Temperature during HIV infection. With HIV, the temperature rises

HIV infection develops in stages. The direct effect of viruses on the immune system leads to damage to various organs and systems, the development of tumor and autoimmune processes. Without highly active antiretroviral therapy, the life expectancy of patients does not exceed 10 years. The use of antiviral drugs can slow down the progression of HIV and the development of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome - AIDS.

Signs and symptoms of HIV in men and women at different stages of the disease have their own color. They are varied and increase in severity. The clinical classification of HIV infection proposed in 1989 by V. I. Pokrovsky, which provides for all manifestations and stages of HIV from the moment of infection to the death of the patient, has become widespread in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries.

Rice. 1. Pokrovsky Valentin Ivanovich, Russian epidemiologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences, president of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, director of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor.

Incubation period of HIV infection

The incubation period of HIV infection is determined by the period from the moment of infection to clinical manifestations and / or the appearance of antibodies in the blood serum. HIV in the "inactive" state (the state of inactive replication) can be from 2 weeks to 3-5 years or more, while the general condition of the patient does not noticeably worsen, but antibodies to HIV antigens already appear in the blood serum. This stage is called the latent phase or the "carrier" period. Immunodeficiency viruses, when they enter the human body, begin to reproduce themselves immediately. But the clinical manifestations of the disease appear only when a weakened immune system ceases to properly protect the patient's body from infections.

It is impossible to say exactly how long HIV infection manifests itself. The duration of the incubation period is influenced by the route and nature of infection, the infectious dose, the age of the patient, his immune status, and many other factors. When transfusing infected blood, the latent period is shorter than when the infection is transmitted sexually.

The period from the moment of infection to the appearance of antibodies to HIV in the blood (seroconversion period, window period) ranges from 2 weeks to 1 year (up to 6 months in weakened people). During this period, the patient still lacks antibodies and, thinking that he is not infected with HIV, continues to infect others.

Examination of contact persons with HIV-infected patients allows diagnosing the disease at the “carrier” stage.

Rice. 2. Oral candidiasis and herpes sores are indicators of a malfunction of the immune system and may be early manifestations of HIV infection.

Signs and symptoms of HIV in men and women in stage IIA (acute febrile)

After the incubation period, the stage of primary manifestations of HIV infection develops. It is due to the direct interaction of the patient's body with the immunodeficiency virus and is divided into:

  • IIA - acute febrile stage of HIV.
  • IIB - asymptomatic stage of HIV.
  • IIB - stage of persistent generalized lymphadenopathy.

The duration of the IIA (acute febrile) stage of HIV in men and women is from 2 to 4 weeks (usually 7 to 10 days). It is associated with a massive release of HIV into the systemic circulation and the spread of viruses throughout the body. Changes in the patient's body during this period are nonspecific and so diverse and multiple that it creates certain difficulties in diagnosing HIV infection by a doctor during this period. Despite this, the acute febrile phase resolves on its own even without specific treatment and passes into the next stage of HIV - asymptomatic. Primary infection in some patients is asymptomatic, in other patients the most severe clinic of the disease quickly unfolds.

Mononucleosis-like syndrome in HIV

In 50 - 90% of cases of HIV patients in the early stages of the disease, men and women develop a mononucleosis-like syndrome (acute retroviral syndrome). This condition develops as a result of the active immune response of the patient to HIV infection.

Mononucleosis-like syndrome occurs with fever, pharyngitis, rash, headaches, muscle and joint pain, diarrhea and lymphadenopathy, the spleen and liver are enlarged. Less commonly, meningitis, encephalopathy, and neuropathy develop.

In some cases, acute retroviral syndrome has manifestations of some opportunistic infections that develop against the background of deep suppression of cellular and humoral immunities. There are cases of oral candidiasis and candidal esophagitis, pneumocystis pneumonia, cytomegalovirus colitis, tuberculosis and cerebral toxoplasmosis.

In men and women with mononucleosis-like syndrome, the progression of HIV infection and the transition to the stage of AIDS is faster, and an unfavorable outcome is noted in the next 2-3 years.

In the blood, there is a decrease in CD4-lymphocytes and platelets, an increase in the level of CD8-lymphocytes and transaminases. There is a high viral load. The process is completed within 1 to 6 weeks even without treatment. In severe cases, patients are hospitalized.

Rice. 3. Feeling tired, malaise, headache, muscle and joint pain, fever, diarrhea, severe night sweats are symptoms of HIV in the early stages.

Intoxication syndrome in HIV

In the acute febrile stage, 96% of patients have an increase in body temperature. The fever reaches 38 0 С and lasts 1-3 weeks and often. Half of all patients develop headache, muscle and joint pain, fatigue, malaise, severe night sweats.

Fever and malaise are the most common symptoms of HIV during the febrile period, and weight loss is the most specific.

Enlarged lymph nodes with HIV

74% of men and women have enlarged lymph nodes. For HIV infection in the febrile stage, a gradual increase in the beginning of the posterior cervical and occipital, then submandibular, supraclavicular, axillary, ulnar and inguinal lymph nodes is especially characteristic. They have a pasty consistency, reach 3 cm in diameter, are mobile, not soldered to the surrounding tissues. After 4 weeks, the lymph nodes take on normal sizes, but in some cases there is a transformation of the process into persistent generalized lymphadenopathy. An increase in lymph nodes in the acute stage occurs against the background of elevated body temperature, weakness, sweating, and fatigue.

Rice. 4. Enlarged lymph nodes are the first signs of HIV infection in men and women.

Rash in HIV

In 70% of cases, a rash appears in men and women in the early acute period of the disease. Erythematous rash (areas of reddening of different sizes) and maculopapular rash (areas of seals) are more often recorded. Features of the rash in HIV infection: the rash is abundant, often purple in color, symmetrical, localized on the trunk, its individual elements can also be located on the neck and face, does not peel off, does not bother the patient, is similar to rashes with measles, rubella, syphilis and. The rash disappears within 2 to 3 weeks.

Sometimes patients have small hemorrhages in the skin or mucous membranes up to 3 cm in diameter (ecchymosis), with minor injuries, hematomas may appear.

In the acute stage of HIV, a vesiculo-papular rash often appears, which is characteristic of a herpes infection and.

Rice. 5. A rash with HIV infection on the trunk is the first sign of the disease.

Rice. 6. Rash with HIV on the trunk and arms.

Neurological disorders in HIV

Neurological disorders in the acute stage of HIV are noted in 12% of cases. Lymphocytic meningitis, encephalopathy and myelopathy develop.

Rice. 7. A severe form of herpetic lesions of the mucous membrane of the lips, mouth and eyes is the first sign of HIV infection.

Gastrointestinal symptoms

In the acute period, every third man and woman develops diarrhea, nausea and vomiting are noted in 27% of cases, abdominal pain often appears, and body weight decreases.

Laboratory diagnosis of HIV in the acute febrile stage

Replication of viruses in the acute stage is most active, however, the number of CD4 + lymphocytes always remains more than 500 per 1 μl, and only with a sharp suppression of the immune system, the indicator drops to the level of development of opportunistic infections.

The CD4/CD8 ratio is less than 1. The higher the viral load, the more contagious the patient is during this period.

Antibodies to HIV and the maximum concentration of viruses in the stage of primary manifestations are found at the end of the acute febrile stage. In 96% of men and women, they appear by the end of the third month from the moment of infection, in the remaining patients - after 6 months. The analysis for the detection of antibodies to HIV in the acute febrile stage is repeated after a few weeks, since it is the timely administration of antiretroviral therapy during this period that is most beneficial for the patient.

Antibodies to HIV p24 proteins are detected, with the help of ELISA and immunoblot, antibodies produced by the patient's body are detected. Viral load (identification of virus RNA) is determined by PCR.

