, there are no irreversible tissue changes, and if you seek medical help in time, you can completely cure the disease.

If the disease enters the middle stage, then it is more difficult to cope with the pain in the limb, since cramps are often observed in the injured arm.

The most severe and dangerous to health is the last stage of the disease - in this case, the patient experiences serious changes in the lymphatic system.

In complicated cases, fibrocystic formations develop (elephantiasis is also possible), which leads to a change in the contours of the limb, and it can no longer function normally. The most severe consequence of this stage is sepsis, often leading to death.

Primary lymphostasis usually appears in the first few days after surgery, which caused injury to small vessels and tissues. Indeed, at this time, new lymphatic ducts are formed in the limb, where previously unused lymphatic vessels take part. Gradually, during wound healing, in many patients the swelling on the arm gradually disappears, but in half of the patients it “lingers” for a long time.

Sometimes there are situations when the swelling subsides, but after 2-3 months it may reappear, which occurs due to the inadequate functioning of the new lymph vessels. It is worth knowing that if lymphostasis developed during the first 12 months after surgical treatment, it can be called mild or reversible.

The risk group includes patients who have an increased likelihood of developing lymphostasis. Among them:

  1. Women who have poor blood clotting.
  2. Patients with hormonal imbalances.
  3. Patients with venous insufficiency occurring in an advanced form.

Distinctive symptoms

With primary lymphostasis, the following symptoms are observed:

  • Drawing pain in arm and shoulder.
  • Swelling of the limb.
  • Restricted movements.
  • Numbness of fingers.
  • A burning sensation at the site of swelling, as well as its periodic distension.
  • Increased swelling in the morning (as a result of prolonged immobility) and after heavy load on the limb.
  • Skin inflammation.
  • Phantom chest pain.
  • Back pain is caused by muscle stiffness and unreasonable stooping.

If a year (sometimes earlier) after the woman had surgery, the swelling does not disappear or develops again, the doctor diagnoses her with secondary type lymphostasis of the arm, which is characterized by thickening of the swelling.

Symptoms of the second stage depend on the origin of the disease:

  • If the inflammatory process is caused by an infection, then the patient’s temperature rises, especially in the place where the tumor is localized.
  • Erysipelas and small ulcers appear on the skin.
  • Muscle cramps, sometimes so strong that the woman cannot bear the pain.
  • Change in skin color on the affected limb.
  • Pain and burning sensation.

Causes of the disease

To identify the causes of the primary stage of lymphostasis, it is worth learning more about how the lymphatic and circulatory systems of people work, which complement each other and ensure the normal functioning of the body.

Lymphostasis of the arm, which appears after a mastectomy, develops because during the operation the lymph vessels are damaged or completely removed, as well as the lymph nodes that protect the body from infection. As a result of the current situation, tissue fluid, which is constantly formed, cannot be fully excreted through the lymph nodes, but begins to accumulate in large quantities in the connective tissue. The main sign of this condition is swelling in the hand.

Additional causes of secondary lymphedema may include:

  1. Limb injuries that appeared during the recovery period.
  2. Inactivity, which causes lymph stagnation.
  3. Penetration of infection into tissue cells. Most often, infection occurs during surgery.
  4. Formation of metastases.
  5. Neglect of restorative procedures (massage, gymnastics, use of special underwear, etc.).
  6. Unhealthy Lifestyle.
  7. The appearance of scars on the lymph nodes after radiation treatment.

Sometimes situations arise in which in some patients muscle tissue and lymph nodes are completely removed, and lymphostasis does not develop, while in others even minimal intervention causes a complication that is dangerous to health.

If the patient has a primary form of the disease, then upon discharge the doctor should give her a memo that will describe the rules and procedures of the recovery period, which will help speed up healing and prevent relapse. The doctor should also tell the woman about possible complications and what to do in this case.

Treatment of arm lymphostasis after mastectomy is carried out in two ways:

If repeated lymphostasis in breast cancer was caused by the formation of metastases, then it needs to be treated only surgically, after which the patient requires mandatory chemotherapy. Unfortunately, the secondary form of the disease is quite difficult to treat; moreover, the prognosis of the pathology is not favorable for every woman.

Taking medications

Only a doctor should be involved in drug treatment of hand lymphedema. Specific names of medications are prescribed by the treating specialist, based on possible contraindications and side effects.