A high level of antibodies and low levels of viral load occur with an asymptomatic course of HIV infection in the acute period and indicate the control of the patient's immune system over the level of the number of viruses in the blood.

In a clinically pronounced period, the viral load is quite high, but with the advent of specific antibodies it falls, and the symptoms of HIV infection weaken and then disappear altogether even without treatment.

Rice. 8. Severe form of oral candidiasis (thrush) in an HIV patient.

The older the patient, the faster the HIV infection progresses to the stage of AIDS.

Signs and symptoms of HIV in men and women in stage IIB (asymptomatic)

At the end of the acute stage of HIV infection, a certain balance is established in the patient's body, when the patient's immune system restrains the reproduction of viruses for many months (usually 1-2 months) and even years (up to 5-10 years). On average, the asymptomatic stage of HIV lasts 6 months. During this period, the patient feels satisfactorily and leads a normal life for him, but at the same time, is a source of HIV (asymptomatic virus carrier). Highly active antiretroviral therapy prolongs this stage for many decades, during which the patient leads a normal life. In addition, the likelihood of infection of others is significantly reduced.

The number of lymphocytes in the blood is within the normal range. The results of ELISA and immunoblotting studies are positive.

Signs and symptoms of HIV in men and women in stage IIB (persistent generalized lymphadenopathy)

Generalized lymphadenopathy is the only sign of HIV infection during this period. Lymph nodes appear in 2 or more, anatomically unrelated places (except for the inguinal regions), at least 1 cm in diameter, persisting for at least 3 months, provided there is no causative disease. The most frequently enlarged posterior cervical, cervical, supraclavicular, axillary and ulnar lymph nodes. Lymph nodes either increase or decrease, but they persist constantly, soft, painless, mobile. Generalized lymphadenopathy should be differentiated from bacterial infections (syphilis and brucellosis), viral infections (infectious mononucleosis and rubella), protozoal infections (toxoplasmosis), tumors (leukemia and lymphoma), and sarcoidosis.

The cause of skin lesions during this period is seborrhea, psoriasis, ichthyosis, eosinophilic folliculitis, common scabies.

The defeat of the oral mucosa in the form of leukoplakia indicates the progression of HIV infection. Skin and mucosal lesions are recorded.

The level of CD4-lymphocytes gradually decreases, but remains more than 500 in 1 μl, the total number of lymphocytes is above 50% of the age norm.

Patients during this period feel satisfactory. Labor and sexual activity in both men and women are preserved. The disease is discovered by chance during a medical examination.

The duration of this stage is from 6 months to 5 years. At the end of it, the development of asthenic syndrome is noted, the liver and spleen increase, body temperature rises. Patients are concerned about frequent SARS, otitis media, pneumonia and bronchitis. Frequent diarrhea leads to weight loss, fungal, viral and bacterial infections develop.

Rice. 9. The photo shows signs of HIV infection in women: recurrent herpes of the skin of the face (photo on the left) and mucous lips in a girl (photo on the right).

Rice. 10. Symptoms of HIV infection - leukoplakia of the tongue. The disease can undergo cancerous degeneration.

Rice. 11. Seborrheic dermatitis (left photo) and eosinophilic folliculitis (right photo) are manifestations of skin lesions in stage 2 HIV infection.

Stage of secondary diseases of HIV infection

Signs and symptoms of HIV infection in men and women in stage IIIA

Stage IIIA of HIV infection is a transitional period from persistent generalized lymphadenopathy to an AIDS-associated complex, which is a clinical manifestation of HIV-induced secondary immunodeficiency.

Rice. 12. The most severe shingles occurs in adults with severe suppression of the immune system, which is observed, including with AIDS.

Signs and symptoms of HIV infection in stage IIIB

This stage of HIV infection is characterized in men and women by pronounced symptoms of impaired cellular immunity, and according to clinical manifestations, there is nothing more than an AIDS-associated complex, when the patient develops infections and tumors that are not found in the AIDS stage.

  • During this period, there is a decrease in the CD4/CD8 ratio and the blast transformation reaction rate, the level of CD4-lymphocytes is recorded in the range from 200 to 500 per 1 μl. In the general analysis of blood, leukopenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia increase, in the blood plasma there is an increase in circulating immune complexes.
  • The clinical picture is characterized by prolonged (more than 1 month) fever, persistent diarrhea, profuse night sweats, pronounced symptoms of intoxication, weight loss of more than 10%. Lymphadenopathy becomes generalized. There are symptoms of damage to internal organs and the peripheral nervous system.
  • Diseases such as viral (hepatitis C, widespread), fungal diseases (oral and vaginal candidiasis), persistent and long-term bacterial infections of the bronchi and lungs, protozoal lesions (without dissemination) of internal organs, in a localized form, are detected. Skin lesions are more common, severe, and longer in duration.

Rice. 13. Bacillary angiomatosis in HIV patients. The causative agent of the disease is a bacterium of the genus Bartonella.

Rice. 14. Signs of HIV in men in the later stages: damage to the rectum and soft tissues (photo on the left), genital warts (photo on the right).

Signs and symptoms of HIV infection in stage IIIB (stage AIDS)

IIIB stage of HIV infection represents a detailed picture of AIDS, characterized by deep suppression of the immune system and the development of opportunistic diseases that occur in severe form, threatening the life of the patient.

Rice. 15. Expanded picture of AIDS. In the photo, patients with neoplasms in the form of Kaposi's sarcoma (photo on the left) and lymphoma (photo on the right).

Rice. 16. Signs of HIV infection in women in the late stages of HIV. Pictured is invasive cervical cancer.

The more severe the symptoms of HIV in the early stages and the longer they appear in the patient, the faster AIDS develops. In some men and women, an erased (low-symptomatic) course of HIV infection is observed, which is a good prognostic sign.

Terminal stage of HIV infection

The transition to the terminal stage of AIDS in men and women occurs when the level of CD4-lymphocytes decreases to 50 and below in 1 µl. During this period, an uncontrolled course of the disease is noted and an unfavorable outcome is expected in the near future. The patient is exhausted, depressed and loses faith in recovery.

The lower the level of CD4-lymphocytes, the more severe the manifestations of infections and the shorter the duration of the terminal stage of HIV infection.

Signs and symptoms of HIV infection in the terminal stage of the disease

  • The patient develops atypical mycobacteriosis, CMV (cytomegalovirus) retinitis, cryptococcal meningitis, widespread aspergillosis, disseminated histoplasmosis, coccidioidomycosis and bartonnellosis, leukoencephalitis progresses.
  • Disease symptoms overlap. The patient's body is rapidly depleted. Due to constant fever, severe symptoms of intoxication and cachexia, the patient is constantly in bed. Diarrhea and loss of appetite leads to weight loss. dementia develops.
  • Viremia increases, CD4-lymphocyte counts reach critically minimal values.

Rice. 17. Terminal stage of the disease. Complete loss of the patient's faith in recovery. In the photo on the left is an AIDS patient with severe somatic pathology, in the photo on the right is a patient with a common form of Kaposi's sarcoma.

HIV prognosis

The duration of HIV infection is on average 10-15 years. The development of the disease is influenced by the level of viral load and the number of CD4-lymphocytes in the blood at the beginning of treatment, the availability of medical care, the patient's adherence to treatment, etc.

Factors of progression of HIV infection:

  • It is believed that with a decrease in the level of CD4-lymphocytes during the first year of the disease to 7%, the risk of the transition of HIV infection to the stage of AIDS increases by 35 times.
  • The rapid progression of the disease is noted with the transfusion of infected blood.
  • Development of drug resistance of antiviral drugs.
  • The transition of HIV infection to the stage of AIDS is reduced in people of mature and old age.
  • The combination of HIV infection with other viral diseases negatively affects the duration of the disease.
  • Bad nutrition.
  • genetic predisposition.

Factors slowing down the transition of HIV infection to the stage of AIDS:

  • Timely initiation of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). In the absence of HAART, the death of the patient occurs within 1 year from the date of diagnosis of AIDS. It is believed that in regions where HAART is available, the life expectancy of HIV-infected people reaches 20 years.
  • No side effects on taking antiretroviral drugs.
  • Adequate treatment of comorbidities.
  • Sufficient food.
  • Rejection of bad habits.

The temperature with HIV can change for any reason due to the lack of immunity in the patient. The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has become the scourge of modern society. It is sometimes referred to, along with AIDS, as the "plague of our century" because it is these diseases that stimulate the high mortality rate among the population.

With proper therapy and taking special medications, it is possible to live with this diagnosis for a long time, however, any disease poses a great danger to health, since the lack of immunity will not allow you to actively fight them.

What is a disease?

The abbreviation HIV refers to the immunodeficiency virus, which affects and destroys the immune system. With the destruction of immunity caused by the development of HIV, various infections actively multiply in the human body (since there is no protection of the body from such microbes). At the same time, diseases that are absolutely harmless to an ordinary healthy person are also considered deadly for an infected person.

A person who is affected by this virus is called HIV-infected (positive or seropositive).

The spread of the virus occurs from one patient to another, which excludes infection of a person from animals, insects, etc. Only another sick person can become the cause.

A person affected by this virus has a significant number of cells of an infectious agent in the excreted body fluids: blood, semen, urine, secretions from the genital organs, breast milk, saliva, etc. For a long period of time, the symptoms of the disease are usually absent. Most sick people do not even realize that they are infected and pose a danger to other people.

The defeat of a person with this disease is usually caused by the ingress of secretions of biological fluids of a sick person into a healthy body. This can be through transfusion or mixing of blood, through sexual contact, and from mother to child during childbirth and breastfeeding.

Possible risks

Relatively recently, it was believed that the main risk comes from people who have homosexual contacts. But, according to domestic statistics, it follows that drug addicts, people involved in prostitution, and people who had contacts with these categories also belong to the risk group. The number of people infected with these diseases from these groups has increased significantly in recent years. Below will be given and described in as much detail as possible the options for infection with this virus:

  1. Contact with the blood and ichor of an infected person. Blood can be transferred from the sick to the healthy in various ways. It is worth noting that blood transfusion infections were common in the past, but since 2000, all donors have been tested for HIV and blood transfusion is relatively safe. Isolated cases are due to the fact that during the first six months after infection, there are no antibodies in the blood and it is impossible to detect them. Therefore, infected blood sometimes ends up in a healthy person. The more common route of entry is when multiple people use syringes (especially when administering drugs intravenously). Most often they are drug addicts. There is a high probability of infection of the child during childbirth - the mother's blood enters the child. Safety rules should also be observed when providing first aid - contact with the patient's blood can be fatal.
  2. Contact with secretions of the genitourinary system. This is the most common form of transmission of the disease. Most often this occurs during unprotected sexual intercourse (including homosexual). Since there are often micro-wounds in the vaginas, on the penis and in the rectum, contact of the wound with seminal fluid or other secretions will lead to infection.
  3. Breastfeeding and other similar contacts. Since the bodies of the virus are almost always in large quantities in breast milk, the infection of the child occurs almost always. Possible infection through contact with urine, feces, vomit of the patient. Due to the fact that the bodies of the virus are contained in saliva, kisses are also dangerous, contact with the patient's sweat poses some danger. At the same time, HIV is not transmitted by shaking hands (if there are no open wounds on the hands), massage procedures, using one bed linen, contact with the patient's dishes and cutlery. The virus is not transmitted by mosquitoes and other blood-sucking insects, the risk is minimal when sneezing or using the same bathroom.

Since the main route of spread of the virus, which guarantees 100% infection of a healthy person, is blood, it is legally prohibited for infected people to be donors of blood, sperm, bone marrow, organs, etc. In case of violations and detection of these facts, punishment can be applied, according to of the Criminal Code on intentional infection, both in relation to the donor and in relation to medical workers (responsible is established by the investigation).

Temperature change

A person who is infected with HIV may not always have AIDS.

The process of contracting HIV infection occurs quite painlessly, while a person practically does not feel the infection in the body. Periodically, a change in the temperature regime of the body can occur, which resembles a regular flu, sometimes a rash (or a similar allergic reaction) appears, lymph nodes increase, and indigestion occurs.

Such processes can occur for quite a long time - from 3 months to 5-10 years. This period is usually called the latent stage (or latent). But it should not be assumed that the body is functioning normally at the same time. It must be remembered that when a virus penetrates, the immune system quickly enough begins to form response antibodies, which should protect the body from the pathogen.

These antibodies can bind the causative agent of the disease and contribute to its destruction. Lymphocytes (white cells in the blood) also begin to fight the virus. However, these measures are not enough to fight HIV: human immunity cannot destroy the virus. The latter eventually completely destroys the immune system. At the same time, the period of the latent stage depends on the state of the immune system - the stronger it is, the longer the latent period will last.

Timely detection of the disease makes it possible to strengthen the fight of the human immune system against the virus, but does not allow it to be destroyed, but only leads to maintaining immunity at a certain level. Laboratory detection of antibodies is possible only 3-6 months after the body is damaged, the virus itself cannot be detected - all diagnostic methods determine only antibodies.

The presence of antibodies sometimes does not mean that a person is infected with a virus.

Typically, newborns have antibodies. The cells may disappear over time, and the child will be healthy, but the mother will be sick. In this case, the mother should not give the baby breast milk.

If a person is affected by this virus, attention should be paid to any increase in temperature. Both the flu and other infectious diseases are deadly for an infected person.

Open wounds heal much longer than in a healthy person. The protective reaction of the body in the form of an increase in temperature indicates that it is in danger. In this case, it is necessary to contact the doctor as soon as possible and inform him about your disease.

Modern man is more than ever susceptible to infectious and viral diseases. This is due to the overpopulation of the planet, unhealthy lifestyle, lack of awareness in the field of medicine. According to statistics, the percentage of people diagnosed with AIDS and infected with HIV is much higher in countries with low levels of development. Today, however, such disorders are also often found in wealthy and highly educated people.

It is extremely important to know the symptoms in order to identify the pathology in time and consult a doctor. Only a doctor will be able to prescribe competent treatment and preserve the health of the patient for many years. One of the key factors is the temperature in HIV. It is she who acts as the first alarming sign of infection with the human immunodeficiency virus. How much temperature can be kept with HIV is a purely individual question. However, it can manifest itself differently for each individual person.

Why does body temperature rise with HIV?

When the virus enters the human body, it does not immediately attack the immune system. First, favorable conditions are created for this. Pathogenic cells must be introduced into healthy structures and tissues, then active reproduction occurs. The virus begins to divide, its number grows. The body's defenses are trying to overcome someone else's biological material. As a rule, for this, mechanisms are activated that make the elevated temperature with HIV stay constant. The patient at the same time may not even guess that he is infected with a dangerous disease.

This reaction of the body is quite understandable and easily explained. Less dangerous viruses always die from exposure to high concentrations of heat. The temperature in HIV infection is not able to cope with the disease and stop the virus from multiplying. The causative agent can succumb to mutations, adapt to various adverse conditions. It never dies in the human body. With each new attempt by the immune system to destroy disease-causing cells, the virus only becomes stronger. This is the main reason why this disorder is not treatable. For many years, doctors and scientists have been trying to invent a vaccine against the immunodeficiency virus, but the genetic information changes every time, adjusting to adverse conditions.

The temperature in AIDS is usually much higher than in a newly introduced infection. Most patients in whom the virus has become a full-fledged disease suffer from the fact that too high rates gradually burn their body. In seriously ill people, the degree of heat generated can be so intense that the heart can not stand it, and the blood begins to clot right in the veins.