In addition to physiotherapeutic measures, the patient must be prescribed:

  • Antibiotics.
  • Angioprotectors.
  • Venotonics (in the absence of metastases in the body).
  • Phlebotics.
  • Painkiller.
  • Diuretics.
  • Immunostimulants.
  • Stimulants.
  • Enzymes.

Therapy for recurrent arm lymphedema begins after determining the causes that caused this disease. If it is erysipelas or an infection, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics. Along with them, treatment will consist of the following:

  • Taking diuretics.
  • Immunostimulants.
  • Taking minerals and vitamin complexes.
  • Taking antihistamines.
  • Homeopathy.
  • Solutions for treating ulcers.

In case of severe pain, analgesics are added to the above drugs, the choice of which is carried out individually for the patient.

The combination of the above drugs with physiotherapeutic procedures and massage will strengthen the walls of the lymphatic vessels and normalize the outflow of their contents.

Successful treatment of the disease is impossible without a set of exercises, because thanks to them it is possible to improve the flow of lymph in the body. You can start exercising 7-10 days after surgery (provided you feel stable).

After a mastectomy, the patient constantly feels tension in the upper part of the limb - this causes stooping as a result of pressing the arm to the body (this is done in order to reduce pain). All this contributes to the appearance of spasms and temporal pain, which lead to a deterioration in the outflow of lymph. Exercise therapy and massage will help to avoid these consequences, and the sooner classes are started, the faster the patient will receive a therapeutic effect.

You can carry out exercise therapy at home, but be sure to straighten your shoulders. Any exercise is repeated 4-10 times, but even in this case, a woman should not overexert herself too much. If a limb begins to hurt, then you need to stop exercising and rest a little.

A set of therapeutic exercises:

  1. Place your hands on your knees, palms down. Then slowly turn your hands over - in this case there is no need to strain your limbs.
  2. We take the same position, only now we need to squeeze our fingers and then unclench them.
  3. You need to lean towards the painful limb, freely lower your hand down and make rocking movements with it back and forth.
  4. You need to raise your hand in front of you and hold it in this position for 10 seconds. If this movement does not cause discomfort, change the position of your arm, extending it upward above you.
  5. You need to clasp your hands behind your back and then straighten them. Then we carefully try to raise our arms from behind, without straining them too much.

Additional ones will be prescribed and shown by the attending specialist. All movements must be performed without overexerting. The main thing is not the speed and strength of execution, but the frequency of exercise.


For lymphedema after a mastectomy, as well as if there are no rashes or ulcers on a swollen limb, massage, which can be performed at home, is a great help. It can be done by the patient herself, or by relatives.

To do this, you need to stretch out your swollen hand and rest it against the wall. With your second hand you need to start massaging it, slowly stroking the skin, moving from the elbow to the shoulder joint, and then from the elbow to the hand. Next, the tissues are lightly pinched and kneaded.

Massage movements should not be made strong, but they should be noticeable, leisurely and smooth. When performing a massage, it is allowed to use creams and ointments, which the doctor will tell you about. The time of one session should not be more than 5 minutes, but massage can be performed 2-4 times a day.

As an additional procedure, you can sign up for sessions of hardware pneumomassage. It is carried out only in salons using special equipment that acts on the limbs with rarefied and compressed air.

Application of traditional methods

The use of traditional therapy in combination with traditional treatment methods gives good results for lymphostasis of the upper limb, which was caused by mastectomy. With the help of such treatment methods, it will be possible to quickly relieve subcutaneous swelling and prevent relapse of the disease.

To prevent fluid retention, diuretic decoctions or infusions will help, some of which are:

  • fennel;
  • parsley:
  • burdock rhizome;
  • nettle;
  • sophora fruit;
  • plantain.

The following recipes will help remove inflammation in a swollen limb, eliminate numbness, and strengthen connective tissue:



Compresses To prepare it, you can use different ingredients: dry low-fat cottage cheese, baked onions, aloe pulp, cabbage leaves, carrots and grated raw potatoes, honey. Products can be applied to the hand together or separately - today one thing, tomorrow another.
Diuretic collection To prepare it, you need to take dried and crushed blackcurrant leaves and the same amount of rose hips. They need to be mixed thoroughly and pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water. Then you need to let the tea brew, after which the drink is taken 4 times a day, half a glass. It is advisable to drink the infusion before meals.
Sophora fruit tincture To prepare it, you need to take 50 g of the fruits of this plant and pour half a liter of good vodka over them. Leave to infuse for 3 weeks, remembering to stir the tincture. After the allotted time, when it is ready, you need to take 30 drops on an empty stomach. You should drink 90 drops of the remedy per day.
Herbal collection A collection of dandelion root, elderberry, willow bark, meadowsweet, and sweet clover has a good healing effect (all herbs are taken in equal quantities). To prepare the decoction, you will need to take 1.5 tablespoons of the dry mixture, pour half a liter of water over them, boil and keep on low heat for 3-5 minutes. After this, the broth should be left to infuse, then you can take half a glass 3 times a day.
Decoction of plantain leaves Approximately 2 tbsp. raw materials are poured into 300 ml. hot water, leave for 8-10 hours and drink during the day in three approaches.
Compress for swelling You need to make a dough based on rye flour and add the same amount of kefir to it. Then you need to mix everything thoroughly, and then soak the gauze in the mixture. After this, the compress must be applied to the sore limb and wait until it dries completely. This product can be applied to the hand 2-3 times a day.
Baths About 6 tbsp. chopped string (can be replaced with chamomile, sage) pour 2 liters of boiling water, heat over low heat for 10-15 minutes and cool to room temperature. Keep your hand in the finished broth for about 20 minutes.
Juice from beetroot You need to drink beet juice, 200 ml per day. In this case, it is better to use freshly prepared homemade juice.

The combination of traditional methods of treatment with physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises, massage and the use of medications will help quickly remove the symptoms of lymphostasis, prevent the disease from becoming severe, as well as the development of a secondary stage of pathology.


Since an increase in body weight due to disruption of the normal functioning of the lymphatic system causes a large number of problems for the body, the patient needs to monitor his diet. This will prevent you from aggravating your already serious health condition.

To successfully recover from arm lymphostasis after removal of a breast tumor, you should follow the following nutritional tips:

  1. Reduce the amount of foods that contain animal fats.
  2. Avoid eating sausage and smoked products.
  3. Eat enough fresh fruits, berries and vegetables.
  4. Be sure to include whole grain cereals and dairy products in your diet.
  5. You should not give up butter, but 2/3 of its total amount should be replaced with vegetable oil.
  6. Do not overuse liquids.
  7. Reduce consumption of salt and salt-containing foods.
  8. It is better to eat food stewed or boiled.
  9. You can’t eat to your fill – it’s better to get up from the table slightly hungry.
  10. Eat 5-6 times a day in small portions.
  11. Before going to bed, you can drink kefir or fermented baked milk.

These simple tips will help you keep your body weight within limits, especially during the period after surgery, which will help normalize the functioning of the lymphatic system and improve the patient’s condition.

How to prevent the disease from occurring

Any surgical operation is a serious stress for human health, and not only physical, but also psychological. In order for rehabilitation after a mastectomy to proceed as quickly as possible, it is necessary:



Maintaining a daily routine You need to go to bed no later than 22 hours, and sleep should last 8 hours. It is also recommended to rest throughout the day.
Carrying out water procedures To get a better night's sleep, you should take a swim - you can also perform a water massage on the sore arm, where the breast was recently removed and at the location of the sutures, since over time the limb can swell and become numb.
Sleep organization If you have lymphostasis, you should not sleep on the affected side, or place the affected limb under your head. It is best to prepare a high pillow for it, since this way the limb will swell less.
Choice of clothes It is worth removing from your wardrobe all things that have elastic bands and cuffs, which will avoid squeezing the blood vessels of the body. Do not forget .
Protection from injury You also need to protect the limb from injury and various injuries. For example, it is forbidden to give injections, allow jolts, or measure blood pressure so as not to compress the blood vessels.

Carry bags and perform physical work only with your healthy hand. For the first time after surgery, you can lift no more than 1 kg. with the hand that is closest to the removed breast.

You should not rush into battle immediately after the operation and do all the homework that has accumulated. Some things can be put aside temporarily, but some things can be helped by the husband and children who take care of the wife and mother. In addition, you should avoid working in which the affected arm is lowered for a long time.


It is worth knowing that after a mastectomy, the body will take quite a long time to restore the normal functioning of the lymphatic system, and how successfully this will happen can be determined by the appearance or absence of edema.

As soon as any changes appear in a limb that may become swollen, painful, or have a noticeable red spot on it, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will conduct the necessary examination, collect tests, and then prescribe the necessary treatment. And the sooner a woman begins therapeutic measures, the higher the chances that lymphostasis will be completely curable and the patient will be able to avoid complications.