Modern society should have information about what temperature can be with HIV. This will make it possible to identify the disease at an early stage and start maintenance therapy in time. The initial stage is characterized by an increase in the indicator to the level of 37.7 degrees. Occasionally, the situation can be worse, but it depends on the individual characteristics of the body of a sick person. Patients who go to the doctor with similar complaints have a temperature of 37. HIV is not always diagnosed, but often. Do not ignore symptoms that are not characteristic of a normal condition. Early diagnosis has saved the lives of many patients with complex and incurable pathologies.

What does fever in HIV indicate?

Against the background of the introduction of the immunodeficiency virus into healthy and full-fledged human cells, various diseases can develop, both simple and quite life-threatening. As a rule, all of them are accompanied by elevated temperature. With HIV, this is considered a logical and natural reaction of the body to an irritant.

The common cold in this case can be fatal. When a person does not know that he is infected with an immunodeficiency, he can ignore the symptoms of a cold for a long time. However, a runny nose and cough are not the worst consequences. It is much worse when a cold passes quickly, and the disease turns into a chronic asymptomatic form, in which it can proceed for quite a long time. At the same time, the nature of the constant body temperature in HIV infection can be completely different. In some patients, heat exchange is restored, however, this indicates that the immune system is suppressed.

A temperature of 38-39 with HIV can be characterized by such a dangerous disease as pneumonia. If a patient with the presence of the immunodeficiency virus becomes a victim of pneumonia, then most often it ends in death. In order for the prognosis to be positive, therapy must be carried out in a complex manner, involving such specialists as an immunologist and an infectious disease specialist. With HIV, temperature is always the most important. If the progression of the disease is not stopped in time, then a person can simply burn out from the intensity of the heat emitted by his own body.

A similar symptom may occur due to the development of inflammatory processes of a different nature. In an HIV-infected person, temperature is accompanied by such pathological conditions as diarrhea, diseases of the oral cavity, inflammation of the female appendages, urethritis, gastritis, stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer, lymphadenitis, etc. Subfebrile temperature with HIV is accompanied by almost all diseases. If a person has a temperature of 37 for several weeks in a row, HIV infection becomes the first in the list of suspected diagnoses. Only special laboratory blood tests can help to find out.

What does low temperature mean in HIV-infected people?

Symptoms of impaired immunity can manifest themselves in completely different ways. In some patients, on the contrary, with HIV, a low temperature is noted. Doctors also gave a clear explanation for this phenomenon. When the body is weakened, it cannot resist infections. Immunity chooses tactics of waiting, does not manifest itself. This can be called a kind of defensive reaction. However, this rarely happens.

No one knows for sure why HIV-infected people experience temperature drops to, for example, 35 degrees. Some doctors also associate this with a lack of nutrients, beriberi. One of the weighty reasons may be low pressure or banal overwork. In any case, such a sign indicates possible problems in the body. In no case should it be ignored, you should immediately seek qualified medical help.

How to lower the temperature indicators to normal?

The manifestations of the disease are always unpleasant, cause discomfort. That is why many patients are wondering if it is possible to bring down the temperature with HIV. Doctors assure that this is not only possible, but necessary. However, this applies only to those cases when a similar symptom occurs from scratch. The body must relax, not waste energy on something that it cannot overcome.

What temperature can not be brought down with AIDS, it is better to ask the doctor. This mainly applies to SARS, influenza. With such diseases, elevated thermometer readings help to destroy many bacteria.

Whether there can be a high body temperature with HIV AIDS if the patient is not sick with anything else is a moot point. As a rule, such a symptom accompanies only the initial stage of the pathology. In addition to this symptom, no signs of the disease may no longer appear. It is extremely important to monitor this indicator of the state of the body.

How to bring down or lower the high temperature with HIV, the doctor should tell. Mostly standard drugs are used. The list of main antipyretics includes drugs such as paracetamol, analgin, aspirin. If they do not help, then the doctor should change the tactics of treatment. Therapy should primarily be aimed at combating the virus.

Common manifestations of HIV infection

In order not to miss the onset of a possible illness, you need to understand the symptoms of the disorder. The answer to the question of whether there is always a fever with HIV is no. At the initial stages of the development of immunodeficiency, the signs can be completely different. The vigilance of protective mechanisms is dulled in some patients almost instantly. Sometimes patients with HIV have a temperature in the acute form of the disease, and during the chronic course this symptom is absent. However, the disease manifests itself differently. The following symptoms may occur:

  • nausea.
  • persistent diarrhea.
  • vomit.
  • migraine.
  • drowsiness.
  • exacerbation of thrush in women.
  • frequent colds.

Without a fever, the symptoms of HIV can attack an infected person's body for several months. Further, an increase in the thermometer readings will inevitably be noted. What temperature is kept when infected with HIV infection depends on the timely treatment of the patient, lifestyle and genetic predisposition.

Everyone needs to know how long HIV manifests itself and what the first symptoms of the disease look like. The virus has spread widely around the world and it is impossible to completely insure against it. You can catch the disease not only during sex, so caution is needed not only in matters of contraception.

According to the photo of people with HIV, it can be distinguished from healthy people only if the infection has already developed strongly. In the early stages, there are almost no external manifestations of HIV infection.

But if you know the earliest symptoms of HIV infection, the disease can still be recognized at an early stage. Today, HIV infection is no longer a sentence, and the sooner a person suspects signs of infection, the sooner he can start treatment, preserving health and life.

About the earliest symptoms of the disease - read our article.

What is HIV?

HIV is the human immunodeficiency virus. It cannot reproduce on its own in the body, so it enters human immune cells and uses their DNA to build copies of itself.

It is known that there are people whose immune cells are resistant to the penetration of the immunodeficiency virus: it cannot pass through their membrane, due to a special mutation of these cells. Among the inhabitants of Europe, cells of about 1% of the population have such a mutation, and another 10-15% of Europeans are partially resistant to the virus.

At the moment, research in the field of HIV treatment is directed, among other things, to the study of these mutations.

In the external environment, the virus is unstable. It is easily destroyed by boiling and disinfecting solutions. Alcohol is the most affordable antiseptic in everyday life. Therefore, many are interested in whether alcohol kills the HIV virus. We answer - yes, but only outside the body: when exposed to 70o alcohol, the virus quickly dies on different surfaces. If a person with HIV infection drinks ethyl alcohol, he, alas, will not be cured of the virus.

Viruses are the smallest microorganisms, so for a long time it was not known what the HIV virus looked like under a microscope. They were able to see the pathogen only in 1983, when the theory of HIV infection was already ready. And in 1988, high-precision electron microscopy made it possible to consistently capture the affected cells and, finally, the virus itself.

Incubation period of HIV infection

The incubation period is the stage in which the disease does not express itself in any way. At this time, the microorganism multiplies intensively, but does not yet have time to cause serious damage to a person.

It is believed that at the latent stage, many infectious diseases are not contagious, but this rule does not apply to HIV. During the incubation period, HIV infection in men and women is transmitted in the same way as in other periods of the disease.

The duration of the incubation period of HIV infection is from three months to six months.

What determines how long the incubation period of HIV lasts?

The latent period of HIV may vary due to the general level of human health and environmental conditions.

The incubation period for HIV can be influenced by the following factors:

  1. level of health at the time of infection;
  2. the presence of chronic diseases;
  3. the standard of living of a person;
  4. alcohol and drug abuse;
  5. malnutrition and lack of vitamins.

During the incubation period, HIV infection in men and women is transmitted in the same way as in other periods of the disease.

Another important factor is age: the incubation period for AIDS in an adult will be longer than in a child.

The fact is that a person’s immunity is formed as they grow older. In childhood, the protective system is still imperfect, and the child is more vulnerable to any infectious diseases. In babies, the immunodeficiency virus destroys what has not yet been formed. Because of this, HIV in them progresses faster than in adults, and if left untreated, more often leads to death. Read about the specifics of the course of HIV in children in a special material.

In the elderly, the latent stage of the disease is also often shorter than in younger people. The immune system wears out with age, as does the body as a whole. Therefore, HIV-infected older people are more susceptible to the negative effects of the virus. They reduce the time of development of immunodeficiency and the period of incubation of HIV.

However, the incubation period for HIV is long. Therefore, to the question “can HIV appear in a week?” the answer is unequivocal - no. The virus is not able to weaken the immune system so quickly.

It is almost impossible to detect HIV infection during the incubation period for both men and women: there are no symptoms at this time.

External signs of HIV

Photo: symptoms of HIV infection Photo: first signs (symptoms) of HIV infection in women Photo: first signs (symptoms) of HIV in men Photo: swollen lymph nodes in the neck with HIV

What do HIV-infected people look like?

If a person is HIV-positive, this does not affect his appearance for a long time.
When the first symptoms of HIV appear, the defeat of the immune system mainly harms the internal organs and systems.

In the photo, HIV-infected people at the initial stage are no different from healthy people. However, there are practically no differences in life either. This is especially dangerous, since a person does not worry about his own health and does not arouse suspicion among others.

As the infection gradually destroys more and more immune cells, the person begins to show the first signs of the disease - herpetic vesicles, skin infections, and weight loss. But often this is attributed to common diseases, not associating them with HIV.

However, one year after HIV infection in women and men, symptoms may be visible to the naked eye.

If a person is not treated, weight loss can turn into severe exhaustion. Another visual sign is Kaposi's sarcoma. These are multiple malignant skin tumors that are typical for HIV-infected people.

Kaposi's sarcoma looks like purple and purple blisters on the skin and mucous membranes.

The first signs of HIV: how to recognize them

To finally understand what the first signs of HIV infection look like in men and women, a summary table will help.

In it, we have collected the main questions that people are interested in regarding HIV.

What affects HIV?

The virus damages the body's immune system

Can HIV be asymptomatic?

Symptoms of HIV are not detected during the incubation of the disease

What are the symptoms of HIV?

These are many symptoms that indicate the destruction of the body's defense system.

How long does it take for the main symptoms of HIV to appear?

The first symptoms of HIV infection in men and women appear 3-6 months after infection.

When do lymph nodes enlarge with HIV?

Lymph nodes enlarge about six months after infection

What lymph nodes are inflamed with HIV?

Most often, the lymph nodes in the groin, armpits and neck become inflamed.

How long does it take for a fever to rise after HIV infection?

An increase in temperature occurs simultaneously with an increase in lymph nodes - in a period of three months to six months

What is the body temperature for HIV infection?

The temperature for HIV is subfebrile - 37.0-38.0 ° C

The temperature at a HIV keeps constantly or not?

Yes, the temperature keeps all the time and does not subside without antipyretics

What signs of HIV disease appear only in women?

Women are characterized by changes and irregularities in the menstrual cycle

HIV can only be detected with special blood tests

The unreasonable appearance of these signs is a reason to check your HIV status.

It is important to remember that if HIV is suspected, not only the person himself, but also his sexual partner should be tested. In the period from the delivery of tests and until the results are received, it is imperative to use a condom during sex.

This is a reliable way to protect yourself and your partner from transmitting the virus.
We must not forget that HIV is transmitted through all types of sex. Therefore, it is important to protect yourself in any form of sexual contact. Read more on this topic in the article on how HIV/AIDS is transmitted.

What affects HIV

Symptoms of the disease in HIV appear due to the fact that the immunodeficiency virus affects the immune system in the human body.

Human blood contains special cells - T4 lymphocytes. They are responsible for the recognition and destruction of harmful microorganisms. It is lymphocytes that are the target for the virus: it integrates into cells and multiplies at the expense of their DNA, and then the cells die.

What are the primary symptoms of the disease? The number of lymphocytes with HIV gradually decreases to critical levels, and a person becomes defenseless against infections and internal disorders in his own body. As a result, even a small amount of microbes can cause a serious illness in such a person.

Because of this, the first signs of HIV infection in infected men and women appear - permanent infectious diseases.

HIV: the first symptoms in men

When develops HIV infection in men, symptoms indicate a low level of immunity.

It usually takes a long time for the disease to manifest, but with low immunity, HIV symptoms in men can appear as early as a month.

What are the first signs of HIV infection in men?

The first sign of HIV infection in men is a persistent increase in temperature to 37.0 - 38.0 ° C.

An increase in temperature is the main way the body fights pathogens when there are too many of them. Due to a decrease in immunity, fever with HIV does not subside.

The first signs of HIV in men:

Photo: fungal diseases with HIV Photo: how the throat hurts with HIV Photo: tongue affected by candidiasis with HIV

Fatigue and a feeling of exhaustion.

HIV symptoms in the early stages occur because the body is suffering from infections. Because of this, the body's strength is depleted, which leads to a feeling of fatigue.

An increase in the size of the lymph nodes in the groin, armpits, on the neck.

Since the virus destroys lymphocytes, the destruction of microorganisms does not occur in the lymph nodes. This leads to constant inflammation and pain.

How long the lymph nodes become inflamed with HIV depends on the general health of the man.

Rashes occur due to pathogens on the skin. Lack of immunity does not allow the body to cope with pathogens. This leads to a variety of infectious dermatitis.

Diarrhea, nausea, weight loss.

HIV in men often manifests itself as an intestinal infection. The reason is bacteria, fungi or viruses that did not cause disease before the decrease in immunity. After infection, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract develops. Because of this, digestion worsens and a person loses weight dramatically for no apparent reason. Weight loss can reach 10% of the total body weight.

Pneumocyst is a microscopic fungus. It is often present in the lungs, but does not harm healthy people. With low immunity, pneumocystis causes pneumonia, so coughing is a common symptom in HIV infection.

Candidiasis is a common sign of HIV infection in men at the initial stage of the disease. A healthy body easily copes with fungi and does not allow the development of mycoses.

With HIV, candidiasis often develops in the mouth, throat, and mucous membranes of the groin. Normally, male thrush is rare.

How HIV manifests itself in women: the first signs

Signs of HIV in women in the early stages are almost indistinguishable from men. These include:

  • Causeless and persistent increase in body temperature;
  • Feeling of weakness, general malaise;
  • Enlarged lymph nodes;
  • Prolonged course of colds;
  • Weight loss with a normal diet;
  • Persistent exacerbation of herpes.

When the incubation period ends and signs of HIV infection appear in a woman, the initial stage can be mistaken for ordinary fatigue and a seasonal decrease in immunity. This is very dangerous - not knowing about the disease, a woman can infect her sexual partner.

If HIV symptoms develop, the first signs in women affect the reproductive system.

Often, when women become infected with HIV, the nature of the discharge changes. Due to low immunity, thrush develops - infection with Candida fungi of the vaginal mucosa. At the same time, whites become plentiful, acquire a characteristic sour smell and a curdled consistency.

Another characteristic symptom is gardnerellosis, or bacterial vaginosis. With it, the discharge becomes yellowish-green and smells unpleasantly of rotten fish.

It is important to remember that any signs of HIV infection in women are a reason not only to get tested, but also to be tested for pregnancy. If a woman is still sick, this will help her start treatment and not infect her unborn child.

The first signs and manifestations of HIV infection, peculiar only to women

In HIV in women, symptoms affect the reproductive system. In particular, menstruation with HIV can occur with violations:

  • irregular menstruation;
  • Algodismenorrhea - severe pain during menstruation;
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding;
  • Amenorrhea is the cessation of menstruation.

These first signs of HIV in women are associated with the effect of the virus on the hormonal system of the body. Weakened immunity and pathogens of various diseases lead to endocrine disruptions.

How to detect HIV in the early stages with the help of tests

Photo: HIV and AIDS patients Photo: HIV patient Photo: AIDS patient

How to identify suspicious signs and understand that you have HIV?
Only blood tests can give an accurate answer about the presence or absence of a virus in the body. Symptoms of HIV, even in the acute stage, can be observed with any other decrease in immunity.

When signs appear that are similar to the first symptoms of HIV, it is necessary to take tests and find out exactly your status.

To identify the human immunodeficiency virus, the following tests are used:

ELISA is an enzyme immunoassay. It is based on the determination of antibodies to HIV. It is important to remember that this assay only becomes effective after the serological window period. This is the stage of the disease at which the immune system has not yet had time to develop antibodies to the virus.

HIV seronegative window lasts an average of 3 to 6 months from infection. At this time, the ELISA test may be negative, even if there are symptoms of the disease. Therefore, for accurate results, ELISA is taken three and six months after infection is suspected.

Since HIV is of type 1 and 2, the analysis looks for AG and AT to HIV-1 and HIV-2. Antigens are antigens, substances foreign to humans on the surface of the virus. AT - antibodies, protein compounds that produce immunity in response to the detection of an antigen.

If the ELISA gave a positive result, it must be rechecked to exclude the possibility of error. For this, immune blotting is used - a more advanced type of enzyme immunoassay. Blotting does not give false positive results.

For early diagnosis, the PCR method is used. The polymerase chain reaction does not depend on the production of antibodies, it detects virus DNA in the blood.

However, this method is not considered accurate enough and PCR results are not taken into account in the official diagnosis of HIV.

What is immune status in HIV?

The immune status in HIV is the number of immune cells in the blood of an infected person. The analysis is aimed at determining the content of T-lymphocytes in the blood.

Their normal quantitative indicators are 500 - 1200 cells / ml. If the number of T-lymphocytes falls below 500, this indicates a decrease in the body's immune status.

The number of T-lymphocytes in HIV less than 200 cells / ml indicates a pronounced stage of the disease. In this case, it is necessary to urgently start taking antiretroviral therapy.

HIV patients should be regularly tested for immune status to prevent the transition of HIV infection into AIDS - the last stage of the disease.

Symptoms of HIV indicate that the virus has already begun to infect the body. At this stage, it is important to immediately seek medical attention and begin treatment.

Of course, it is better to prevent the disease, but HIV is not a death sentence. Modern medicine has a wide range of drugs that reduce the amount of virus in the blood. Due to this, the deficiency of immunity in an infected person remains insignificant. This makes it possible to live a full life, work, start a family and have children. Read more on this topic in the article on living with HIV.

The most important thing is to consult a doctor in time and start treatment.


Symptoms of the acute stage of HIV infection. Personal experience.

So, I had a perfectly classic acute stage, like a textbook. A few weeks after infection, an ARVI-like condition occurred: severe weakness, fever, fever. At the same time, there were no signs of ARVI in the form of a runny nose or cough. During the day, the temperature increased to 38 and above, there was a severe sore throat, fever and general weakness intensified. All this went on for several days, I don’t remember exactly how long. After about 3-4 days, I went to the doctor, because. The temperature did not subside and the condition did not improve. I was given some standard diagnosis such as angina, prescribed antibiotics. A few days later, the temperature began to subside, but there was a very strong physical weakness, I lay almost all day without getting up. About a week after the onset of the fever, a skin reaction began in the form of spreading red spots, the spots were mainly on the hands and face, and looked like sunburn. The doctor said it was most likely an allergic reaction to the antibiotics. Simultaneously with all this, lymphadenopathy began (I don’t remember exactly at what moment), I clearly remember how the submandibular lymph nodes were clearly palpable. They did not hurt, but I felt them by some kind of pulling sensation. The temperature at the same time subsided, but continued to stay at the subfebrile level. This condition, together with severe physical weakness, continued for another couple of weeks, then gradually everything returned to normal. The lymphadenopathy lasted the longest, probably for several months, then it also disappeared.

As is already clear from the above, neither I nor the doctors I consulted at that time had any suspicions about HIV. I remembered this “angina” of mine after I received an HIV diagnosis 2 years after the described symptoms. And these symptoms, which clearly fell under the non-specific symptoms of OS, along with a clear risk of infection at that time, allowed me to know exactly the moment of infection.

I will add that the person from whom I received HIV was at that time in an acute stage, because. he tested negative for HIV a couple of weeks before our sexual relationship with him, but he did not have any obvious symptoms of OS. This confirms the fact that a large number of infections occur precisely during the acute stage, when VL is very high, and the person is not yet aware of his diagnosis.

And finally, my case confirms the relationship between the bright manifestation of the acute stage and the rapid progression of HIV infection. At the time of diagnosis, 2 years after infection, my SI was already around 300, and after 4.5 years it dropped to 190 and I started therapy.


Temperature with HIV - why it rises, what consequences does it lead to

Often, the mere mention of the abbreviation HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) or AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) causes negative emotions, which is understandable. The disease is dangerous not so much because of its incurable nature, but because of the presence of a very long period when a person may simply not suspect that he has this infection.

Of course, infection is often accompanied by deliberate violations of hygiene: sexual intercourse without a condom with an unfamiliar partner, reuse of syringes, etc., but people who care about their health are not completely protected from the risk of infection.

When is HIV tested?

Despite the direct interest of everyone in regularly checking their health, medical institutions provide checks in the following cases:

  • self-treatment when casual sex causes concern. It should be borne in mind that it is not so easy to detect an infection right away, it can have a very long incubation period;
  • admission to the hospital due to pregnancy or in the period of preparation for it. Checking in this case is included in the mandatory set of analyzes;
  • hospitalization, regardless of the reason, in which the patient needs inpatient rather than outpatient treatment, including preparation for surgery.

Tests can also be prescribed in cases where the patient has obvious signs characteristic of HIV infection - regular unreasonable temperature rises and a sharp weight loss. In these cases, a check is carried out in order to prescribe the correct treatment, having previously determined the true cause of the symptoms.

If this is not done in time, then irreparable harm can be done to the body, which may already suffer from a lack of immunity. After all, the treatment of symptoms does not always allow to eliminate the cause itself, and temporary relief will certainly lead to an even greater deterioration in the future.

Signs of HIV

As with many other infectious diseases, HIV has well-defined signs that are easily noticeable without special studies:

  • swollen lymph nodes, several at the same time for no reason in the form of colds, exacerbation of chronic diseases, etc .;
  • heavy sweating at night;
  • prolonged, not amenable to drug treatment, diarrhea;
  • fever, passing against the background of elevated temperature or without it;
  • a sharp weight loss while maintaining a diet and lifestyle;
  • unexplained temperature rises.

It is clear that each of the individual signs may accompany other diseases, but if the tests show the presence of an infection, this means a certain neglect of the disease process and the need for urgent measures to stabilize the patient's health.

Particular attention is paid to such a sign as temperature in HIV. At the moment, the body is working with an increased load, almost all organs suffer, so if it lasts for a long time, this can significantly accelerate the progress of the disease.

Often, an elevated temperature can mean the presence of concomitant diseases of the internal organs, skin, etc.

How to protect yourself from HIV

The rules for protecting against HIV infection are simple enough to follow, and often you can simply avoid questionable contacts. A similar list of tips might look like this.

The best way to protect against HIV is a barrier contraceptive

  1. Use condoms. This is especially true for casual sexual partners, while along the way, thus, the easiest way to avoid accidental pregnancy.
  2. Permanent partner. There is nothing better than a reliable partner who is healthy and able to ensure the absence of illness for loved ones.
  3. In the absence of a permanent partner, the best solution is abstinence. This is the only way to give a 100% guarantee of maintaining health.

Avoid alcohol and drugs. Many cases of infection occur during alcohol or drug intoxication, especially when consuming substances injected into the blood with syringes. If it does not work out otherwise, then only disposable syringes should be used and in no case should they be reused.

Even a mother's HIV infection, if properly handled, allows her child to have a chance to be born healthy. For example, the use of a cesarean section when the child is born, then deprivation of the mother's breast and forced transfer to artificial nutrition, etc.

In general, it is enough to lead a decent lifestyle and this is quite enough to maintain your health for many years. However, if trouble does occur, then the most important thing is to see a doctor in a timely manner and start therapy to maintain the body. Often, HIV patients live for several decades with almost no complications, no matter how insidious the disease is, but only if the infection has not been started.

Your question to the doctor

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Vladimir Petrovich Zelyutkin,

Thank you, Vladimir Petrovich, for your conclusions and for my inner peace. God grant that it be as you write. Has received the analysis on feces (handed over on a dysbacteriosis). Eshkhiriya koli, shirella and salmonella are all negative. Uroposev - without pathogenic reproduction and growth of bacteria (as a non-medic, I understood from the analysis that they check for all antibiotics). It's already good! I'm celebrating some inner victory over my own fear. More such feelings. You are right, afobazole (an analogue of an antidepressant) helps, but not too much. It seems that after returning to Russia on vacation in early May, it's time to visit a good psychologist or psychotherapist. For now. while waiting for the results of the immunological examination. Thank you! I will write more about research later.

oonadmin writes:
Stepan's letter (moved from another topic):

Dear Vladimir Petrovich! I am writing with my problem. First, about their diseases, which were before. Since 2002, due to a strong nervous shock, he fell ill with psoriasis. Everything was from a mild form of the disease to psoriatic arthritis, now large-plaque psoriasis. In 2006, I had hepatitis C, which I cured in the same year in the regional hospital (I take tests for RNA VG “C” 2 times a year, everything is negative). In 2008, due to nervous work, there was an ischemic stroke twice - on 08.05 and 01.08 (the second - when he was on sick leave from the first). After the disease, he fully rehabilitated himself and went to work. But attacks of VS-dystonia are frequent. In 2011, he left to work and live abroad. In the middle September 13 was one unprotected. act, without ejaculation. I found out exactly one month later that my partner (during correspondence on the Internet) was checked in the clinic, she was found to have HIV. From that moment on, life has changed. Either the VVD attacks worsened, or the symptoms went. Weakness, constant sweating under the armpits, the temperature in the evenings was max. 36.8, but the body burned, chills were constant. The throat did not hurt at all, there were no night sweats, there was no rash on the skin of the face, body and hands (similar to a sunburn). The psoriasis worsened. Musculo-articular pains (without swelling), my knees got sick, I began to limp on my left leg (psoriatic plaques formed on the sole, and also on the right sole). Moreover, when pressing on the articulation of the bone-plantar part, then severe pain arose. Now the pain is practical. retreated. On the back, all the plaques have also become aggravated (I am undergoing phototherapy abroad, I have not taken sessions for the last 2.5 months). Frightened, I decided to check myself with a urologist abroad in early November. Passed scraping from the urethra - Staph.epid, Trich.vagin., Cliamydia trach., they are all "-". There are small rashes on the head of the penis, when Akriderm ointment is applied, everything disappears. At the same time, in a panic, without medical permission, I drank 6 caps. strong antibiotic clindamycin. Diarrhea began at that time, attributed to dysbacteriosis.

Then (after visiting the therapist) I drank enterol, creon and Helicid (omeprazole) (because I complained about esoreflux). There were urges to defecate, tenesmus, sat on the "white horse" - nothing worked. Although there was a stake in the stomach, and constant grumbling. Left at the beginning of Dec. for 9 days. to his hometown in the Russian Federation for examination. I went straight to the AIDS center. After 2 months 20 days passed IFA 4 pok. - detected "-". Has passed or has taken place US of an abdominal cavity - have told or said, as at the newborn, without changes (a liver and a spleen are not enlarged). He did an x-ray (swallowed barium) of the intestines. Everything is okay. Handed over many times analyzes (abroad and in the Russian Federation). Antibodies to hep.B neg., to hep C field., because had previously been ill (in the Russian Federation he passed an analysis of HCV RNA - neg.). Biochemistry (including ASAT and ALAT) is normal, KLA is normal. The gynecologist didn't find anything wrong with me. Although there was weakness, sweating, frequent nausea. GEL ordered more tests. Citylab donated blood for IgG antibodies to Helic.pylori (positive, 1:20), Candida (neg), CMV (count) (143.1 pol., but IgM-neg.), EBV (col.) (to poison .antigen 214 pol., to caps.protein IgM-neg.). GAL said to see an immunologist. He himself stopped drinking Helicid prescribed abroad. As if the nausea had ceased, some kind of appetite appeared. I didn’t have time to go through all the specials in the Russian Federation, I went abroad. Took appointment. GEL pepsan R, meteospasmil, pariet. Now the reception is over. But the stomach still does not pass. Rumbling (truth has become smaller). Now somehow there is no diarrhea (although occasionally it happens), there are cases of more or less normal defecation. Previously, the stool was green-black, now it is usual. brown-yellow. Passed anonymously abroad in a special center for sex health an express test for HIV after 93 days and 108 days (from a finger, only for antibodies). Issued twice a document that "HIV is negative." He asked if he could take a PCR test for rechecking, they said no. One thing worries me - I don’t get along with my stomach, I’m losing weight (maybe from nervous exhaustion) for this period (for 3.5 months) by 4 kg, without appetite, underarm sweating fast., The temperature in the evening became 37.0 (sometimes, on the night disappears). Under NG 30 Dec. all day I walked around the city without a hat (it was still a positive air temperature). I caught a cold, there was a strong vision, sneezing (the throat did not hurt at all). The left subcalculated LU increased, which after a few days, after the end of a cold, came to normal sizes.

My wife came from Russia to NG. She, too, in early 2014. went the same symptoms - pain in the gallbladder. and in the stomach, occasionally, then diarrhea, then constipation and weakness, sinusitis broke out (which quickly passed), there was one or two night sweats. Of course, now I try not to engage in sex life until the symptoms disappear. But it was during the previous visit of the wife (just at the end of September-beginning of October, before I learned about a possible infection) two times contact without prejudice, but without ejaculation. Vladimir Petrovich, a big request, write me an answer. Maybe these are symptoms of HIV (although they continue very strongly, from October 17 to this day, which is also uncharacteristic for OS HIV) or reactivation of EBV and CMV? Now I am looking for a center abroad where I can donate blood from a vein (anonymously). Maybe my psoriasis as an autoimmune disease does not allow antibodies to develop?

Topic: temperature in HIV

people, if there is HIV-plus, help to cope with a phobia (I hope that with a phobia) ..

what happened to you and how was the temperature regime? I have been living in the mode of 35.9 - 37.4 for the fourth month.

Julia - o nalichii u vas HIV mozet svidetel'stvovat' tol'ko analiz. All ostal'noe prosto pustaja trata vremeni.

Temperatura mozet derzatsia pri onkologicheskix zabolevanijax.

I lived with a daily temperature up to 37.2 -37.5

more than 6 months, while observing a rash, red throat, and so on.

Your test was negative and you don't have HIV.

Seaman, so what was it in the end?

Whatever it turns out, it's NOT HIV!

What it was, while to say definitively difficult. I found VEB and VGS, but I think that's not all. Still, I tend to associate most of the "OS HIV-like" symptoms with mononucleosis.


WENT CHECKED (5 months have passed since the contact) and received the coveted "-"

and the most interesting thing is that the temperature is now normal, and night sweats + insomnia have passed.

Maybe you have the same.

Petr-1, gave up, but so far she gave up, she became a spidophobe))) I just don’t count days, dates, dates on a calculator. incubation, acute period, etc.

Seaman; I too am inclined now to these diagnoses. what do the doctors tell you? Today they will also tell me the level of bilirubin and the rheumatic test. VEB did not give up. found herpes 1/2 and cytomegalovirus in a latent stage. a bunch of antibodies - like for a long time, and chronically.

the most disgusting thing is that the dear one also started having similar problems. still coughing for the third day.

in fact, while the month of January is still in the yard, and every second coughs. Surrender to VEB. It's too late for you to get AIDS-phobia. You already got it all figured out. You don't have HIV.

I am my own doctor. I won’t say that it’s very good, but I can’t communicate with doctors. At least it is not noticeable that they were interested in at least pretending that they are interested in finding some reason. I have never gone to the doctor before. During this period, I had to run around, but to no avail, or rather, I was only convinced once again of the thought that there was nothing to go to them and waste time. Maybe doctors just came across. Don't know. In general, I had to figure it out myself)). Only now it has begun to break down, but we still need to master the related specialties of "hepatologist" and "dermatologist".))) There is no time, and I'm already tired of it.

Most often, HIV infection is diagnosed only at the stage of secondary manifestations, when the symptoms of trouble become apparent. Signs at the stage of primary manifestations are often expressed erased, quickly disappear. Infected people do not attach importance to them. On the other hand, sometimes it is not possible to identify the cause of the initial symptoms.

The human immunodeficiency virus is a retrovirus that causes HIV infection. Depending on the clinical signs of HIV infection, the following stages are distinguished:

  • incubation period.
  • Primary manifestations:
    acute infection;
    asymptomatic infection;
    generalized lymphadenopathy.
  • secondary manifestations.
    damage to the skin and mucous membranes;
    persistent damage to internal organs;
    generalized diseases.
  • Terminal stage.

The primary signs of HIV infection are the same in men and women. It is only with the appearance of secondary symptoms that a diagnosis of HIV infection is suspected. At the stage of secondary manifestations, the features of the course of the disease in people of different sexes are formed.

How long does it take for HIV to show up?

The very first symptoms of HIV infection, often unnoticed, appear between 4 months and 5 years after infection.
The first signs of secondary manifestations of HIV infection can occur in the range from 5 months to many years after infection.

Incubation period

For some time after infection, the disease does not manifest itself in any way. This period is called the incubation period and lasts from 4 months to 5 years or more. At this time, the patient does not have any abnormalities in the analyzes, including serological, hematological and immunological. A person is outwardly perfectly healthy, but he poses a danger as a source of infection for other people.

Some time after infection, the acute stage of the disease begins. At this stage, it is already possible to suspect HIV infection by certain clinical signs.

Acute infection

At the stage of acute HIV infection, the patient's body temperature rises to febrile values, the tonsils and cervical lymph nodes increase. In general, this symptom complex resembles that of infectious mononucleosis.

The most common first manifestation of HIV infection are symptoms resembling. In a person for no apparent reason, the temperature rises to 38 ° C and above, inflammation of the tonsils appears (), lymph nodes (often cervical) become inflamed. The reason for the increase in temperature is often not possible to establish, it does not decrease after taking antipyretics and antibiotics. At the same time, there is a sharp weakness, weakness, mainly at night. The patient is worried about headache, loss of appetite, sleep is disturbed.

When examining a patient, one can determine an increase in the liver and, which is accompanied by complaints of heaviness in the hypochondria, aching pains in the same place. A small maculopapular rash appears on the skin in the form of small pale pink spots, sometimes merging into larger formations. A prolonged bowel disorder appears in the form.

In blood tests, with this variant of the onset of the disease, an increased level of leukocytes, lymphocytes is determined, and atypical mononuclear cells are detected.

This variant of the first symptoms of HIV infection is observed in 30% of patients.

In other cases, acute infection may present with serous or encephalitis. These conditions are characterized by intense headache, often nausea and vomiting, fever.

Sometimes the first symptom of HIV infection is inflammation of the esophagus - esophagitis, accompanied by chest pain, swallowing disorders.
Other nonspecific symptoms of the disease are possible, as well as an oligosymptomatic course. The duration of this stage ranges from several days to 2 months, after which all signs of the disease disappear again. Antibodies to HIV at this stage may also not be detected.

Stage of asymptomatic carriage

At this stage, there are no clinical signs of infection, but antibodies to HIV are already detected in the blood. If the damage to the immune system is insignificant, then this stage can last for many years. Within 5 years after infection, the next stages of HIV infection develop only in 20-30% of those infected. In some patients, the carrier stage, on the contrary, is very short (about a month).

Generalized lymphadenopathy

Generalized lymphadenopathy - an increase in the lymph nodes of two or more groups, not counting the inguinal. It may be the first symptom of HIV if the previous stages were erased.

Most often, the cervical lymph nodes are affected, especially those located on the back of the neck. In addition, the lymph nodes above the collarbone, axillary, in the elbow and popliteal fossae may increase. Inguinal lymph nodes increase less frequently and later than others.

Lymph nodes increase in size from 1 to 5 cm or more, they are mobile, painless, not soldered to the skin. The surface of the skin above them is not changed.
At the same time, there are no other causes of enlarged lymph nodes (infectious diseases, taking medications), so such lymphadenopathy is sometimes mistakenly regarded as difficult to explain.

The stage of enlarged lymph nodes lasts 3 months or more. Gradually, at this stage, body weight begins to decrease.

Secondary manifestations

The occurrence of secondary manifestations may be the first sign of HIV infection, even if many years have passed since infection. The most common conditions are:

  1. Pneumocystis pneumonia.
    A person's body temperature rises, a cough appears, initially dry, and then with sputum. Occurs and then at rest. The general condition worsens. Such pneumonia is difficult to treat with traditional antibiotics.
  2. Kaposi's sarcoma.
    This is a tumor that develops from the lymphatic vessels. It is more common in young men. Kaposi's sarcoma is externally manifested by the formation of many small cherry-colored tumors on the head, trunk, limbs, and in the oral cavity.
  3. Generalized infection (candidiasis,).
    Generalized infectious diseases are more common in women. This is mainly due to the fact that HIV-infected women are most often prostitutes or promiscuous. At the same time, they very often become infected with vaginal candidiasis and herpes. The emergence of HIV infection leads to the spread and severe course of these diseases.
  4. The defeat of the nervous system, manifested primarily by a decrease in memory. In the future, a progressive one develops.

Features of the first signs of HIV infection in women

In women, symptoms of HIV include menstrual irregularities and genital diseases.

Women are significantly more likely than men to have secondary manifestations such as herpes, cytomegalovirus infection and vaginal candidiasis, as well as candidal esophagitis.

In addition, at the stage of secondary manifestations, the first signs of the disease may be inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, most often acute. Diseases of the cervix, such as carcinoma or dysplasia, may be observed.

Features of HIV infection in children

In children infected with HIV in utero, there are features in the course of the disease. Children get sick in the first 4-6 months after birth. The main and early symptom of the disease is damage to the central nervous system. The child lags behind in weight, physical and mental development. He cannot sit, his speech develops with a lag. A child infected with HIV is prone to various purulent diseases and intestinal dysfunction.

Which doctor to contact

If you suspect HIV infection, you should contact an infectious disease specialist. The analysis can be submitted anonymously at the Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS, which is available in every region. There, doctors give advice on all issues related to HIV infection and AIDS. In case of secondary diseases, a pulmonologist (for pneumonia), a dermatologist (for Kaposi's sarcoma), a gynecologist (for diseases of the genital organs in women), a hepatologist (for often concomitant viral hepatitis), a neurologist (for brain damage) are included in the treatment. Infected children are observed not only by an infectious disease specialist, but also by a pediatrician.